In Pursuit Of An Antidote For Corporate Parasites And Charting A Path Towards A Brighter Future
An honest assessment of the current state of affairs in the human world and an exploration of what I see as actionable solutions to the challenges we face.
Without first accurately diagnosing the patient, formulating an effective treatment is impossible. If we do not test (and/or closely observe/assess) the soil then our efforts for remediation and regeneration will inevitably fall short of our intended outcome (of creating a healthy, lush, resilient growing space). If we want our problem solving and solutions based actions to make lasting changes we must first clearly assess the current state of affairs so that we can plan effectively.
It is in the interest of honestly assessing the 'soil' of our society and the 'prognosis' of our civilization that I feel it is important to point out that while (as many of you know) 2020-present day may have been a very challenging time for most of us financially, the billionaires of our society have done incredibly well profiting from this situation. The largest transfer of wealth which has occurred in our lifetime (from the bottom up to the top) has occurred in the last three years. What has been (and continues to be) a time of heartbreak, hardship and stress for many (with people losing family businesses, shocking increases in instances of children (and adults) committing suicide and the waging of an economic war that is forcing billions of human beings to go into debt) has been a time of record breaking profiteering and funneling of what little wealth the middle class had left into the hands of a tiny minority.
We live in a time of involuntary governance, perpetual manufactured wars (for profit), manipulated markets, inflation and corporations/banking interests making intentional moves to create a Global Economic Collapse, Recession and starve the population via crippling the global food supply.
This is a time in which transnational corporate interests, ‘investment firms’ and their puppet governments are actively working to cripple farmer’s access to materials for industrial farming, putting them into debt and engaging in a landgrab (being made under the guise of 'sustainability’). This is a time in which those that are dependent on centralized systems could be left hungry as their access to basic necessities are cut off by our would be technocratic neo-feudal corporate overlords. We live in a time when dependence on a corrupt and toxic industrial food system dominated by gene spliced transgenic crops could leave your health compromised and when you seek medical care the only thing waiting for you is a medical system dominated by a predatory corporate pharmaceutical industry which will (at best) offer you expensive drugs to cover symptoms (that may or may not have side effects that are more serious than the original symptoms) but never address the cause of the illness (with the intent of making you into a life long customer). We are living in a time in which people had their bank accounts frozen for donating their hard earned dollars to support a peaceful human rights protest and/or for expressing views that oligarchs and their puppets in government did not like and a time in which the mechanisms are being put in place to make those types of overtly totalitarian measures a permanent facet of governance/law enforcement systems.
These would-be dominators of our global family of humanity do not only seek to control every aspect of your lives (including controlling your biological functions and psychological motivations) they are also actively engaging in a global eugenics campaign (spanning decades but accelerating exponentially in the past three years). This depopulation agenda is intended to reduce the global population drastically (via involuntary means, aka mass murder/democide).
I do not share this information to demonize a small group of humans (as we are all, at least in part, complicit or at the very least playing an unconscious, but active role) in the perpetuating of this morally bankrupt system of obscene inequality through our continued dependence on their centralized systems) rather, I share this information to point out the fact that while this seemingly unending cycle of fear propaganda and tyrannical “lockdowns”, government-sponsored big pharma coercion, violations of human rights and discriminatory segregation of minorities, government initiated inflationary policies, mass media gaslighting, engineered skyrocketing food price increases, the exponential increase in degenerative health conditions and chronic disease (especially in children), and mass deaths of those injected with the mRNA bioweapons represents the most challenging experiences most of us have had in our time on Earth, it also represents the 'successful' implementation of a pre-meditated plan to end the lives of millions of human beings and a time of increased wealth for those who wield more influence in shaping legislation than elected officials. I feel it is very telling to consider all of the above and then to also observe how we live in a time in which the Ontario government is offering people "self administered suicide meds" and changing the laws so that people that do not have terminal medical conditions will be eligible to sign up to kill themselves with deadly government funded drugs. That same government is now seeking to lower the legal age limit for those legally allowed to consent to be able to gain access to these self administered suicide drugs (which will be available to non-terminal patients) so that children 12 and up can sign up (via changing the definition of what a “mature minor” is considered to be in Ontario).
