"moving in ways that were not characteristic of any manmade aircraft (seemingly erratic movements, some right angle turns moving at a high speed, hovering in place, etc) and it was completely silent" I witnessed a similar phenomenon above my house in Suffolk, England one night about 15 years ago. It was triangular and uniformly lit.

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Well my friend, the tough part (especially today) is distinguishing whether it is manmade or not.

Beings from other solar systems (and dimensions) do travel in triangular craft, but humans have created craft of similar dimensions in recent decades. The difference between the two continues to become more and more subtle as the years go by and humans work to replicate more aspects of the technology they have stolen from crashed ET craft.

One thing that does stand out as definitively off world (as opposed to manmade electrogravetic craft) is that the off world craft are (for the most part) seamless. The craft of the off world beings (whether they are ET, from another dimension, or both) also emanate a very specific type of light and one that has attuned their mind's eye is capable of sensing the difference. You feel it, a sort of high frequency tonality to the energy coming from the object and it's occupants, it is distinct. Once you experience it, no human made craft will confuse you.

Thanks for the comment and for sharing your experience.

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Thank you Gavin for this thorough exploration of an essentiel yet touchy subject that seems to trigger atheists as well as religious folk.

The funny thing is, the vast majority of those who so easily object or doubt these things, have never had any personal encounters of the sort, in this realm or the one beyond the veil.

For reasons unknown, these encounters throughout history, were never for everyone to experience. But as I have gathered from a survey of Internet comments (not a scientific survey of course) there are more and more people commenting on having these type of experiences (visions, encounters etc… )

which is apparently a normal side effects of some sort of energetic change our world, in all it’s layers, is going through.

The veil is thinning, some are saying.

Like we’ve discussed before,

I truly feel, with decades of encounters in the realm of the unexplainable within me,

that inside of us, is where lies the “truth” and real connection with these varied beings, as well as with the Holy Essence of the Creative Intelligence that has so many names for so many different peoples.

I know, from personal experience, that there are indeed different species and surely different level of compassion/ kindness towards us.

Some fit the behaviour and description of many well documented encounters while others are so different then us, that it is difficult for our limited consciousness to find it’s bearings within their strange world.

Words like “tall luminous blue beings” and “unknown geometric shapes, sounds and colours” can only begin to describe the indescribable.

Spirit guides that speak clear messages to you, entities that turn mechanisms below your neck and pull you out your astral body to take you somewhere for a lesson, are but a few i’ve personally experienced.

There is so much mystery in this dimension and the other ones surrounding us, that my main reactions to all these experiences have always been humility and awe.

I think that our main focus, within all of this, should be on our heart center, as thought processes, opinions, and all faculties of the mind are of very limited help.

I trust that if people can learn to do that, they will just know what is real and what is deception…

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Hello Al :)

Thank you for your thorough, thoughtful and heart centered comment

Yes indeed, this topic does tend to trigger people on either ends of those dominant conventional/mainstream perspectives. The atheist (living in their constant fear of the misunderstood process of death and identifying themselves as nothing more than a brain and a body) is heavily invested in the ego flattering notion that we are "the pinnacle of evolution" and the "dominant alpha species" etc, so when information comes along that threatens their little chest puffing parade, well they go into full on attack and denial mode. The subscribers to mainstream institutionalized religious beliefs similarly feel threatened when ever information comes along that does not lend itself to the ego flattering story they have been told about how we are the center of all creation, and they tend to engage in even more virulent personal attacks and go into deep states of denial when confronted with this subject matter.

I suppose the fact that many people react so strongly to this subject matter is telling us that this is an area that offers a lot of potential for growth. Though, as you say, some are eager to object and doubt so perhaps they will remain in that state of awareness until they are unavoidably confronted with this aspect of our reality in the open.

Yes that is a very astute and telling observation you made that "the vast majority of those who so easily object or doubt these things, have never had any personal encounters of the sort, in this realm or the one beyond the veil.". That is to be expected when it comes to atheists, but the fact that I have also observed this to be true of religious folk says a lot about the nature of organized religion (and how it really does the opposite of offer people a connection or window into the divine and spirit realms, it closes hearts and minds and outsources their ability to perceive truth and spirit to human middle men that often have ulterior motives).

I agree that the veil is thinning, this is one of the reasons I feel those that dwell in the shadows are working so relentlessly and aggressively to distract people, lower their vibrations and keep them in their heads (rather than in their hearts). They know that the cosmic cycles are absolute, the breaking dawn comes regardless of the commands of an Emporer (or an oligarch) so they scurry around trying to lure people into the shadows with them so they can hold onto the illusion of control as long as possible. I see this thinning veil like a great river of consciousness flowing towards an inevitable destination.. knowing how to sense where the deep center current is, and aligning with it's momentum (so one does not get dragged along the boulders on the shoreline) is something I meditate on each day.

I agree there are some beings that are so different in their form and by the fact that they exist on such a different realm of existence that being able to perceive such beings with our brain or five senses can often be impossible (or very limiting). Some of the beings that come here to assist the children of the Earth are of such a radiant and brilliant octave of light that most cannot remember any interactions they have with these beings because just through being in their presence it is like one is partially lifted into another vibrational realm (something the human brain is not very good at interpreting or recording into it's synaptic networks).

It is funny you mention tall luminous blue beings as I was just remembering an occurrence last night when a being in a hooded robe appeared beside our camp fire one time when I was meditating in a sacred canyon at an encampment we built in that place. He (it felt like a he, though I could not make out any definitively human masculine features) was enveloped in an indigo blue glow.

