Jul 31, 2023Liked by Gavin Mounsey

"moving in ways that were not characteristic of any manmade aircraft (seemingly erratic movements, some right angle turns moving at a high speed, hovering in place, etc) and it was completely silent" I witnessed a similar phenomenon above my house in Suffolk, England one night about 15 years ago. It was triangular and uniformly lit.

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Thank you Gavin for this thorough exploration of an essentiel yet touchy subject that seems to trigger atheists as well as religious folk.

The funny thing is, the vast majority of those who so easily object or doubt these things, have never had any personal encounters of the sort, in this realm or the one beyond the veil.

For reasons unknown, these encounters throughout history, were never for everyone to experience. But as I have gathered from a survey of Internet comments (not a scientific survey of course) there are more and more people commenting on having these type of experiences (visions, encounters etc… )

which is apparently a normal side effects of some sort of energetic change our world, in all it’s layers, is going through.

The veil is thinning, some are saying.

Like we’ve discussed before,

I truly feel, with decades of encounters in the realm of the unexplainable within me,

that inside of us, is where lies the “truth” and real connection with these varied beings, as well as with the Holy Essence of the Creative Intelligence that has so many names for so many different peoples.

I know, from personal experience, that there are indeed different species and surely different level of compassion/ kindness towards us.

Some fit the behaviour and description of many well documented encounters while others are so different then us, that it is difficult for our limited consciousness to find it’s bearings within their strange world.

Words like “tall luminous blue beings” and “unknown geometric shapes, sounds and colours” can only begin to describe the indescribable.

Spirit guides that speak clear messages to you, entities that turn mechanisms below your neck and pull you out your astral body to take you somewhere for a lesson, are but a few i’ve personally experienced.

There is so much mystery in this dimension and the other ones surrounding us, that my main reactions to all these experiences have always been humility and awe.

I think that our main focus, within all of this, should be on our heart center, as thought processes, opinions, and all faculties of the mind are of very limited help.

I trust that if people can learn to do that, they will just know what is real and what is deception…

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Hey Gavin and readers,

Hope your fine. I haven't read this essay you wrote, forgive me. I have no time to do it now but will react to the long post you wrote on Slavsquat's cyber hooka lounge, introducing this conversation.

I will undoubtly read that article and if I have something meaningful or funny, I will intervene.

Solari is unknown in France and could hardly be replicated.

But we have an grassroot organisation called Solaris which is spreading in the country to link the people localy, organise them without hierarchy and help prepare the hard times aheads.

Catherine A. Fitt is a sincere individual and has demonstrated being so years. As I have say before on Riley's blog, I trod with many theories and my belief is in this 'polylogic' method while considering that in any instance the most important is to breath, have a good posture of the body and the least shit in the head and heart.

She may be right but the Huuges evaporated sums of money could also have been used to build the global Intelligence/military apparatus of the empire... The Ufo phenomenon would still exist.

What do we mean by "UFO" , Unidentified Aerian Phenomenon as officialy named in France now, PAN?

We should clarify. To me, there are two phenomenon. The psy-op and the real polymorphic stuff (to say the least).

I have read Dolan's most invaluable books (2 vol) and used to hear him and read him when he got close to the SOTT team (before they broke the relationship). I listened to many of his conference and he had an interesting approach. Time passing I tried to follow him but found it boring and repetitive.

We can't agree with anybody, the red line is bad faith, unawoved lies and links with alphabet agencies. These people are very important anyway, like old Joseph Pharell because they are intellectualy and spiritualy stimulating.

You can ask James Corbett be I would be doubtful he would extrapolates on that very peculiar subject (in it's self a badly identifies one).

Again, the psy-ops? The real thing essentialy questionning the nature of reality?

I am not sure there are cosmic entity visiting earth. I incline to the hyperdimensional reality of the phenomenon and find Philippe Guillemant's model really intersting. That explains the many many odds with the recent itteration of the phenomenon, like the reason why people didn't "see/experience" the same 'spaceship' in the past(I guess you have read Vallée's Passport to Magonia).

Why the phenomenon is related to Mothman, Sasquash, la Dame Blanche, the headless biker villages saw in Boromo ten years ago, etc... etc...

Why it is also related with rituals, potentialy effective.

I have no clue as to 'their' intentions, how could I? There has been so many false roads and traps around that question. Worth investigating and gather snipets of information along the way.

But there might be an hyperdimensional entity trying to invade the earth. While not being in the 3D world and unable to "incarnate" in this limited environment (wrongly called earth) is leading us in more and more high techs leading us to our demise and their colonisation of our very life.

I will read your last article and join the community when finished and digested.

