Plutocratic counter-intelligence and psychological operations set their crosshairs on the Regenerative Agriculture and Traditional Indigenous Knowledge Movements
Well... At least you've accomplished what you set out to do... that being to extend the olive branch to our enemies. Now that's out of the way we can get down to the business of thwarting their plans of ultimate control.
Great post!!!!!!! Thank you, I agree the Bad Guys are trying to undo us every which way, they are kind of freaking out, I think. Because they will never, ever get what they seek, because they CAN'T. Even if they kill everybody else, THEY CANNOT WIN. Because the Great Spirit will take them down, no matter what. We the People... we are part of something that cannot really die, not in the long term. We die from these bodies, but we carry on. So we have a job to do, but if we die while doing it, or not doing it, we are still immortal beings, and we'll carry on on some other plane, some other "time," whatever. I can't give you specifics because I don't KNOW in this little brain I have. But my heart knows...
I think it's great that you take the time and the effort to say, "One last chance?" to the Evil Ones.
I used to believe that Human Beings can "see the Light" and change their ways... Well, WE can, but they CAN'T. I don't know if I can really call psychopaths "Human Beings"-- Without a conscience, ARE they actually truly Human? I don't know. What I do know is that I've never, ever heard of a psychopath or sociopath (pretty much the same animal, I'd say, and not worth a lot of argument, either, I'd also say) changing their spots and developing REMORSE. They don't somehow "grow" a conscience.
No, I don't think they ever do. They don't know HOW. They sneer at the idea. They are contemptuous of the things that people like us hold dear, such as egalitarianism, ecological protections, kindness to animals, the awesomeness of a sunrise, the sheer joy of walking in a field and hearing the wind in the trees, watching little birds flit about... well, you get it.
I love that you feel compelled to give them a chance... Don't bother. I am a very forgiving person, and I am told I am highly compassionate, and I do know that I have a very high level of empathy-- And it goes further than that: I can feel within me what others feel, physically. I may not always be able to get it clearly, or be able to name it (usually, I can), and I can tell you this-- What I get from those with no conscience is Not Good. It's not like apathy, or like how some kids get bullied badly and grow up being very angry and taking it out on others-- It's different. It's dark, and it's scary, and for lack of a better word, it's just EVIL. It's as if there is NO LIGHT IN THEM AT ALL.
Don't feel like you need to give any of these people who are trying to KILL US, kill the Earth, kill millions and millions of animals and plants and waters a second chance, a last chance-- They will LAUGH AT YOU. They are not salvageable, I strongly feel; they are not like the rest of us, even as damaged as some of us can be. They don't have the same apparatus as we do.
I am sorry to say these things.
I am sorry that I feel I need to say them.
I don't WANT to say them, but I feel we are in Dire Peril and it's my duty to say them. So I said them.
I am a humorist, I am someone full of love and joy, but this Darkness... It's very, very dangerous.
Your comment was difficult for me to read. It felt so filled with judgment, labelling and fear but i did read it all the way through, out of respect for you (after all you did take the time to write from your heart). But afterwards it brought questions to me and i wondered in truth, how does one set themself up to judge whether anyone is "salvagable" or worthy of a chance to change? That seems like a wide sweeping label as well as a slippery slope to start saying "these people cannot change and are not savagable" bcuz "they are not like the rest of us". Where does that stop? After one family? Two? Three? I also wonder how you would know who each of these people are so clearly that you can assert so emphatically that they are "evil and have no light at all". Personally, i believe we alll have light and when someone's spark is barely visible it is our opportunity to shine some light of love that theirs may increase if they so choose. Bcuz life is all about choice and i have come to understand that how WE treat others matters more than how THEY treat us. All of our actions, judgments and words say more about us than they do about another. Whatever you feel is your feelings and i am not here to judge but nor do i see any reason to tell Gavin, "Don't bother" bcuz that is his choice is it not?
Perhaps having been within a breath of death from someone who tried to end my life has shone a new light on life bcuz i know having looked death in the face has made it all so clear what a gift life is and how fear of what might be, fear of being killed, fear in general and all that comes with it (hatred, lack, worry and doubt) is such a waste of that gift of life. I have learned to appreciate that what we give to others comes from what we are filled with inside, so why wouldn't we shine love's light on someone who may seem lost, give an invitation for change and/or hold faith that nothing is impossible if someone wants it? I know that no one is guaranteed tomorrow so why would anyone give up our opportunities in the present moments to be loving, kind and compassionate to ALL while we have the chance? Is that not why we are here?