What a wonderous and compelling description you give of the spirit guides and the entity that interacted with your chakras or energy body in some way.

I agree with your wise suggestion for what our main focus should be. The heart center is the lens through which our spiritual light radiates, illuminating that which is true and that which is not, offering synchronistic guidance and enriching our perception of that which is beautiful and nourishing.

May your path always be illuminated by the light you fan within your heart.. may the beauty your five senses perceive in your time on Earth be increased in magnitude one thousand fold by your choice to see with the heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKK9Uw41E1I

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Hey Gavin and readers,

Hope your fine. I haven't read this essay you wrote, forgive me. I have no time to do it now but will react to the long post you wrote on Slavsquat's cyber hooka lounge, introducing this conversation.

I will undoubtly read that article and if I have something meaningful or funny, I will intervene.

Solari is unknown in France and could hardly be replicated.

But we have an grassroot organisation called Solaris which is spreading in the country to link the people localy, organise them without hierarchy and help prepare the hard times aheads.

Catherine A. Fitt is a sincere individual and has demonstrated being so years. As I have say before on Riley's blog, I trod with many theories and my belief is in this 'polylogic' method while considering that in any instance the most important is to breath, have a good posture of the body and the least shit in the head and heart.

She may be right but the Huuges evaporated sums of money could also have been used to build the global Intelligence/military apparatus of the empire... The Ufo phenomenon would still exist.

What do we mean by "UFO" , Unidentified Aerian Phenomenon as officialy named in France now, PAN?

We should clarify. To me, there are two phenomenon. The psy-op and the real polymorphic stuff (to say the least).

I have read Dolan's most invaluable books (2 vol) and used to hear him and read him when he got close to the SOTT team (before they broke the relationship). I listened to many of his conference and he had an interesting approach. Time passing I tried to follow him but found it boring and repetitive.

We can't agree with anybody, the red line is bad faith, unawoved lies and links with alphabet agencies. These people are very important anyway, like old Joseph Pharell because they are intellectualy and spiritualy stimulating.

You can ask James Corbett be I would be doubtful he would extrapolates on that very peculiar subject (in it's self a badly identifies one).

Again, the psy-ops? The real thing essentialy questionning the nature of reality?

I am not sure there are cosmic entity visiting earth. I incline to the hyperdimensional reality of the phenomenon and find Philippe Guillemant's model really intersting. That explains the many many odds with the recent itteration of the phenomenon, like the reason why people didn't "see/experience" the same 'spaceship' in the past(I guess you have read Vallée's Passport to Magonia).

Why the phenomenon is related to Mothman, Sasquash, la Dame Blanche, the headless biker villages saw in Boromo ten years ago, etc... etc...

Why it is also related with rituals, potentialy effective.

I have no clue as to 'their' intentions, how could I? There has been so many false roads and traps around that question. Worth investigating and gather snipets of information along the way.

But there might be an hyperdimensional entity trying to invade the earth. While not being in the 3D world and unable to "incarnate" in this limited environment (wrongly called earth) is leading us in more and more high techs leading us to our demise and their colonisation of our very life.

I will read your last article and join the community when finished and digested.

Meanwhile take care my cyber friend.

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Hello my friend! How are you?

Do you happen to know which Edward Slavsquat post we began our discussion on about the above subject matter?

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I haven't taken any time to comment on any platform but I might do it again since i have more time and have been taking distance in order to think deeper on what is going on. So we will resume our conversation pretty soon. Meanwhile take good care of you in these crucial times.



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Greetings Bugey libre! Thanks for taking the time to respond to those comments I made on that other thread on Riley's page.

I am well thanks, doing the autumn landscaping thing in the day time (planting trees, trimming shrubs and raking leaves) and preserving garden harvests and seasonal farmer's market abundances at night time :)

How about you my cyber friend?

Solari is relatively unknown in Canada as well, here more people know about James Corbett's work than they do Catherine's.

Solaris sounds great, we have a similar organization here in our area (nameless) but a few dozen of us gather, share seeds, teach each other skills, preserve each other's abundances and exchange relevant knowledge.

I agree with regards to your comments about Catherine Austin Fitts being a sincere individual. I enjoyed the few exchanges we had when I was a subscriber to her website and I found several of the things we talked about to be very educational. Where I do not share her opinion is when she starts implying that 'perhaps the missing trillions are going to a secret space program because the oligarchs know about some otherwordly threat we do not and they intend to fight it off'. She doesn't come right out and say that, but has implied it several times. One subject she covers (which I can attest she is sharing accurate intel on is) entrainment, V2K, HSS (hypersonic sound systems), HBM (holographic brain modulators) and other DEW technologies. She touches on that topic in this interview https://home.solari.com/entrained-subliminal-programming-and-financial-manipulation/

I would suggest that keeping those kinds of technologies in mind when we are talking about stories of "abductions" or "alien threats" etc (in a time when the military intelligence circles would love to manufacture another "big bad boogie man" to justify their perpetual war profiteering and global centralization of geopolitical power games) would be wise.

