Lawn nazis can't bitch about beautiful flowers. From there, one simply inserts food plants. Many flowers and abundant herbs makes even Hitler smile.

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Feb 18Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I have a patch of red, white, and pink heirloom peonies in the front yard.

they're pretty and all, but they'd always annoyed me because they draw ants and don't smell as good as other flowers.

I had no idea they had medicinal uses, much less that they are edible!

thanks for the data, as usual it's interesting and useful.

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Feb 18Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I'm convinced that neither the lawn nazis nor most of the rest of the population know what the plant for a root vegetable actually looks like, hence so far none of the carrots that I grow in my front garden have been stolen or destroyed.

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Excellent article and resources offered, thank you. I have been to Charles Dowding’s garden a few times and he is doing wonderful things. His books are great resources . I created forest gardens in a couple of places and even ran a garden exchange system at one stage. Where people offered land/gardens to those who had none or not enough to grow vegetables. The system stopped because I had more land offered than gardeners ! I think it would be different now as more people are aware of food security.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I got the rest of my seeds today and the raised planters arrived also. Ran out to get some Fox Farm seed starter soil and ordered some flats. Its funny (not actually funny) every time we get a new inspector from our HOA, we get a Nasty letter telling us we have weeds on our flower bed. Every time I send them a letter explaining my qualifications and the "weeds" are actually native wildflowers and the plants are natives as well. I always invite them to come to my home and point out what is unkempt, weeds, and not authorized. I then offer to explain how the neighbors have the wrong tree in their front yard according to the HOA documents and that people who top their trees are unsightly to me and the neighborhood. I basically point out all the flaws in what they are citing me for and they usually respond looking forward to seeing the flowers in bloom. They're gonna love the 4, 2x3x8 galvanized planters going in the back yard next week. I hope I can manage to keep the stuff in them green. Some of the seeds were sent by a new friend who writes a bunch and has a really cool book. This same guy has some great YouTube content on gardening and philosophy. You might know him. He's been around for a while even though I just found him. Thanks for inspiring people to take up gardening, You certainly motivated me and I am optimistic our efforts will improve our family life, our health, and hopefully my outlook on life.

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Feb 18Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Landlord raised the rent 3% this month. I expanded the lawn to garden project about 20% :)

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Feb 17Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Thank you so very much for sharing this valuable information. We've been growing a backyard garden for several years now. I'm always open to continue learning all I can about gardening though. Thanks again.

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Feb 17Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Another great article Gavin, thank you! I just love how you combine the miserable reality (with humor!) many of us are witnessing with the amazing potential of how it could be if (when!) sanity reigns. 🙏

Your observation on the plant illiteracy reminds me of a funny story here just a few years ago. They had some raids on gorilla cannabis growers b/c I guess it was becoming an issue. It was reported in the paper that one of the busts was a real bust, because the officers in the helicopter that called in the spot had actually had them raiding some poor guy’s okra patch! 😂

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Sigh. The artist and Nature-lover in me has been trying to grow a garden since 2021 - the first full year I was here in NH in the country. I seem to be in a perfect-storm location for ticks and black and deer flies. On the edge of a forest and across the road from a wildlife/nature sanctuary. They ravage me. I have tried everything. The only place they (sort of) leave me alone is on my tiny patio. I might have to change the location of my garden and/or do some container growing this year. That being said, I have made friends with a lot of the wonderful farmers at my local farmer's market and I love supporting them. I live on a hill and have let it grow wild with abandon. It's full of Yarrow and Goldenrod and Dandelion and Meadowsweet and etc. etc. You get the picture. I had visions of wandering through the meadow barefoot, but...ticks. You do know the story of the dumping of ticks by our gvnmt, right? RFK Jr. just interviewed Kris Newby, author of "Bitten" last month on his podcast. But, I digress... :)

Sorry for the long-winded comment, Gavin. I am thinking that this year I might forgive myself for not being the A+ gardener and instead appreciate myself for letting the plants go wild and do their thing with abandon. Thx for another great article! I love seeing wild gardens in urban areas! 🌿 💚

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Feb 17Liked by Gavin Mounsey

If you want to find out if someone has fascist tendencies, put them on an HOA committee.

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Feb 17Liked by Gavin Mounsey

More problems could be solved by putting greenhouses in attics than putting solar panels on roofs.

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