This is a time in which systemic criminality perpetrated by and abuse directed from the highest levels of government for a sustained duration of time has resulted in a large amount of people developing a sort of Stockholm Syndrome (a willingness to aggressively defend/justify the actions of individuals/institutions that have systematically abused them). The trauma inflicted on people by individuals working within institutions that they have been raised to trust and respect, has (for many people) resulted in a sort of psychotic break from reality. In this induced state of mass psychosis many strictly adhere to any nonsense propaganda that is disseminated from various "public health officials" or "news organizations" and this is resulting in a great many people who have bought a lie, trusted repeat criminal offenders with providing them with experimental medical treatments and then have had to constantly do 'mental gymnastics' as these criminal entities change the mandates from day to day (completely disregarding any and all science showing how useless and/or harmful said mandates are).
When an individual is confronted by the above described facts (or they seek out the data of their own accord) from what I have seen, most people seem to usually respond in one of three ways.
Firstly, as the situation I describe above is indeed a serious (and seemingly grim) one, and since an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the reality of this situation (in part due the government puppets showing their true colors when people peacefully gathered to demand their human rights and bodily autonomy be respected) I have observed an increasing amount of people that have been led to the conclusion that we face an insurmountable foe and they have decided to choose to stick their head in the sand and accept what they feel is their inevitable enslavement and/or doom.
Before we proceed any further, a note on whether ‘ignorance is bliss’ or not.
Given that we do have actionable intelligence, viable solutions (at every scale) at our disposal and our actions (or lack of action) now will shape the type of lives that future generations live, I feel that we cannot in good conscience choose to remain ignorant, comply with tyranny (so we can go “back to normal”) or keep our head down and go on with ‘business as usual’.
Do not allow the fear based disempowering propaganda to fool you into complacency. Despite the existence of a monolithic parasitic empire (orchestrated by a small group of people) that aligns itself against the majority of humanity, each individual possesses the ability to affect real change through their daily actions. I mean measurable, observable, significant change.
It’s important to keep in mind that these parasitic “puppet masters” do not have a self-sustaining mode of staying in power. They only remain in power and able to brain wash soldiers, bribe/threaten politicians, initiate false flag operations (like what they are doing with this scamdemic), engage in eugenics/democide operations (as they are doing with the mRNA bioweapon injections) and wage wars of aggression as long as we keep giving them the energy to do so. They are much like parasites in the sense that without a larger organism (humanity) constantly feeding into them, their systems of violent oppression, domination, and psychological warfare would shrivel up and die. In the case of this particular transnational racketeering cartel (and their subsidiary systems of oppression) their main modes of keeping a grip on the world economy (and by extension all other aspects of modern society) is through financial fraud, pharmaceutical tyranny and the dependence of the many on the industrial Ag, big oil and centralized outlets of information dissemination/propaganda. The puppet masters may know violence and chaos well, but what they don’t know well is love, inner peace and how to deal with people who break from dependence on their centralized systems.
Secondly, some people that have been indoctrinated heavily into the idea that governments, nation-states and/or religious institutions are here to protect us and save us from ‘the bad guys’ seem to hold onto the idea that some savior type individual (whether it be some politician that is going to ‘drain the swamp’, or ‘make Canada the freest country on Earth again’ or some other politician claiming they will do something similarly vague and encouraging or it be a literal religious savior figure that the individual is hoping will swoop in to smight the ‘bad guys’ and save the day).
Many who are aware of the challenges we face and seek a path to a better world and bringing about a new paradigm for mankind wait for others to do the groundwork so that they can find sturdy footing. In truth, we are all the co-authors of this story, we cannot just point our finger accusingly at the ‘bad guys’ and then hope some ‘savior good guy’ will arrive and solve our problems for us. The actions each of us choose are the stepping stones and the beliefs we give our energy to are the mortar that holds them in place. We are all (each and everyone of us) the architects and sculptors of the path we find laid before our feet. Whether consciously or unconsciously we are weaving the fabric of the reality we will experience. We ‘vote’ for what this consensus reality we all share will become tomorrow with our dollars (through what types of corporations and institutions we feed into perpetuating or withdrawing our support from), we ‘vote’ with our decision to speak truth (even when it is socially awkward or professionally risky) or outwardly conform (which in essence equates to ‘voting’ for the tyrants to stay in power and continue to garner more influence). Last but not least, we vote with our thoughts and the emotions we choose to allow to gain momentum (yes that matters too, and no its not some ‘hippy-dippy nonsense’). This is true because the electromagnetic fields produced by the human brain and heart are measurable and have a measurable impact on matter and those we share this world with.