Okay, first off, I'm not in FEAR of these people, and yes, I'm judging them. I've known psychopaths, I have a family member who is same, and so I feel like I know what I'm talking about.
That said, there's nowhere in my comment that advocates HATING anybody, or doing terrible things to them-- that's what THEY do!
You are unhappy that I said "Don't bother," but it feels like you are judging me and telling me I shouldn't share my views. I think Gavin is a grownup and can make his own decisions... I wasn't telling him what to do, really, anyway, it was rhetorical.
So... Maybe if you get to know me a bit, you'll realize that I'm a lover, not a hater. I'm a DOG, after all, even I am a cartoon...
I'm not about fear at all. Trust me? Or come over for tea and scones and I'll tell you stories.
First, let me begin with saying how grateful i am that you responded. Next, let me clear up these three things. 1) Nope, not judging you, just sharing what i wondered and thought in response to what you wrote. 2) Of course Gavin can make his own decisions. That was MY point when i said, "nor do i see any reason to tell Gavin, "Don't bother" bcuz that is his choice is it not?" 3) No, it didn't make me unhappy that you said, "Don't bother" ( happiness is an inner choice not a response to some external situation). Now that that is cleared up, i will respond to the rest of your comment.
I am joyed that you are not in fear of them although, i didn't say you were. What i said was the language in there FELT filled with judgment, labelling and fear. Further, i did not say you were advocating hating anyone, i was speaking about my view on life as a gift and how fear and its bi-products of hatred, doubt and worry are a waste of that gift.
I appreciate you sharing that you have a family member who, from your perspective, is a psychopath. That means you understand how that person is. Research shows there are many kinds and varying degrees of psychopathy and no two are the same. Therefore, i do not see how we can just lump all people who may have that label under the same umbrella. From my perspective that prevents us from seeing who they really are, inside. They are now looked as a psychopath, not as Doug or Darla who has a mental health issue and that label steals their humanity from them and makes it easier to treat them differently. As Dalai Lama said, “If we remember that others too are human beings like us, we can extend a sense of kindness even towards those we think of as enemies.” I hold tight to that understanding, knowing that i am no better nor less than anyone else. After all we all have issues of varying degrees. No one is perfect.
Please know I do not feel we have to agree. I am me and you are you and together we make a wonder-ful we. If you choose to judge, that is your choice to make and i will not judge you for it. I merely have a different take on judging. To help you understand me regarding judgment and why i find it a disservice to ourselves as well as others, these quotations from Mother Teresa will help me explain. I believe, "If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” and that it is so important to “Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.”
As well these biblical stories are always in the front of my heart (although i am not religious, i am most definitely spiritually connected to God and I love and am grateful for God with all my heart).
First story, "Jonah did not only judge the people in the city of Nineveh but he also decided that they were too wicked and not deserving of salvation and God's mercy. He knew that God was loving, kind, and merciful and was ready and willing to forgive the people of Nineveh if they repented. Jonah felt so strongly about the people of Nineveh that he judged and condemned them, then tried to run away from God to prevent Him from pardoning them. God disagrees, saying that all humanity is worthy of salvation. "
Second story, "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus who was caught in the act of adultery. They reminded Him that according to the law of Moses she should be stoned. This was used as an opportunity not just to condemn the woman but to judge Jesus and condemn His ministry. Jesus did not hurriedly respond to them but first, stooped and started to write on the ground. Afterwards He said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first”. No one was able to cast a stone at the woman because each person who accused her was guilty of at least one sin."
In closing, i am sure you are a love-ly being and my heart feels your heart and all the beauty that you are inside. That is all i need to know. Perhaps one day, we will meet and if we do, "Let us... meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.” As for listening to your stories, i would gladly listen for from my perspective listening is the most important part of communication and as Mark Twain once said, "If God intended us to talk more than listen, he would have given us two mouths and one ear."
Your wise and magnanimous comment reminds me of the following quote.