My research and sources indicate that a large portion of the missing trillions from the DOD account books that Catherine talks about have been poured into facilities, bases and corporate entities that are directly involved in the back engineering programs, R&D for covert ops (including MILABS) and weaponization of both exotic tech recovered from downed craft and advanced tech seized from human inventors under national security orders:

Major bases of operations, apart from widely diversified private sites, include:

– Edwards Air Force Base in California (the Cube)

– Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, particularly S4 (aka area 51), S9 and S12 and adjacent facilities such as Pahute Mesa and Area 19, as well as Groom Lake

– Kirtland Airforce Base ( Sandia National Laboratories or SNL, Defense Nuclear Agency, Phillips labs, Manzano Mountain Weapons Storage Facility and underground complex, Coyote Canyon Test Site (north end of Manzano, White Sands Complex)

– Heystack Butte

– China Lakes

– George airforce base

– Norton airforce base

– Tabletop mountain observatory

– Blackjack control

– Fort Huachuca Arizona (Army Intelligence Headquarters),

– the Redstone Arsenal (in Alabama)

– Dulce underground complex

– Cheyanne Mountain complex

– Pine Gap (underground facility in Australia)

– – Dugway Proving Grounds (outside Provo) a relatively new, expanding underground facility accessible only by air in a remote area of Utah, among others.

Additional facilities and operations centers exist in a number of other countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, and Russia.

Numerous agencies have deep cover, black, USAPS related units involved with these operations, including

– the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

– the National Security Agency (NSA)

– the CIA

– the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

– the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

– Naval Intelligence

– Army Intelligence

– Air Force Intelligence



– the FBI and others.

An even more extensive list of private, civilian and corporate entities have significant involvement. The majority of scientific, technical and advanced technology operations are centered in the civilian industrial and research firms. Significant – and lethal – security is provided by private contract.

Corporate contractors:

– Battelle (you can thank Catherine Austin Fitts for bringing that one to my attention)


– S.A.I.C.

– Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc

– EG&G

– Rockwell International


– Village Supercomputing (phoenix Arizona )

– Wackenhut Corp.

– MITRE Corp.

– Raytheon (including E-Systems)

– Northrop ‘anthill’ (Tejon Ranch)

– McDonnell Douglas corp (Llano Plant)

– Phillips Labs (North Edwards Facility)

– Lockheed Martin Skunkworks including the Denver research Center and the (Helendale Plant) as well as (The Cube)

– Boeing Aerospace (Phantom works division)

– Bechtel corporation (does a lot of the underground base construction for these D.U.M.B.-s)

– Los Alamos National Labratories

– Lawrence Livermore Labs

I would like to reiterate that the tech they are stealing and weaponizing is not exclusively sourced from tech they steal from ET craft, as it is sometimes sequestered from human inventors as well.


“There were 5,135 inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2010, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office told Secrecy News last week. It’s a 1% rise over the year before, and the highest total in more than a decade.

Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders restricting their publication if government agencies believe that disclosure would be “detrimental to the national security.”

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the "hyperdimensional reality of the phenomenon". From what I have seen, the types of beings, craft and cultures visiting here are myriad. Thus, I propose the question, what if they are all of the above (from other dimensions, “quantum” or “spiritual” realms)? and also, sometimes they are physical extraterrestrial intelligent beings that developed on physical worlds (like we did) except their worlds happen to be located in other solar systems?

I appreciate your candor and look forward to hearing from you soon.

take care man

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I watched the film "Cosmic Hoax" last night and I think I have a better understanding of where you're coming from. Dr. Greer is saying that there are two visitations happening: the false flag sightings and the genuine; and that the military complex is gearing up for a cosmic false flag. I'd have to agree that that 's very likely. But my departure from your and Dr. Greer's beliefs are on the method of contact with these ETs. Mysticism is the slippery slope for me; it's ground we shouldn't tread. I don't trust the narrative coming from these contacts, especially if they reduce Jesus Christ to a misunderstood cosmic brother. In the scriptures there is no ambiguity whatsoever on the deity of Jesus Christ for He Himself said "I and the Father are One". It was during the illegal, midnight trial that the chief Pharisee ripped his own robe, crying "Blaspheme!" upon hearing that declaration. It was then and there that they had all they required to sentence Jesus Christ to death, and it was His resurrection from the dead three days later that proved He was who He said He was.

For all the corruption which has made a mockery of the genuine faith, I still hold to that germ of truth together with the countless warnings throughout the scriptures:

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1John 4:1-3

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Hey Pearl,

Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts on Greer, the psyops related to our cosmic neighbors and Jesus.

I would like to make it clear that I do not follow the beliefs that are held by any other individual (Greer or otherwise) but rather my understanding and awareness of this subject matter continues to grow and evolve as I confirm (or disprove) ideas, theories and witness testimony through the gathering of more facts, documents and applying my own first-hand experience and intuition. From what I have heard of Steven Greer's stated beliefs and perspectives, I may share some perspectives on certain subjects with him (but that does not mean that I share all his views and the perspectives. Also, those perspectives that I do share with him did not originate from my being exposed to his material (but rather were the result of years of research, inner exploration and direct personal experiences that brought me to see things as I do now).

No-one is perfect. Greer may allow his ego to get the best of him sometimes and some people have accused him of various improprieties, however, I cannot speak to the validity of those claims and I do not see it as relevant either way in the bigger picture. I say that becuase when one triple verifies his data, it turns out to be legit, thus I do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Looking inward is indeed the key when it comes to connecting with advanced cultures (Greer got that right too) as their technology interfaces with coherent thought. However, Greer’s preferred Vedic style meditations are not the only viable and effective way to look inward and hone one’s 'inner antennae'. In other words, the meditative methodology/ideology is not as important as the clear genuine intent of the person seeking to look within and know their own mind and heart. I do not suggest anyone should blindly follow or idolize Greer (nor any other "ufo" expert or "whistle blower" etc) but rather I suggest we should each ask the hard questions, follow the money, use our intuition and be skeptical (regardless of who is telling us something). I followed the evidence and it led me to confirm what Dr. Greer says in this film linked above to be (unfortunately) accurate. I see the value in looking at all sides of a thing and learning from the ancient past, but personally, this isn’t about “believing” nor speculating but rather it is about acting upon verifiable intel.

