Sfogliando alcune immagini in un tuo post , ho trovato delle composizioni di sassi , mi è tornato alla mente un testo di una canzone che parlava di sassi , trovandolo straordinario , di ispirazione e di magia , così con questa motivazione ho realizzato col tempo , trovando altre immagini di un artista incredibile che costruiva con i sassi delle autentiche opere molto originali, tramite appunto il suo ingegno ho realizzato un collage arte ,realizzando poi un video in mp4 , che se lo desideri te lo invio, per ora ti allego questo testo : " Le tasche piene di sassi "

Brano di Lorenzo Cherubini in arte "Jovanotti "

Volano le libellule

Sopra gli stagni e le pozzanghere in città

Sembra che se ne freghino

Della ricchezza che ora viene e dopo va

Prendimi non mi concedere

Nessuna replica alle tue fatalità

Eccomi son tutto un fremito ehi

Passano alcune musiche

Ma quando passano la terra tremerà

Sembrano esplosioni inutili

Ma in certi cuori qualche cosa resterà

Non si sa come si creano

Costellazioni di galassie e di energia

Giocano a dadi gli uomini

Resta sul tavolo un avanzo di magia

Sono solo stasera senza di te

Mi hai lasciato da solo davanti al cielo

E non so leggere vienimi a prendere

Mi riconosci ho le tasche piene di sassi

Sono solo stasera senza di te

Mi hai lasciato da solo davanti a scuola

Mi vien da piangere

Arriva subito

Mi riconosci ho le scarpe piene di passi

La faccia piena di schiaffi

Il cuore pieno di battiti

E gli occhi pieni di te

Sbocciano i fiori sbocciano

E danno tutto quel che hanno in libertà

Donano non si interessano

Di ricompense e tutto quello che verrà

Mormora la gente mormora

Falla tacere praticando l'allegria

Giocano a dadi gli uomini

Resta sul tavolo un avanzo di magia

Sono solo stasera senza di te

Mi hai lasciato da solo davanti al cielo

E non so leggere vienimi a prendere

Mi riconosci ho un mantello fatto di stracci

Sono solo stasera senza di te

Mi hai lasciato da solo davanti a scuola

Mi vien da piangere

Arriva subito

Mi riconosci ho le scarpe piene di passi

La faccia piena di schiaffi

Il cuore pieno di battiti

E gli occhi pieni di te

Sono solo stasera senza di te

Mi hai lasciato da solo davanti al cielo

Vienimi a prendere

Mi vien da piangere

Mi riconosci ho le scarpe piene di passi

La faccia piena di schiaffi

Il cuore pieno di battiti

E gli occhi pieni di te

Fonte: LyricFind

Compositori: Franco Santarnecchi / Lorenzo Cherubini

con stima

Ermanno Ricci e non ..RICCI ERMANNO...

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olre alle tue esposizioni sui semi di una nuova vita con le sole materie che ci dona il nostro magnifico regno terra, che condivido da tempo anche oggi abbiamo raccolto cime di rapa e bacche di rosa canina, ma quello che mi ha per un attimo emozionato è stato alla vista dell'uccellino adornato con piume della natuta, ho evidenziato in modo particolare questo episodio essendo un artista di arte digitale amatoriale al computer ,dove la mia ispirazione e fantasia mi ha sempre portaro a realizzare opere con materia e colori della natura , sopratutto con il frutto del melagrano ho realizzato "avatar " fantastici quasi surrealisti in ogni forma e specie animali. se sei daccordo ti mando alcuni di questi file salvati in alta definizione solo per arricchire il tuo impegno.

con stima " Budhidharma " Ermanno Ricci e non ... RICCI ERMANNO....

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Grazie per il commento gentile e premuroso. Mi piacerebbe vedere alcune delle tue creazioni artistiche in pomogranito. Se lo desideri, puoi inviare i file a recipesforreciprocity@proton.me

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https://my.faso.com/cfgeditwebsite.asp "

Budhidharma " Ermanno Ricci da tre anni seduto davanti al muro...!!!!

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hello I love 'resilient' too, do you have Presence Music? Scam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJdz4y85Rjc and Integrity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_GAS1Myk0g for the down dogs and the little dog x

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Hello! :) I did not have it until now. Thank you for this gift! I dig it. <3

I am currently really into this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtE10YN1kDU&list=RDPtE10YN1kDU&start_radio=1 and this live improvised performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqrH0OSyq_c

Shall we make this an endless thread of sharing musical medicine for the soul and nourishment for the imagination? ;)

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thank you, yes why not!