Thirdly, another emerging trend I am observing in the awakening masses is that a growing number of people that are aware of the real geopolitical/financial power structure above our puppet governments here in Canada see the impending implementation of the intended technocratic neo-feudalist slavery system and feel moved to ‘storm the castle gates’ so to speak (as people did in Sri Lanka recently). I personally think that while this type of action may be gratifying/cathartic (in theory) even if it were successful (resulting in making fearful oligarch puppet government heads resign and run for the hills) it will not affect the long term trajectory of the parasitic oligarchic empire, but rather just force them to alter course slightly.
This apparent growing desire in the awakening masses (globally) to rise up and tear down these corrupt systems of involuntary governance and punish those responsible for the ongoing atrocities being perpetrated on innocents is palpable.. Part of me feels that way as well but another part of me knows that doing that would not create permanent beneficial changes to our world (even if it was possible, which given the tech they possess, I doubt).
As much as I sometimes wish this corrupt system would be forced to come crashing down by an uprising and the punishing of those responsible for their crimes against humanity, the truth is violent uprisings/revolutions can be usurped, co-opted and managed by the plutocrats and have been all throughout human history. They know violence and turbulence well as they are some of the elite’s tools of choice.
Having observed the misanthropic psychopaths that run our governments (and their subsidiary systems of oppression) on earth for a very long time I have come to understand the way to get rid of them is not by attempting to kill or jail them. After all, even if someone did succeed at doing that, it would only be killing or locking up some people not ridding the world of a massive global parasitic empire which feeds on fear, ego, dependence on centralized systems and violence. The people in the echelons of that system are merely those who have been indoctrinated into and contributed towards building/maintaining that empire, they are not the reason such a system can exist on earth. Therefore, killing or jailing the people would only create a vacuum within that empire, that would in time be filled by other humans suffering from the same ego/fear dis-ease and mental instability that the original puppet masters suffered from. In order to permanently rid the world of this type of individual you have to create an environment where psychopathic and parasitic individuals and the systems which they create cannot flourish. The key is found not in openly attacking them with violence but rather in leaving them behind by rendering their parasitic systems obsolete and unable to draw strength from us.
The dominant members of the global oligarchic hegemony (which Catherine Austin Fitts refers to as “Mr.Global” and CJ Hopkins refers to as “GloboCap”) have chosen to take on the role of parasites, plain and simple. They are individuals that create systems that extract resources from the ‘organism’ they are a part of (to the detriment of the health of the host organism) without giving anything back. Whether you consider that ‘organism’ to be Humanity or the living Planet Earth as a whole, both are true and relevant. They even engage in strategies that parallel the biological mechanisms of parasites involving using manipulation techniques to make the host crave that which is ideal for feeding the parasite (see: corporate advertising, social media behavior modification programs, using “TV As A Weapon” and other mind control techniques).
It is also important to keep in mind that each and everyone of these human beings that are engaging in parasitic, psychopathic and predatory behavior were all innocent children once. Each born with unconditional love and compassion in their hearts and then slowly but surely conditioned to suppress that innate facet of their being and replace it with the wants and fears of the ego. If we just get rid of these people, that does nothing to address the ways of living, perceiving and thinking that led to making them who they are.
It is analogous to how removing a tapeworm from the human body without addressing the diet, lifestyle and the quality of one’s internal environment that resulted in the tapeworm being able to take hold in the first place is only a temporary solution.
These oligarchs attempting to create a new type of slavery system are very much like parasites in their behavior. Thus, if we do not alter our way of living and perceiving our place in this world (and just seek to remove the psychopaths from power) all we will be doing is removing the ‘tapeworm’ but neglecting to address the circumstances that allowed it to take hold in the first place.
These corporate parasites now begin to target their potential prey/hosts at a young age. I read a study a while back which found that the average American child can now identify over 100 corporate logos and yet can typically identify less than ten plants. As James Corbett has wisely stated “the revolution of the mind is an intergenerational project”. Thus, we must strive to help the young ones reconnect with nature in this sacred endeavor of seeding a revolution of the mind.
If we want our solution to be permanent we need to focus on creating an environment where parasites and psychopaths have no ability to take hold, gather strength and influence.. and this is a path we can only embark upon when we look within and put our hands and hearts to work in a creative/collaborative way in our local communities.