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King, Jr
I say magnanimous, because despite superficial earthly appearances, Love truly is many magnitudes more potent and able to exert influence on our fellow beings and the world around us than fear or hate. The source of all beings is a radiant loving act of joy and this spark from the Creator shines in each and everyone of us. Sometimes it takes a lot to be able to see that spark when people put on all their layers of armor, enveloped in the shadowy cloak of fear, but nevertheless, deep inside, there it is, always present and waiting to be fanned to become a flame.
It takes courage of the heart to stay grounded in love while also setting healthy boundaries, you are someone that truly walks a balanced path between those two with grace and I admire you for that.
In closing I will share another quote that your words and essence remind me of..
“Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.”
I loved "We know who and what we are and more and more discover each day." What a fine trick to lead me to think you were going to say 'what you are' and then flip it!
I figured they'd be using regenerative any day now. Sustainable had already been twisted. Rule #1 in the propaganda playbook--make the words mean the opposite of what they did. And you go for the key element--regenerative has to be small-scale, localized, decentralized. Nice article, tough topic.
An excellent article, Gavin! Thank you for pointing out the weaponization of terms and ideas that at their heart are so very, very beneficial to humankind. And thank you for your return to love, again and again, even as you call out those who are acting out of fear.
I do strive to remain grounded in love despite the heinous behaviors being chosen by some of our fellow beings on Earth, it is not easy sometimes.. but in my heart of hearts I know that (despite how tempting it can be to think otherwise in a world where we have been conditioned to covet intellect, dominance and competitiveness and see kindness, compassion and humility as a weakness) one cannot rid the world of darkness by using the tools of darkness.
Darkness is the lack of light, and thus, the only viable path to make the darkness flee is to embody and nurture the light within us to radiate outwardly and fill the void to light our path forward.
Agreed! You laid out our task beautifully -- to embody and nurture the light within. Reminds me of the Fra Giovanni quote: "The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy." It ain't easy sometimes, but that's what we are called to do.
“I am 99.99% sure that what they are saying is just part of an advanced psychological and counter-intelligence operation”
Absolutely! But you’re 100% correct about humanity’s awakening. Their days are numbered. The Bible tells us this.
Well... At least you've accomplished what you set out to do... that being to extend the olive branch to our enemies. Now that's out of the way we can get down to the business of thwarting their plans of ultimate control.
Wonderful, articulate, and thought provoking article which I have little to add except this: Ignore what they say and watch what they do.
Thanks Nancy! I like your succinct modo. :) Great words to live by in these times of widespread institutionalized propaganda and doublespeak.
Great post!!!!!!! Thank you, I agree the Bad Guys are trying to undo us every which way, they are kind of freaking out, I think. Because they will never, ever get what they seek, because they CAN'T. Even if they kill everybody else, THEY CANNOT WIN. Because the Great Spirit will take them down, no matter what. We the People... we are part of something that cannot really die, not in the long term. We die from these bodies, but we carry on. So we have a job to do, but if we die while doing it, or not doing it, we are still immortal beings, and we'll carry on on some other plane, some other "time," whatever. I can't give you specifics because I don't KNOW in this little brain I have. But my heart knows...
I think it's great that you take the time and the effort to say, "One last chance?" to the Evil Ones.
I used to believe that Human Beings can "see the Light" and change their ways... Well, WE can, but they CAN'T. I don't know if I can really call psychopaths "Human Beings"-- Without a conscience, ARE they actually truly Human? I don't know. What I do know is that I've never, ever heard of a psychopath or sociopath (pretty much the same animal, I'd say, and not worth a lot of argument, either, I'd also say) changing their spots and developing REMORSE. They don't somehow "grow" a conscience.
No, I don't think they ever do. They don't know HOW. They sneer at the idea. They are contemptuous of the things that people like us hold dear, such as egalitarianism, ecological protections, kindness to animals, the awesomeness of a sunrise, the sheer joy of walking in a field and hearing the wind in the trees, watching little birds flit about... well, you get it.
I love that you feel compelled to give them a chance... Don't bother. I am a very forgiving person, and I am told I am highly compassionate, and I do know that I have a very high level of empathy-- And it goes further than that: I can feel within me what others feel, physically. I may not always be able to get it clearly, or be able to name it (usually, I can), and I can tell you this-- What I get from those with no conscience is Not Good. It's not like apathy, or like how some kids get bullied badly and grow up being very angry and taking it out on others-- It's different. It's dark, and it's scary, and for lack of a better word, it's just EVIL. It's as if there is NO LIGHT IN THEM AT ALL.