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out, which is the exact opposite."

For me, when it comes to observing and understanding facets of this universe we live in, it is not about belief. Rather it is about coming to know something to either be true or not true via investigation, discernment and observing the evidence closely. I do not "believe" that soil organisms are present in my garden working to recycle organic matter from my kitchen and improving the health of my crop plants. I take a soil sample and look at it under a microscope and observe them directly; then I come to know that they are there and see what they are doing. I apply this same approach and perspective to the study of beings from elsewhere in the universe. That is not to say that I do not value faith when it comes to matters of the heart and spirituality but rather it is to say that when it comes to the study of life in this universe (regardless of its origin/nature) "belief" never comes into the equation for me.

I would like to elaborate on what I said above to that there is no space for confusion as to my perspective on this. The method of contact that Greer talks about (which is not the only one that works by the way) is one that involves coherent thought forms being directed intentionally (that are picked up by either advanced technologies present on their craft that are sensitive to said directed coherent thought forms and/or directly perceived by a conscious being from elsewhere in the universe via their own innate ability to detect and interpret said directed coherent thought forms). Greer uses Vedic meditative techniques to hone the mind's ability to be in a coherent state but what I have discovered in my own experience is that the ideological wrappings and specifics of the technique that is used to still the mind, open one's awareness to the more than physical world and allow for expanded states of consciousness is not as important as the degree of genuine intent within the person embarking on such a path inward. In other words, one can go about honing the mind and expanding one's conscious states of awareness through meditative practices that are regimented and have a religious background (such as the Vedic ways of going inward, the ancient Christian modes of prayer/meditation or the Buddhist path of mindfulness) or one can develop their own unique pathway to achieve those same states of conscious awareness. The techniques, religious trimmings and cultural specifics are really not much more than decorations when compared to the importance of the genuine intent within the individual to know God, to know their own mind and to know their soul. God does not discriminate based on what religious practice one has adopted. The format of the prayer or meditation is not important, only the genuine heartfelt intent to better one's self, to develop a relationship with God and to surrender to one's spirit (rather than being driven by the ego). Thus, despite my having reservations about the detriments of some religious institutions and dogmatic ways of seeing I strive not to use labels intended to demean or dismiss other people's chosen ways of engaging with spirituality. Labeling another culture's way of looking to connect with God and know their own soul with a word like "Mysticism" gives the impression that one intends on looking down upon those ways of engaging with spirituality in a derogatory sense. That is not beneficial to our human family as the oligarchs that seek to dominate and oppress the many have already used a great many "divide and conquer" tactics on us. Therefore, I feel it would be beneficial if we did not contribute towards feeding into their tactical games any further.

While I personally do not resonate with religious dogmatic belief systems I respect that each individual must find their own path to remember who they are as a spiritual being, know the divine and engaging with the Creator of all things, and perhaps for some religion is the path that works for them.

I personally prefer a path that one might describe as Spiritual Autodidacticism over following the belief systems that have been laid out by other humans but I also accept that there are many ways to know God and embark on the path to spiritual growth.

For me, Nature is part of Creation, and thus I feel that a forest or a garden resonates more with me as a place connect with the Creator of all things than any manmade structure or institution ever could be. Nevertheless I know that some prefer a cathedral or a monastery and I do not claim that my way to connect with and know the divine is better than theirs.

I have many thoughts about your comments on Jesus but I will have to save that for another day as we have a big meal planned for our thanksgiving dinner and I have an abundance of garden crops to harvest, wash and prepare. I will say that I was in no way implying that I think Jesus of Nazareth was an extraterrestrial biological entity (and I don't think I have heard Greer ever imply or state he thinks that either).

May the seeds you plant with your thoughts, your love, your faith and your gratitude set down roots and become a beautiful garden that nourishes your soul on the path ahead.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Gavin. I appreciate your response and closing blessing which touches me. Honestly, my intention is not to "convert" you or anyone, nor am I looking for anyone to convert me. Each of our convictions are deeply personal and make us who we are, and determine how we view the world around us and interact with others. History, especially church history as I've learned it, is duplicitous, violent, hateful and ugly - so thoroughly contrary to the words and deeds of Jesus Christ. And yet, He doesn't want me to hide my light but to live honestly in His sight as well as love and respect my neighbor, even when we disagree. I leave the rest to Him.

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Pearl, I would be interested in knowing if " I and the Father are one" is the only scripture you base your belief that Jesus is God incarnate or are there more scriptures. If there are would you please show me the scriptures in which Jesus said that?

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Hi Johrey. No, that's not the only verse. There are many, many more scattered in both Old and New Testaments. Some are plainly stated, such as the one I cited and others which are not so obvious but more than enough to condemn Him to death. In fact, going by my faulty memory alone I wrongly placed Jesus' statement equating Himself with God the Father at the illegal secret trial when he actually stated it openly in public, causing many to take up stones to stone him to death (see John 10:30-39). What He did say during the trial, causing the chief priest to rip his own robe I copy/paste below. It would be very time/space consuming for me to list each and every scripture proving that Jesus is the second person of the Godhead, many of them requiring further exposition. Instead I will paste some of the ones which I believe are most plainly stated:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:1-14


One excerpt from the trial:

"But Jesus held his peace, And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. What think ye? They answered and said, He is guilty of death." Matthew 26:63-66


"And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day. But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God." John 5:16-18


"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad. Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM." John 8:56-58


"God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

"Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

"For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?