Meanwhile take care my cyber friend.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I watched the film "Cosmic Hoax" last night and I think I have a better understanding of where you're coming from. Dr. Greer is saying that there are two visitations happening: the false flag sightings and the genuine; and that the military complex is gearing up for a cosmic false flag. I'd have to agree that that 's very likely. But my departure from your and Dr. Greer's beliefs are on the method of contact with these ETs. Mysticism is the slippery slope for me; it's ground we shouldn't tread. I don't trust the narrative coming from these contacts, especially if they reduce Jesus Christ to a misunderstood cosmic brother. In the scriptures there is no ambiguity whatsoever on the deity of Jesus Christ for He Himself said "I and the Father are One". It was during the illegal, midnight trial that the chief Pharisee ripped his own robe, crying "Blaspheme!" upon hearing that declaration. It was then and there that they had all they required to sentence Jesus Christ to death, and it was His resurrection from the dead three days later that proved He was who He said He was.

For all the corruption which has made a mockery of the genuine faith, I still hold to that germ of truth together with the countless warnings throughout the scriptures:

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1John 4:1-3

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Gavin, what a mind-boggling astute and thorough exploration of this topic! So well-written, blending the personal, the philosophical, the political, and the metaphysical. And it seemed like you were reading my mind, just as I was thinking 'space saviors' you cautioned against that view. I'm in agreement with you on the 9/11 false flag and, of course, the pandemic, and there has been something fishy indeed about the new gov't announcements that "UFOs are Real!" Something's up.

So I mean for my thoughts to build on yours. The premise of A Course in Miracles, which I mentioned before, is that We, as One Consciousness, are collectively the Son of God dreaming that we're separate figures fighting with each other. I take it a step further, since a cosmology without women or a Son without a Mother makes no sense. I think we're God's Beloved, God's Creativity, with all of Reality in our belly, the Womb of God.

The purpose of the dream is to enable us to forgive ourSelf for something we think we did. This world is the suicide wish of an eternal being. We can't wake up until we make this dream so beautiful for everyone that we never want to leave it. Do UFOs and ETBs have a role in that dream? Obviously, or you wouldn't have experienced them.

However, since we're scripting the dream with our conversation, let me propose an alternative way out. The view you have of human nature, I think, is being limited by the monetary system we of the Euro-diaspora have lived under for 3500 yrs. It's not human nature, as Davids Graeber & Wengrow show in their book, The Dawn of Everything. It's just a silly mistake we once made and haven't corrected.

We're not scripting this alone. The Holy Spirit or Spirit of Wholeness has already conceived the end of the dream and is writing backwards, certain we'll play our parts. It's only a matter of time and time doesn't exist in eternity, only in our hamster wheel of a dream.

Here's a way that what seems to be bad could turn towards the good. The US has just inflicted a winter of misery on Europe by blowing up NS2. We might fall for the nonsense that Putin did it, but they definitely won't come mid-winter. That's not just bad, it's horrible. And I think it will be the last straw for their support of NATO. The US is not just losing its grip on hegemony but may end up isolated.

As someone living in the US, that has far-reaching implications for a consumer society dependent on the petrodollar--now being made irrelevant by the BRICS alliance and all of the SRI trade routes. And yet, I think when the bribes of global dominance are gone, we will also throw off the threats as things we can't afford. I think it will be good, and sooner rather than later.

And I wanted to respond to your kind reply here--I'm now making my coffee more tenderly and gently, as if the espresso machine is a baby Buddha. And I can't wait to read your responses to Veronica when she's here this weekend, so they know the special seeds you're packaging for them. Red Goji berries, do I remember correctly they're in the Red Dragon Chi?

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Did I read that right...you and a couple friends observed a ufo approach and hover just above?! How unfathomably profound and world altering! Surely that's akin to Saul/Paul's road to Damascus experience - one couldn't go a day without thinking of it.

You really opened yourself up with this deeply thoughtful post. It's going to take time to visit some of these links.

Of all the stories I've heard over the years, the one about the Japanese flight is most memorable. It's truly staggering to contemplate let alone personally experience. The wonder and fear!

I believe in God and Jesus Christ, and observing His wonderfully vast creation from things magnificently grand to exquisitely small yet incredibly complex, it wouldn't surprise me that His works even unto life itself go well beyond our earth. I'm also very cautious that these sightings could be Watchers, as in angelic, both good and evil. I seriously wonder if we're about to experience what was prophesied in Revelation. Yet despite my saying all this, I no longer trust mainstream religion. I just don't know anymore about so much, but I do cling to that germ of what I do trust and consider the Truth. The best I can do is walk honestly and humbly and be compassionate and respectful to all life as I encounter it which is really just the Golden Rule.

Deep stuff, Gavin (my understatement of the year!). Thank you for putting it out there.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 17, 2022Liked by Gavin Mounsey
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Removed (Banned)Oct 17, 2022Liked by Gavin Mounsey
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