Don't feel like you need to give any of these people who are trying to KILL US, kill the Earth, kill millions and millions of animals and plants and waters a second chance, a last chance-- They will LAUGH AT YOU. They are not salvageable, I strongly feel; they are not like the rest of us, even as damaged as some of us can be. They don't have the same apparatus as we do.
I am sorry to say these things.
I am sorry that I feel I need to say them.
I don't WANT to say them, but I feel we are in Dire Peril and it's my duty to say them. So I said them.
I am a humorist, I am someone full of love and joy, but this Darkness... It's very, very dangerous.
We must be clear-eyed and unblinking.
I agree. They are different. They love the darkness.
I think of them as “Actively Malevolent.”
Well said (with a whole heart!) Jaan! xoxo
Your comment was difficult for me to read. It felt so filled with judgment, labelling and fear but i did read it all the way through, out of respect for you (after all you did take the time to write from your heart). But afterwards it brought questions to me and i wondered in truth, how does one set themself up to judge whether anyone is "salvagable" or worthy of a chance to change? That seems like a wide sweeping label as well as a slippery slope to start saying "these people cannot change and are not savagable" bcuz "they are not like the rest of us". Where does that stop? After one family? Two? Three? I also wonder how you would know who each of these people are so clearly that you can assert so emphatically that they are "evil and have no light at all". Personally, i believe we alll have light and when someone's spark is barely visible it is our opportunity to shine some light of love that theirs may increase if they so choose. Bcuz life is all about choice and i have come to understand that how WE treat others matters more than how THEY treat us. All of our actions, judgments and words say more about us than they do about another. Whatever you feel is your feelings and i am not here to judge but nor do i see any reason to tell Gavin, "Don't bother" bcuz that is his choice is it not?
Perhaps having been within a breath of death from someone who tried to end my life has shone a new light on life bcuz i know having looked death in the face has made it all so clear what a gift life is and how fear of what might be, fear of being killed, fear in general and all that comes with it (hatred, lack, worry and doubt) is such a waste of that gift of life. I have learned to appreciate that what we give to others comes from what we are filled with inside, so why wouldn't we shine love's light on someone who may seem lost, give an invitation for change and/or hold faith that nothing is impossible if someone wants it? I know that no one is guaranteed tomorrow so why would anyone give up our opportunities in the present moments to be loving, kind and compassionate to ALL while we have the chance? Is that not why we are here?
Okay, first off, I'm not in FEAR of these people, and yes, I'm judging them. I've known psychopaths, I have a family member who is same, and so I feel like I know what I'm talking about.
That said, there's nowhere in my comment that advocates HATING anybody, or doing terrible things to them-- that's what THEY do!
You are unhappy that I said "Don't bother," but it feels like you are judging me and telling me I shouldn't share my views. I think Gavin is a grownup and can make his own decisions... I wasn't telling him what to do, really, anyway, it was rhetorical.
So... Maybe if you get to know me a bit, you'll realize that I'm a lover, not a hater. I'm a DOG, after all, even I am a cartoon...
I'm not about fear at all. Trust me? Or come over for tea and scones and I'll tell you stories.
First, let me begin with saying how grateful i am that you responded. Next, let me clear up these three things. 1) Nope, not judging you, just sharing what i wondered and thought in response to what you wrote. 2) Of course Gavin can make his own decisions. That was MY point when i said, "nor do i see any reason to tell Gavin, "Don't bother" bcuz that is his choice is it not?" 3) No, it didn't make me unhappy that you said, "Don't bother" ( happiness is an inner choice not a response to some external situation). Now that that is cleared up, i will respond to the rest of your comment.
I am joyed that you are not in fear of them although, i didn't say you were. What i said was the language in there FELT filled with judgment, labelling and fear. Further, i did not say you were advocating hating anyone, i was speaking about my view on life as a gift and how fear and its bi-products of hatred, doubt and worry are a waste of that gift.
I appreciate you sharing that you have a family member who, from your perspective, is a psychopath. That means you understand how that person is. Research shows there are many kinds and varying degrees of psychopathy and no two are the same. Therefore, i do not see how we can just lump all people who may have that label under the same umbrella. From my perspective that prevents us from seeing who they really are, inside. They are now looked as a psychopath, not as Doug or Darla who has a mental health issue and that label steals their humanity from them and makes it easier to treat them differently. As Dalai Lama said, “If we remember that others too are human beings like us, we can extend a sense of kindness even towards those we think of as enemies.” I hold tight to that understanding, knowing that i am no better nor less than anyone else. After all we all have issues of varying degrees. No one is perfect.