"And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

"And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.

"But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom." Hebrews 1:1-8

Lastly, the entire book of Revelation is testimony of Jesus Christ as God the Savior and Judge.

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I respect your perspective and as i love God with all my heart and consider myself his child and He my Father, i can say that while i would like to share my perspective and understanding that comes to me from my study of divinity and my knowing of God, i am not here to debate your belief. I thank you in advance for reading my perspective. I believe understanding another's perspective creates a solid connection. So here is my take.

Yes, Jesus was definitely with God in the beginning. That is why Jesus is His only begotten son and why he is depicted as sitting on the right. Jesus is the sole creation; the one creation that God did alone. Jesus was with him for all else. And yes, Jesus is the light... the light to show us the way to live, to show us how to have a relationship with God. He did not come here to usher in a new Religion "Christianity" but rather a new way of living on earth with God in every moment. And just as your children are not you but are one with you and they have you in them and know you, so too was the relationship between God and his only begotten son. But Jesus is not God. I found it interesting in my studies to learn that it was at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, that Jesus was declared begotten of God before time began and "one in being with the Father." In fact, history records that the First Council of Nicaea, (325), the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, meeting in ancient Nicaea (now İznik, Turkey) was called by the emperor Constantine I, an unbaptized catechumen, who presided over the opening session and took part in the discussions.

The council with reluctance on the part of some, incorporated the nonscriptural word (suggested by Constantine I ) homoousios (“of one substance”) into a creed to signify the absolute equality of the Son with the Father.

Further, there are many times in the New Testament that Jesus signifies that he was lesser than God, "You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." John 14:28 and did not know all that his Father knew "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son but the Father only. " Matthew 24:36 and at one point as he was dying he called out to his Father. " Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? " Matthew 27: 46 And it even speaks to how God SENT his only son to earth not to condemn the world but to save it. I don't know about you but i have never heard of anyone sending themselves anywhere. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:16-17

So everyone believes what they choose and the truth of it all will be understood by us all at some point but God loves us no matter what we believe. After all a parent who loves their child will not turn their back on them regardless of what say and more often than not, not even for what they do, so i cannot believe for even a second that God who is from whence we all came, would put conditions on His love.

Thank you so much for reading and i send you much sisterly love and pray that instead of our differences dividing us that our sameness will keep us connected.

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Jesus asked his disciples "Who do men say that I am?" which prompted varying answers. Nothing new under the sun, right? Jesus Christ is either a created being or He's the second Person of the Eternal Godhead. Does it really matter? In my comfortable, postmodern life, I cannot boast of anything. And yet, since Christ's ascension, when people were forced to choose between death by excruciating, humiliating means or "kiss the ring" of authority and live, countless ones chose the former. That's no small thing. For me, this vast difference does not reduce to a simple misunderstanding but an intentional misleading, an Ancient Lie of unfathomable proportions, and which, remarkably, was foretold many times over. And so we come full circle to my initial convictions, suspicions and caution against receiving messages which diminish and undermine Him, even when they come from beautiful Beings of Light.

Likewise, Johrey, despite our differences but as my sister in our frail, human family, you have my respect and I sincerely wish you well.

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Gavin, what a mind-boggling astute and thorough exploration of this topic! So well-written, blending the personal, the philosophical, the political, and the metaphysical. And it seemed like you were reading my mind, just as I was thinking 'space saviors' you cautioned against that view. I'm in agreement with you on the 9/11 false flag and, of course, the pandemic, and there has been something fishy indeed about the new gov't announcements that "UFOs are Real!" Something's up.

So I mean for my thoughts to build on yours. The premise of A Course in Miracles, which I mentioned before, is that We, as One Consciousness, are collectively the Son of God dreaming that we're separate figures fighting with each other. I take it a step further, since a cosmology without women or a Son without a Mother makes no sense. I think we're God's Beloved, God's Creativity, with all of Reality in our belly, the Womb of God.

The purpose of the dream is to enable us to forgive ourSelf for something we think we did. This world is the suicide wish of an eternal being. We can't wake up until we make this dream so beautiful for everyone that we never want to leave it. Do UFOs and ETBs have a role in that dream? Obviously, or you wouldn't have experienced them.

However, since we're scripting the dream with our conversation, let me propose an alternative way out. The view you have of human nature, I think, is being limited by the monetary system we of the Euro-diaspora have lived under for 3500 yrs. It's not human nature, as Davids Graeber & Wengrow show in their book, The Dawn of Everything. It's just a silly mistake we once made and haven't corrected.

We're not scripting this alone. The Holy Spirit or Spirit of Wholeness has already conceived the end of the dream and is writing backwards, certain we'll play our parts. It's only a matter of time and time doesn't exist in eternity, only in our hamster wheel of a dream.

Here's a way that what seems to be bad could turn towards the good. The US has just inflicted a winter of misery on Europe by blowing up NS2. We might fall for the nonsense that Putin did it, but they definitely won't come mid-winter. That's not just bad, it's horrible. And I think it will be the last straw for their support of NATO. The US is not just losing its grip on hegemony but may end up isolated.

