Another great article, Gavin! You're so right about these "weeds" being there for us if the you-know-what hits the fan as predicted. It's interesting how so many of the drought-resistant "weeds" are so seriously healing - Dandelion, Yarrow, Red Clover, Mullein, just to name a few. I'm guessing Yarrow will be included in your series. :)

My Dandelion story is that I used to go to the movies a lot and of course had to have popcorn (I did make my own, with ghee and sea salt!) But my stomach would always ache afterwards. One day, on a lark, I took a dropper of Dandelion root tincture before eating the popcorn and voila! No stomachache.

I don't drink coffee but I love to drink Chaga and Dandelion root with some milk and maple syrup. Sometimes I jazz it up with cacao.:)

I love weeds! :)

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