We will peacefully and joyfully resist their desperate move to justify the existence of their corrupt empire through creating regenerative oasis's in each of the communities where we live. We will accomplish this through planting regenerative gardens, creating natural medicines with plants/fungi, creating regenerative initiatives (that offer outreach programs to help the young and vulnerable in our communities find their footing) setting up "Food Is Free project(s)", “Grow Free” projects, "seeds are free projects", helping each other through challenging times through compassion, kindness, understanding, love, collaboration, symbiosis and moral courage. We will show the oligarchs that we can thrive and exist in peaceful symbiosis with Mother Earth, each other and our fellow non-human beings without their corporations and corrupt degenerative government systems.
It is for times such as these that Gandhi used Satyagraha – the force of truth to resist unjust laws and empires peacefully and non violently. In nature one of her most innate truths and constants is her irrepressible capacity for regeneration. We can align with this innate facet of the living planet that sustains us and become irrepressible as well.
Therefore, the pathway I choose to stand up and take action to dissolve the tyranny gaining momentum in this world is to remove my support from their parasitic systems, begin to nurture an environment that is inhospitable to parasites, empower others in my community to do the same to starve the parasites out and one day leave them behind.
As part of my permaculture design mindset and approach to life, I try to make an honest assessment by taking a step back, looking at the realistic worst case scenario, and then analyzing if my design (and/or my way of living) is resilient and adaptable enough to survive (and preferably thrive) if such a hypothetical worst case situation happened. When I design a garden I try to imagine what the pressures of a storm that only happens once every hundred years (or a hundred year drought etc) would do to my garden. Would it survive? Would it still produce? and I ask myself questions like “How can I optimize this design to be ready to withstand the pressures of a hundred year storm”?
When I apply this lens of perception to our current situation I see that overt government-sponsored violent oppression in high population centers being possible in our future (regardless of geographic location) I also feel that focusing a lot of time and resources on weapons or planning for combat/revolting is not a solid way to prepare for that potential emergency, because in the end, if the oligarchs unleash their full arsenal in the open, we are talking about high powered LRADs and DEWs (microwave based, laser based and other directed energy weapons) that can be mounted on vehicles at a distance and we are talking about heavily armed drones and robotic combat units (and those are just a few of the technologies we know about). Attempting to wage war on the plutocrats and their armies of brainwashed soldiers that possess next level weapons tech and fire power (violent revolution) is (to me) a bad idea for so many reasons. Those at the helm of the parasitic empire described above have conditioned much of the public and law enforcement to be ready to turn on anyone labelled as a “domestic terrorist” or “insurrectionist” etc, so if we chose overt violent action against the oligarchs (and/or their puppets) we are falling right into their trap.
It is clear the oligarchy intends to starve out large portions of the working population and sow the seeds of distrust, conflict, hate, division and fear as to keep us distracted and fighting each other as they implement their agenda incrementally outside the scope of perception of the masses.
Thus, our task must be to plant the seeds for the opposite to thrive in each of our communities.
The thing about taking steps to learn to grow and preserve one’s own food is that it simultaneously serves the purpose of increasing one’s emergency preparedness while also increasing the quality of one’s life (even during the best of times). This is a pathway that also starves the oligarchs and their parasitic corporations. If one embarks on such a journey of learning and then a tyrannical government decides to use the threat of violence to take away one’s land or home, the act of learning and enriching oneself via growing and preserving the food still remains valuable. If we choose to do things that help us align with natural localized cycles for providing our basic survival needs (like gardening, seed saving, foraging and preserving) we are increasing our emergency preparedness in a joyful and healthy way.
That is why I put my time and energy into preserving/sharing heirloom seeds, creating good soil, gardening skills, creating food forests, increasing foraging knowledge/experience, increased health/immunity, preserving experience, and that is why I put most of my time and energy into the symbiotic relationships and friendships I forge with neighbors and the broader community I am a part of (through sharing abundant harvests, seeds, knowledge and helping others to grow regenerative gardens and make medicines) as these are things that have innate value. These things will retain their value whether or not tyranny is commonplace (and whether or not we have access to fiat currency or any kind of currency that is authorized by central authorities for that matter). Thus, even given the possibility of our corrupt government freezing accounts etc, I whole heartedly believe that taking time to learn to grow, forage for, and preserve one’s own food and medicine is a wise path forward in this uncertain times.