As someone living in the US, that has far-reaching implications for a consumer society dependent on the petrodollar--now being made irrelevant by the BRICS alliance and all of the SRI trade routes. And yet, I think when the bribes of global dominance are gone, we will also throw off the threats as things we can't afford. I think it will be good, and sooner rather than later.

And I wanted to respond to your kind reply here--I'm now making my coffee more tenderly and gently, as if the espresso machine is a baby Buddha. And I can't wait to read your responses to Veronica when she's here this weekend, so they know the special seeds you're packaging for them. Red Goji berries, do I remember correctly they're in the Red Dragon Chi?

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Thanks for reading what I put together and thank you very much for the kind words. Considering how taboo this topic is considered by many I was not sure how people would react (I assumed mostly negatively based on how many react when I talk about this subject in person) so seeing your comment was a pleasant surprise.

Yes the last thing we need is people building alters for 'space saviors'. :) I believe it is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, minions and tyrants and usher in the age of spiritually grounded, self-governed, self-aware, self-reliant (symbiotically connected) human beings which collaborate of their own free will to leave this world a little more beautiful than it was before.

I appreciate you elaborating on A Course in Miracles, your own insights that extend beyond it's principles and I appreciate you sharing your observations about what my friends and I witnessed. I will contemplate and meditate on what you have shared further and share more on that another time.

I love your comment about treating your espresso machine as if it is the baby buddha :) I can't remember if I have mentioned it to you but I have an espresso machine that I use to make herbal extracts and extract essential oils from medicine plants. I talk about one way I do that in this post https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/an-encounter-with-an-ancient-healer

Here is an excerpt from the above linked post:

An espresso machine creates conditions similar to the conditions used in industrial essential oil extracting processes (pressurized hot water extraction at approx 90.5 to 96 degrees Celsius with water/steam at 7-15 bars of pressure).


That paper is published in Science Direct and was also published in Organic Letters in 2015, and appears as a PDF at the University of Oregon website.

From the abstract of that study:

ABSTRACT: A new, practical, rapid, and high-yielding process for the pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) of multigram quantities of shikimic acid from star anise (Illicium verum) using an unmodified household espresso machine has been developed.

This operationally simple and inexpensive method enables the efficient and straightforward isolation of shikimic acid.

In other words, they are taking advantage of the pressurized chamber of an espresso machine to conduct a heat + pressure extraction of shikimic acid from star anise.

And then this second study using similar methods to extract another beneficial compound: https://www.scribd.com/document/475104899/37-11

I share this info relating to using off the shelf espresso machines to extract essential oils and beneficial phytochemicals so that any of you DIY-ers and intrepid herbalists/natural medicine enthusiasts out there can experiment with using this technique increase your ability to make powerful homemade medicines with your favorite herbs.

Perhaps Veronica and her husband can use your espresso machine to make some Tulsi and Echinacea extract once they grow the seeds I am sending you in their garden and get their first harvest :)

I sent out your package of seeds and sent you an email with additional info on germination, cultivation and companion planting.

The Goji Berries I had mentioned (pertaining to my kimchi recipe) were the Black Goji berries (for a recipe called "Purple Dragon Chi") but I like the sound of "Red Dragon Chi" and I actually often add in red goji berries to our fermented preserves as well :)

Thanks again for the comment.

Here in Canada we will be celebrating our thanksgiving soon... in the spirit of that celebration, I would like to say may all that you are grateful for in your life become amplified and multiplied by the love and gratitude you embody.

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Yay, I was hoping to respond to you here. My email has gotten finicky and now receives but won't send. My hosting server either outsourced email or it's part of the war on private domains. But I'm taking it as a sign to offer what I have to say to the web gods ;-)

Thank you for that very informative email. Your seeds are inspiring me to get back to my own roots and collaborate with them on some germination/ planting projects. I'm fortunate to have a deep lot for the center of Santa Cruz, with my European trees in front, my citrus and avocadoes in the middle, and tropical flowers and vines in the way back. Three micro-climates in one!

That's a fascinating use of an espresso machine! Cassandra might be the one to make use of it. She has her CO2 tank in the corner and uses it to make carbonated water daily, which she has down to a science. She's a potions gal who's mixing everyone a signature scent these days. And she's the skin care queen with DIY products filling up my refrigerator that I have to remind myself not to spread on toast.

Have a relaxing and blessed thanksgiving, Gavin, filled with memories and surprises!

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You are most welcome for the email, I can elaborate on how to care for any of the seeds I sent you in more detail if you (or your daughter) has any questions please feel free to reach out.

Three microclimates is great, I imagine there is a lot of opportunity for unique companion planting configurations worth exploring. I am excited for when I can get a hard copy of my book into your hands as it contains ideas and lists for plants you could use as companions to enhance the productivity and resilience of your existing perennials.

I love you how describe your daughter's skin care and fragrance creating alchemy :) In the future I will be sharing a post on a multi-purpose topical salve I made with medicine plants from our garden that she may find interesting.

Thank you for that lovely thanksgiving blessing, may your winter be filled with tranquility, majesty, mystery, peace, hope and discoveries that warm the heart and inspire the imagination <3

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Did I read that right...you and a couple friends observed a ufo approach and hover just above?! How unfathomably profound and world altering! Surely that's akin to Saul/Paul's road to Damascus experience - one couldn't go a day without thinking of it.

You really opened yourself up with this deeply thoughtful post. It's going to take time to visit some of these links.

