"The Earth's natural frequency is called the Schumann Resonance, which pulsates at a rate of 7.83 hertz." biotonomy.com/post/how-electromagnetic-pollution-in-buildings-effect-our-wellbeing

Living beings lack the ability to have resonance frequencies, life energy being non-electromagnetic.

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Living beings have many capabilities that our modern science and current instruments have not yet succeeded at discovering/measuring. We are not standing at the pinnacle of knowledge, looking down at all the previous generations who were then confronted with new discoveries that illuminated how their firmly held beliefs and foundational concepts about the world needed to be improved upon as exceptions to the rule. That is a delusional perspective based in hubris that many who came before us have also chosen to embrace, and they were all wrong (just as anyone who embraces such a perspective today will be shown to be as our understanding improves and transforms in the future).

Those who are humble, courageous and honorable and also interested in the honest pursuit of science (as well as those who are interested in expanding their understanding of this universe and our place in it through other lenses of perception and ways of learning) will have many of their current views and beliefs challenged and transformed in this lifetime. Some will cling to archaic and stagnant worldviews that comfort the ego and the story we have each been told about our human supremacy, each will have to make their own choice at this fork in the road.

When you used the term "life energy" perhaps you are referring to the spiritual essence that dwells within each of us (extra-temporal and extra-dimensional energy which originated from the Creator of all things, which some people call a "soul" or "spirit"). If that is what you are talking about when you use the term than you are correct in saying that the eternal essence within us that is of that nature is not electromagnetic. However, we, as human beings (spiritual beings in a human body) are in fact electromagnetic beings. Our brain and our human heart produce electromagnetic fields endogenously (which extend outside of our physical body). That can be recorded with instruments and has been through many experiments.

Some people have begun educating themselves about the biological detriments of artificial EMFs (such as those produced by telecommunications equipment, smart meters and 5G weapons emitters etc) and so they now mistakenly have a knee jerk negative reaction to the word "electromagnetic" (associating that term solely with artificial EMFs produced by machines rather than including or considering those natural EMFs produced by biological entities). In reality, the electromagnetic facets of our being are an elegant thread of Creator's design that aligns our individual bodies with the living planet Earth (she also produces an electromagnetic field endogenously), each other and our fellow non-human beings on Earth.

In a nut shell, we (as human beings) are both electromagnetic and spiritual beings (as well as biological entities). When we learn to align the brain with the heart-brain (the heart contains neurons that can have a two way communication with the brain via training/meditation) we can consciously attenuate and modulate the endogenously produced EMF that extends beyond the confines of our body to serve as a means to communicate/commune with, offer peace and help to heal our fellow beings from a distance. There have been plenty of well documented experiments to confirm this to be true.

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Current flows produce electromagnetic fields. Life force is a static field, producing no currents or electromagnetic fields.

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Could you please describe exactly what you mean when you use the term "life force"?

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Any force that supports life that doesn't originate therein.

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Thanks for being more specific. In that case, we are talking about something completely different with regards to my comments on the "morphic field" above and the ability of the human heart to (along with its other physiological functions) serve as an organ of perception and energetic communication. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

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Have you read any of Rupert Sheldrake's books?

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If you are talking about humans then i guess it would depend on what you call "Life Force" But there are electromagnetic currents in the human body. In an article published by Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson and written by Dr. Evelin Valdez It reports that science explains the human body generates electricity that flows through it. The human body also has its own magnetic fields. The human heart produces an electric current that runs through the body and to every cell. This electric current in the body generates an electromagnetic field. Because the human body, and every living organism on this planet, is an electrical body all made up of charged particles, it is also subject to the laws of electromagnetism. The body’s bio-electromagnetic fields are very low in intensity (amplitude/power) but can be measured using devices like MEG (magnetoencephalography) and MCG (Magnetocardiography). NASA concurs stating that humans emit infrared waves which are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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Infrared waves are heat. Unless one is dead, one will emit heat.

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I don't believe anything that NASA says after finding out why the Russians terminated their plan to easily beat us to the moon.

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It was not just NASA that the information came from.

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Who else would NASA's information come from?

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