I'm doing an online course in history, literature, music and creative writing etc one of the set pieces is this stunning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31bD7QCiV1Q creation

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I love Nina Simone :) Pre-digital music more often than not has a lot more soul and substance than the stuff they usually play on the radio now a days.

That is why I love Piano and Guitar so much.. just raw unfiltered heart... the result of pouring one's heart into strings that vibrate and connect us all <3



Do you like to listen to any poetry and stories recited to a rhythmic beat (real hip hop)? :)

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These are beautiful.

I've never heard any real hip hop


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Glad you liked them :)

I hope that didn't come off as pretentious. I say "real hip hop" as to differentiate the type of musical creations I am talking about from a lot of what people describe as "hip hop" that is broadcast on the tv and radio. The mainstream "hip hop" (or what I just call "rap") is usually quite shallow in it's lyrical content, often focusing on degenerative subject matter such as materialism, violence, sexual objectification, drugs and/or just being very egotistical in general. I have no interest in that sort of thing (no matter how fancy the billion dollar studios make their beats sound). Real Hip Hop on the other hand is something I became familiar with when I lived out in Whistler and Vacnouver (BC) and met some underground artists that would perform on the street and in some clubs/bars. They introduced me to some really soulful, heartfelt, often educational (and brutally honest) music in that genre and I have been hooked ever since.

I`ll share a few tracks below to give you an idea what I am talking about.

Here is one song by an artist that lives near where we are not in Ontario. This song is from one of his older albums (before he became more popular and started making more flashy songs.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4XrSHK9dp4 His newer stuff still has the odd good song but he seems to have sacrificed some substance for making his tunes more sellable to the club type crowds. The song seems appropriate as it speaks to the temptations that lure great artists off track from honoring the integrity of their artistic expression (either for vanity, profit or both).

This next one is by an artist I used to listen to a lot called "Substantial". It speaks to the state of the "rap" industry (and mainstream music scene in general) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1qWh2zEh68. Here is another track by Substantial called "I'm Here" that is about his journey as a father. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xes1kn81yw0

Now here a song from an old group called Sweatshop Union. The song is called Thing About It and I feel it speaks to the times we are living in an eerily accurate and potent way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKM9odw4P6U

This next track is by an artist from Seattle called Macklemore. It invites the listener to "Inhale Deep" and find the courage to persevere with integrity in these challenging times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqzpyO7o6To

This next one is an underground track from the early days of my Hip Hop explorations.. I find it just has some really interesting verses, powerful lyricism delivered on a low budget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NGsm6qAK4M

Last but not least a song that one might at first glance assume is about extraterrestrials :) but my interpretation of it is that it is really speaking to "first contact" with spirit and the artist's struggle to tame his ego and allow his spirit to take the lead with God as his guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNT7HY3v_jw

Hope you enjoy them, I look forward to hearing what you think. :)

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I think my sensibility to music has been blunted by years of listening to pop music. I see this exchange more as a re-education for me than a swapping!

I will listen to these more properly but I particularly like Eligh & Amp first contact. Very interesting.


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We have almost the same taste in music Gavin.

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That's quite a bit of music to get through there, Gavin.

Approve of the books, might order a few of them.

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Yes, I may have gone a bit overboard with the music list in this post :) I wanted to share a good spectrum of the music I find nourishing, inspiring and illuminating all together here as I have a demanding work schedule at this time of year and will likely not be able to post again for some time.

Glad you appreciate the books I shared above. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on the ones you order after you have a chance to read them.

For the last 3 or 4 years I have been working to essentially distill down the knowledge, techniques and perspectives shared in many of those books above (and to marry that distilled essence with my own personal experiences, creative outlets, specialized knowledge, skills and perspectives) to write a book. It is intended to serve as a trial map towards a more hopeful future in which resilience, longevity, nurturing/regenerating ecological diversity and communities that are engaging and symbiotically connected are intrinsic parts of what it means to be human. Pursuant to that task, I now have to get back to figuring out some final formatting challenges and printing logistics issues so I can get that work published, printed and into people's hands.

Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the comment.

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