Of all the stories I've heard over the years, the one about the Japanese flight is most memorable. It's truly staggering to contemplate let alone personally experience. The wonder and fear!

I believe in God and Jesus Christ, and observing His wonderfully vast creation from things magnificently grand to exquisitely small yet incredibly complex, it wouldn't surprise me that His works even unto life itself go well beyond our earth. I'm also very cautious that these sightings could be Watchers, as in angelic, both good and evil. I seriously wonder if we're about to experience what was prophesied in Revelation. Yet despite my saying all this, I no longer trust mainstream religion. I just don't know anymore about so much, but I do cling to that germ of what I do trust and consider the Truth. The best I can do is walk honestly and humbly and be compassionate and respectful to all life as I encounter it which is really just the Golden Rule.

Deep stuff, Gavin (my understatement of the year!). Thank you for putting it out there.

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Yes I did open myself up fully with this post. I certainly did not expect it would get me any new subscribers (considering the prevalent social/pop culture worldview of this subject matter) but I felt compelled to speak honestly and without a filter regarding this topic as I see this information as being of paramount importance for our human family.

I also acknowledge the existence of the Creator of all things and I am a big fan of the work of that famous (and I sense often misunderstood) carpenter from a little town called Nazareth which you mentioned :) Exploring the perspective of one that acknowledges the existence of a Creator in the context of evidence which indicates that our galaxy (and beyond) is apparently teaming with intelligent life, is something I wanted to explore in the article above but I ran out of time. I wrote about the scientific perspective but I do regret not offering a perspective that acknowledges Creator and how our cosmic neighbors fit in with that reality. When one takes an honest look at the vast, diverse and complex universe around us (even through the limited technology currently available to us 'primitive' humans :) ) it becomes obvious that it would be silly for a Creator being to put together such a beautiful and vast universe full of potential and only create one species of intelligent beings on one planet to inhabit that universe. No, the Creator of all things is not limited by our human preconceptions or ego flattering human-centric notions of self importance. Life apparently abounds in this universe, and it is clear we are not the elders when it comes to intelligent species.

This is challenging for many to accept as many of us have been taught that we have "been given dominion over this world" (and the universe and everything in it exists merely for our entertainment). Others (like myself) have been taught that we are nothing more than a cosmic accident (that by some fluke of molecular probability has produced consciousness via the action of human physiology and we will cease to exist when these bodies stop functioning) but that we are also the "pinnacle of evolution". Both of these belief systems placate the ego in it's want to be of central importance and so a great many people have trouble letting go of these ideas when confronted by the reality that we are actually 'the young kids on the block'.

I am grateful and feel honored to connect with someone like yourself that does not have trouble contemplating the reality of our cosmic neighbors and discussing this topic openly. I have had direct experiences with beings that most would describe as "angelic" and I have also had experiences with non-physical beings that are less then benevolent so I understand your caution. I have no doubt that there are people that lived in the ancient past that exerted their free will in the interest of transcending the limitations of our 5 senses to be able to perceive potential futures for our human family. However, I do sense that some humans (which have claimed to be capable of interpreting the prophecies of said humans from the ancient past since then) may have misinterpreted what the teachers of the ancient days may have been attempting to relate with regards to "revelation" ( which ties into your understandable mistrust of mainstream religion). I also have great respect for and strive to live by "The Golden Rule".

I really appreciate your taking the time to read what I shared and comment.

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That "dominion" thing is off-putting, isn't it? In fact, I believe that's the crux of the issue when it comes to religion, giving sin its power (condemnation) over the laity: someone's gotta be dominant (philosopher kings/priests) and some people like to be dominated (the faithful bound in their universal guilt). Sickening.

But back to that Japanese flight, I watched the video you posted which was very interesting and believable. I remember seeing something on TV years ago (History Channel?) that dramatized it and so I went searching for it on youtube. The first two I saw were in the vein of the ambient videos which are so popular now: you're in the cockpit looking out the windows on a darkening sky, immersed in the sleep-inducing white noise of the plane's engines. The story is told in captions with the sound of the radio contact with ground control. The ufo lights appear miles in the distance, and if I hadn't seen the first dramatization I wouldn't be all that impressed. Then, I found another video which went the other way, a totally different vibe just like what you describe in your post. Danger, danger! We're under attack! I still didn't find the one I remember which had the lights approaching much closer and maybe not white lights, not as blinding but definitely something all the passengers would've seen. So what's the truth? See for yourself the incredible difference in the following accounts of the same flight (to avoid the spam folder, I omitted the usual prefix, but if you copy/paste the link into the address bar, it'll automatically appear and work for you - something I learned from a longtime Corbett member):



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Oct 17, 2022
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Wow, that is a profound and interesting story, thanks for sharing that.

This aligns with several experiences I and others I know have had in the years since that craft flew over us. I sense some of these beings originated from physical worlds but developed their consciousness to the point where it allows them to move freely in space time without technological craft (they can manifest as physical or remain slightly out of phase in a more "astral projection" type state) and then others originate from different realms of existence all together and their natural state is non-physical (though some have the capability to manifest physical forms as well).

The thing that I think really messes people up when they are trying to investigate or learn about this topic is that they go about it seeing things in black and white, trying to fit all phenomenon involving otherwordly beings / craft as either "ET" or "from another dimension". The truth of the matter is much more nuanced. Some of these beings are from other dimensions (and were never physical), some are from other dimensions but were once physical beings at some point in their evolutionary unfolding, and then some are physical beings that have the technological capability to traverse between dimensions and become slightly out of phase with this vibrational plane of existence (giving them or their craft the appearance of being transparent etc). Then there is the human side of this which is getting a lot more confusing and shady each year (as humans feverishly work to make simulacra of the ET craft and even dabble in transdimensional tech too).