Please know I do not feel we have to agree. I am me and you are you and together we make a wonder-ful we. If you choose to judge, that is your choice to make and i will not judge you for it. I merely have a different take on judging. To help you understand me regarding judgment and why i find it a disservice to ourselves as well as others, these quotations from Mother Teresa will help me explain. I believe, "If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” and that it is so important to “Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.”
As well these biblical stories are always in the front of my heart (although i am not religious, i am most definitely spiritually connected to God and I love and am grateful for God with all my heart).
First story, "Jonah did not only judge the people in the city of Nineveh but he also decided that they were too wicked and not deserving of salvation and God's mercy. He knew that God was loving, kind, and merciful and was ready and willing to forgive the people of Nineveh if they repented. Jonah felt so strongly about the people of Nineveh that he judged and condemned them, then tried to run away from God to prevent Him from pardoning them. God disagrees, saying that all humanity is worthy of salvation. "
Second story, "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus who was caught in the act of adultery. They reminded Him that according to the law of Moses she should be stoned. This was used as an opportunity not just to condemn the woman but to judge Jesus and condemn His ministry. Jesus did not hurriedly respond to them but first, stooped and started to write on the ground. Afterwards He said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first”. No one was able to cast a stone at the woman because each person who accused her was guilty of at least one sin."
In closing, i am sure you are a love-ly being and my heart feels your heart and all the beauty that you are inside. That is all i need to know. Perhaps one day, we will meet and if we do, "Let us... meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.” As for listening to your stories, i would gladly listen for from my perspective listening is the most important part of communication and as Mark Twain once said, "If God intended us to talk more than listen, he would have given us two mouths and one ear."
Much love from my heart to yours. 💕
Your wise and magnanimous comment reminds me of the following quote.
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” - Martin Luther King, Jr
I say magnanimous, because despite superficial earthly appearances, Love truly is many magnitudes more potent and able to exert influence on our fellow beings and the world around us than fear or hate. The source of all beings is a radiant loving act of joy and this spark from the Creator shines in each and everyone of us. Sometimes it takes a lot to be able to see that spark when people put on all their layers of armor, enveloped in the shadowy cloak of fear, but nevertheless, deep inside, there it is, always present and waiting to be fanned to become a flame.
It takes courage of the heart to stay grounded in love while also setting healthy boundaries, you are someone that truly walks a balanced path between those two with grace and I admire you for that.
In closing I will share another quote that your words and essence remind me of..
“Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.”
― Robert F. Kennedy
I loved "We know who and what we are and more and more discover each day." What a fine trick to lead me to think you were going to say 'what you are' and then flip it!
I figured they'd be using regenerative any day now. Sustainable had already been twisted. Rule #1 in the propaganda playbook--make the words mean the opposite of what they did. And you go for the key element--regenerative has to be small-scale, localized, decentralized. Nice article, tough topic.
:) I am glad you enjoyed reading that part Tereza
Well said with regards to the propaganda playbook and I agree with your comments on the nature of that which is truly regenerative.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
An excellent article, Gavin! Thank you for pointing out the weaponization of terms and ideas that at their heart are so very, very beneficial to humankind. And thank you for your return to love, again and again, even as you call out those who are acting out of fear.
Thanks Mary! :)
I do strive to remain grounded in love despite the heinous behaviors being chosen by some of our fellow beings on Earth, it is not easy sometimes.. but in my heart of hearts I know that (despite how tempting it can be to think otherwise in a world where we have been conditioned to covet intellect, dominance and competitiveness and see kindness, compassion and humility as a weakness) one cannot rid the world of darkness by using the tools of darkness.
Darkness is the lack of light, and thus, the only viable path to make the darkness flee is to embody and nurture the light within us to radiate outwardly and fill the void to light our path forward.
I appreciate your thoughtful comment <3
Agreed! You laid out our task beautifully -- to embody and nurture the light within. Reminds me of the Fra Giovanni quote: "The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy." It ain't easy sometimes, but that's what we are called to do.