Charles Eisenstein speaks to this fork in the road we now face in one of his poignant essays by stating: “𝗪𝗲 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗯𝘆 𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗵𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝘀. 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗸, 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗮 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿. 𝗔𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘇𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘁. We may experience this as synchronicity, which seems to happen with uncanny frequency just at those moments where one takes a leap in the dark... Synchronicity so often congeals around bravery. Synchronicity is the snapping of the laws of probability as reality shifts to align with brave choices.”
Pursuant to this sacred task of “claiming by example what a human being is” there is one method of food cultivation in particular I feel is worth highlighting here (which I believe can be particularly effective and empowering given the current state of affairs). There are ancient horticultural systems that were utilized by some Native American and First Nation peoples (as well as others on different continents) and they are ways of cultivating which can offer us an effective method to create resilient food/medicine production systems that are less likely to be raided by degenerates, mercenaries, government thugs or brainwashed soldiers as they are by the very nature of their design, ‘camouflaged’ to the untrained eye. These “Food Forests” become permanent gardens that require very little (if any) work to keep alive and producing once they are established. These systems contain a wide spectrum of species suitable for harvesting food, medicine, building material and other important resources. The mature Food Forest, looks like it sounds, and so because the modern eye has been trained to see food production systems as big fields, many would not recognize what they were looking at if they saw it and would ignore the forest garden as ‘just another useless section of forest’ and move on.
I will share links to a few examples below so you can see what I am talking about:
For some additional historical and cultural context on the viability of creating Food Forests as a way to resist oppression, I will share an excerpt from an article posted on the website of a Regenerative Cacao Forest Farm (called Sueño de Vida) titled “How We Do It” (cultivating Cacao as part of a food forest).
“Indigenous wisdom, modern application. Our model for regeneration is the chakra integral, an indigenous agroforestry practiced in the forests of Ecuador and Peru for millennia before the arrival of Christopher Columbus. Meaning "big round garden" in the Kichwa language, the chakra integral forms a landscape that resembles a mosaic, which is economically productive and ecologically friendly to the area’s biodiversity.
Archaeological evidence here in the Chocó gives us a glimpse into the Yumbo culture which thrived here for over one thousand years—a complex, stable, and advanced culture in different ways from the societies we've been taught to think of "advanced."
The Yumbo successfully resisted Inka hegemony, not by fighting, but by maintaining "forest superiority." They utilized agroforestry systems to grow food and built complex networks of paths and raised earth mounds in the forest to conduct trade and cultivate diverse forest gardens.
Because of the diversity and abundance in their food streams, they maintained an orderly society without a large hierarchy or divisive social stratification.
The Yumbo have historical counterparts in the Marajó area of Brazil, the forest cultures of Indonesia and others. Across time and space, cultures that cultivated food via agroforestry have been more equitable, less hierarchical, healthier, and more enduring than the "great empires" we learn about in school.” - Kristen Lee Krash
“You could go [along the river] where you wanted and homestead. the forest gives you all kinds of fruit and animals, the river gives you fish and plants. They had to be much more fluid, more hang loose, less coercive or people wouldn’t stay…[The people] were freer, they were healthier, they were living in a really wonderful civilization…orderly and beautiful and complex. The eye-opener was that you didn’t need a huge apparatus of state control to have all that.” – Anna Roosevelt, archaeologist, author of Mound Builders of the Amazon
If we cultivate food forests like the ancient peoples that lived in what is now called Canada, Ecuador, Brazil, the US, Morocco (and many other places where indigenous peoples created similar permanent food production systems that blended with existing ecology) we are building up food security and doing so in a way that is essentially ‘invisible’ to the ignorant. These systems provide habitat for diverse wildlife, replenish the water table, stabilize the soil and feed humans at the same time. It is likely most roaming thugs would not be able to recognize a food forest if they saw one and even if armed thugs were to kill those that tend the food forest, history teaches us the food forests gain their own momentum and continue to live on and feed others for many generations.
It is true there are a great many that are hypnotized by the endless waves of Problem-Reaction-Solution Psyops and propaganda but it is also true that it only takes a single candle to light up an entire room filled with darkness.
Lets say hypothetically (for the sake of argument) the worst case scenario happens (total overt totalitarian technocracy involving out in the open democide of dissidents). Even if that were to come to pass my answer would be the same… because for me in that hypothetical situation the question becomes “How do I want to spend the time I have left on this Earth?”
Do I want to spend the time I have been gifted to wield the weapons of man in violence?