I appreciate your comment and I will share another experience I had with a different friend that involved a being similar to the one in your story above another time.

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Nov 10, 2022
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In some ways, I feel I have been innately drawn to contemplate and explore these aspects of our reality since I was quite young. I remember when I used to sleep on a trampoline on my parents farm so I could star-gaze when I was younger, I witnessed a few objects and phenomenon that were not explainable by conventional means (some were luminous craft way up in the night sky doing movements that were not compatible with how a satellite or plane would move, other times it was what one might describe as "orbs" moving in close proximity to me). When I asked my parents they probably told me I just imagined it or explained it away as "swamp gas" or something (which dissuaded me from truly understanding the implications of what I was seeing and sensing for quite a few years, but it never extinguished my spark of instinctive knowing). The spark was re-awakened and fanned into a flame when my friends and I witnessed that craft at close range and I have taken the time to go inward since then, opening up my other means of perceiving these phenomena (and beings) beyond what my eyes can see. Once one does that (stills the mind, comes to know the landscape of one's mind and nurtures a connection between the heart and the mind through some type of meditation) it allows for a more direct knowing of the nature of this phenomena and the beings involved.

I have come to understand that despite the young age of the species of humanity (and the often erratic behavior of humans) being here on the Earth, at this time, is (from a soul level) considered by many (from this realm and some from others) to be a rare gift and esteemed 'soul assignment'. For as Charles Eisenstein rightly hinted at in his story called "A Gathering Of The Tribe", this 'Earth project' is a very special process to be involved with indeed. For never before has a world gone so deeply into shadows, fear, illusions, ego and separation and then lifted it's consciousness back into remembering who and what we truly are a conscious beings. When that process is completed, it will offer very meaningful ripple effects in the broader community we are a part of.

Interestingly, the science of consciousness is also studied and utilized by humans in covert operations (run by individuals that are self-interested) as they understand this is how advanced cultures from other star systems communicate and operate their craft. Various intelligence agencies and compartmented military operations have trained people in so called "remote viewing" techniques and even "remote influencing" (which is augmented by various technological means. Thus, developing one's own intuitive capacities and learning to hone one's ability to see beyond the physical with the mind's eye and the heart is also helpful in being able to sense what is true and what is not, as well as being capable of sensing when less than compassionate human operatives are engaging in nefarious operations related to the above described phenomenon (so one can remain safe and act accordingly).

I met someone that worked in one such operation in the United States one time, he had been trained to use his mind as a weapon (for invasive reconnaissance and COINTELPRO type operations) and told me about some of the types of technology that are used to augment the innate capacities of human beings to achieve military objectives. I listed some of the corporations that are involved in that sort of thing in my comment response to Bugey libre elsewhere in this comment thread.

We are indeed capable of so much more as human beings (and as conscious beings) this is especially true when we are aligning our free will and actions with an intent to choose that which will nurture others to achieve their highest potential, give a voice to those that cannot speak for themselves and choose compassion, courage and humility in the face of violence, conformity and hubris. The humans involved in covert operations that are nefarious in nature are limited in what they can achieve through the development of their innate abilities as their intent does not align with Natural Law. Those humans that align their intent with the betterment of all beings and the enrichment of the community of which we are an intrinsic part however, are not so limited, and many beings in the higher realms stand at the ready to assist those walking such a path so that they may find safe footing and synchronistic guidance on their path forward.

I will share some other stories about personal experiences I had of a more positive nature another time :)

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Oct 17, 2022
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Hello curious butterfly! 🙂

I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts on this subject matter and share your experience.

Yes and I get the sense a few prominent celebrity scientists, a great many every day scientists, quite a few military men personnel, some politicians and some well meaning intelligence officers have been threatened, bribed/bought out and some (if they did not comply, were killed). The interests behind managing the public perception of this issue are the same people that profit from endless war and energy corporation monopolies so there are a number of motivations why they want to carefully manipulate the general population's perception of this aspect of our reality.

As for the craft that you saw possibly being the same type as the one that me, my friend Connar and Todd saw, it seems possible to me. The light that was emanating from the craft we saw made it hard to be able to distinguish if the surface of the sphere would have appeared grey or white in daytime but it was spherical. I remember reading about how fighter pilots during the second world war would have objects like this accompany them (closely following the craft and sometimes reportedly becoming 'partially dematerialized' or 'out of phase' and actually flying right through the human war planes, without causing any damage).

I appreciate you sharing the links.

With all the reports of similar objects of unknown origin shutting/disabling down nuclear missile silos (and nuclear missiles that are being tested while they are airborne) I wonder if they are giving NATO and Russia a hard time as they do their nuclear weapons "war games" tests right now in Europe..

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Nov 10, 2022
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The feeling is mutual.

By the way, I added an addendum on Data, Historical Info, Physics and Technology (pertaining to the above described interstellar craft and/or covert human electrogravitic craft) at the end of my article above. It is rather dry physics and engineering data but I wanted to include it for any interested in exploring the nitty gritty details on how such craft operate (and for those so called "skeptics" which claim to be about science, which say I am a crazy tin foil hat person for talking about "flying saucers" :) ).

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