Great post, I don't have the time I use to at the moment, I will eventually.

Seems the AI troll is doing the rounds. They don't want us to find our power within, that we all have.

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I doubt if anything remotely spiritual has ever entered any part of my physical body besides my brain.

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I once had that same opinion.

One thing that may be worth keeping in mind here is that the word "spiritual" is often subjectively defined within the context of an individuals life (as in, what I mean when I use that word in my essay above or elsewhere in my writing may be radically different than what you are imagining when you read my writing and I am using the term). Thus, if you prefer to use a more unambiguous and dry description instead, you could call your eternal essence something more bland and text book flavored like "extra-temporal/extra-dimensional non-physical self-regenerating sentient entity".

Sometimes offering the rigid worldviews and perspectives of our host body's brain a sort of 'comfort zone word constructed linguistic bridge' or other means to render the concept of a soul less abstract, religious dogma oriented and intimidating (from the perspective of the ego) can help to open doorways of willingness that begin to allow you to perceive that which exists beyond the physical. That is, if your ready for that. Some people are so wrapped up in their limited and inaccurate beliefs about what a human being and what their conscious essence is, (and so invested in those ideas with their ego and years of effort working towards goals sitting on that unsturdy worldview) that they would rather choose to close themselves off to consciously getting to know their spirit, tell themselves stories about the 'absolute knowing' of our 'rock solid' science and cling to that thought until the day when they leave this planet and are invited to remember the truth in that moment. In the end, we all come to know the truth when we return home.

One path is not "better" than another, but having walked both, I can tell you that while it can be very unnerving surrendering in stillness, taking that long honest look in the mirror of the mind, heart (and re-acquainting yourself with your soul) then reaching out to perceive that which is beyond the jurisdiction of the 5 senses, the choice to muster that courage and push through the fear and doubt is well worth it. When you remember who and what you truly are you begin to be able to access a deep well of memory and resources that surpass the value of any books or offerings of human institutions. That heart felt intuition and connection to your the permanent aspect of your being offers a clarity, confidence, peace and sense of fulfillment no amount of intellect nor material gain ever could.

Those are just my two cents on it though, I respect that we each must walk our own path and I wish you all the best on yours.

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Dec 1, 2023
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I welcome varied views of all types in my comments section (even when those views are unfortunately bigoted and/or involve hateful messages) however, copy pasted generalizing bigotry is something I will not tolerate. If you are gonna express your irrational hate and generalization about a specific group of humans, at least take the time to express your self with an original comment. Copy pasted material of that sort shows a real lack of integrity and inclines me to see the comment as a sort of mass produced, monotonous and duplicated trolling operation. That is something I do not welcome on my page. If you continue copy pasting material of that nature in my comments section in the future, you will be removed.

For instance, this paragraph:

"No country is running its own race in this invasion because it is all a political agenda led by the UN and pushed by the Jews and their puppets (politicians). Most people just won't know or understand that this is a political agenda. However, some manage to understand that the politicians are deliberately working to import Muslims and replace the people, but that's about it, they're like a computer that can't go on because the program doesn't allow it." was part of your first comment on my page, yet you are copy pasting it again here to use as filler.

May all that you hold in your heart and wish for your fellow man be gifted back onto you ten fold in the years ahead.

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While there are some outdated biological monikers by today's front running science, quite simply, I think this maybe your best and most morphegenically soothing piece yet!🤗

Well done sir and keep going with your mission.😉🙏🙏

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Thank you for the thoughtful comment!

I don't think I have ever heard of something described as "morphegenically soothing" before, but now that I have, I like it! :)

Would that term be hinting at something surrounding Rupert Sheldrake's studies on Morphic Fields? Or is it more speaking about the essay "morphologically" (as in, "relating to the form or structure of things".) ?

Thanks again, your comments are always appreciated.

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Dec 1, 2023
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Thanks for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts.

I agree that a great many people are enthralled by the rhythmic pulsations of 'The Machine' (projected into their consciousness via the Mass Media propaganda apparatus involving various technologies).

Have you watched James Corbett's "Media Matrix" series? It does a great job breaking down the history and technologies involved (many of which that are used for brainwashing predating the turing machine).

I personally think that focusing on and/or obsessing over the genetic lineage of the puppet master's is unproductive and unhealthy (you emphasized that it is "Jews" that are involved in various duplicitous activities in your comment above).

Perhaps who "they" are is irrelevant if we acknowledge that "they" are just parasites sitting atop a parasitic empire (which is fed into by countless millions that are simultaneously being conditioned to accept being fed upon and conditioned to striving to become parasites themselves).

Knowing the precise genetic lineage, geographic origin and/or names of the dominant parasitic humans on Earth means little if removing them from the equation would only result in multitudes of others (who are suffering from the same mental diseases of fear, ego dominance and ignorance of the nature of their own eternal spirit) striving to replace their position at the top of that pyramid of corruption, fear, ego and parasitism.

Thus, I suggest that obsessing over what particular human beings reside atop such a corrupt empire is unproductive and I would rather advocate for taking courses of action that serve to create a broader environment that is no longer conducive to the creation of legions of fearful, greedy and parasitic human beings. Some would suggest that if we could positively identify all the dominant members of the transnational racketeering organization (which has gone by many names) and eliminate them we would be able to create lasting peace, equality and a world without malice and violence. I do not share that perspective.

Each of us can make choices that begin to change the psychological, energetic, economic and emotional environment of the communities and world we live in so that the environment we dwell in no longer favors the development of parasites. Pointing fingers at the parasites accusingly and/or seeking to end their lives is an exercise in futility.

The answer instead exists within the hearts and minds of each of us, dormant seeds waiting to be germinated and allowed to become the dominant members of an ecosystem of equanimity.

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