Or do I want to embody faith in that which the Creator of all things gave us and plant the seeds of hope, love and abundance by working with my hands in the rich Earth?
Therefore, I see creating regenerative gardens and food forests as a viable, honorable and practical path forward in these uncertain times. We can forge alliances with the more than human world through planting food forests and regenerative gardens all over, and in doing so provide not only for ourselves, but countless future generations in the process.
For anyone interested in beginning to cultivate a food forest/’forest garden’ I can share an excerpt from my soon to be published book (upon request) which offers a list of ideal plant species for incorporating into a food forest (with separate lists of plants/trees that are specific to a range of different climates).
In order to see a new civilization and way of living take hold and begin to become the norm we must cut our ties to the old ways and begin to live a new way. We must remember what our ancestors were wise enough to understand and forge a close knit relationship with the land we live on. The interdependence, sacred geometry, efficiency, resilience and regenerative capacity of the intact ecosystems where we live can provide us guidance on the path forward. Through emulating these living systems in the garden/farming sector and engaging in biomimicry with our technology we can create resilient systems and ways of perceiving that can provide us food, medicine and wisdom on our path to create a brighter future. And it can begin with something as simple as humility and a handful of seeds.
We can choose to be the living embodiment of truth, agents of the regenerative capacity of Mother Earth and the antidote that helps to expel the tentacles of the corporate parasites in each of our communities.
We can plant the seeds for abundance, health and hope. We can plant these seeds with our hands and our hearts. We can do this one regenerative garden and one regenerative community at a time.
Now is the time to reaffirm our alliances with the living Earth, to nurture new symbiotic relationships with the soil, people, plants and fungi in our local communities. Human empires rise and fall, and history teaches us that when they fall, it is those that know how to grow/forage for their own food, medicine and preserve it that survived. I will be focusing on these efforts locally and helping those at a distance to do the same.
We can create oasis’s of health, resilience, and abundance in each of our communities.. we can become the solution, break from dependence on centralized systems and help others to do the same. It begins with the soil and the seeds and it evolves into nurturing symbiotic connections with those we share our communities with.
I have published and am now distributing hard copies of my own little contribution towards helping people to be able to nurture symbiotic relationships, feed themselves and create resilient communities but there are many books that can help empower people towards those ends that contain more specialized forms of knowledge than I could fit into my book (some of those books are shown in the image below.)
Others can be found listed here

It is time to move past the era of followers and leaders, peasants and princes, worshipers and saviors, haves and have-nots, minions and tyrants, corporations and consumers and usher in the age of self governed, self reliant, creative, resilient and symbiotically connected human beings which collaborate of their own free will to leave this world a little more beautiful than it was before.
There is no elected official, institution, politician, guru, priest, revolutionary, savior or any other external force or individual who can do this for you. Engaging in life on Earth is a voluntary journey that each of us chose willingly. The Creator of all things respects our choice to be here and our free will. We did not come here to see a dramatic dualistic showdown happen and applaud the ‘good guy' for vanquishing the bad guy (from a distance as a spectator). No, each and every one of us (whether we are currently consciously aware of this fact or not) came here to co-author the story. That means no-one else is going to do the hard work for us (not a savior, rebel leader nor a politician) we came here to do that work of transforming this world ourselves.
If you are reading this than that means that on a soul level you chose to be here on Earth in this particular time (and critical stage in the unfolding of humanity) because you are resilient, courageous, capable of transmuting pain into wisdom, radiating light from within to make the darkness flee and serving as an exemplar to help those who are ready to also become catalysts for a metamorphosis.
You are the sowers of the seeds of change and the remediators of humanity's collective consciousness. You are the gardeners that sow the seeds of hope, healing, remembrance, kindness, respect, solidarity and compassion (even in the midst of the cold winter winds) having faith these seeds will germinate and their roots take hold when the time is right.
You are not alone, your tribe came here in great numbers at this time. Go forth now and find the others, it is time to embody the template for that which will be and cut our ties to that which was.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
I see a correlation between the 'parasitic' overlords and the mindset, the principles, of many of their most loyal victims.... the ones that seem to not be able to 'see or hear' .... have no ability to think critically and no access to credible knowledge. we have more than overlords to overcome....
Very well-written overall, Gavin. Indeed, the problem is not just a few psychopaths that need to be replaced, but systemic. The system itself needs to be replaced.