Great article - have some more reading to do now and thanx for the comment on my substack article on the history of DEW.

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Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

I would value hearing your thoughts on Greer's most recent film (The Lost Century) with regards to how he chose to emphasize the "carbon emissions are causing global warming/climate" narrative but did not even mention intentional (weaponized) geoengineering tech (stratospheric aerosol injection programs and ionosphere heating devices such as HAARP) having a potential to play a role in our changing climate.

I know Greer is a smart guy and he also has a relatively large solar panel array at one of his properties so I know he is aware of the stratospheric aerosol injection (aka "solar radiation management") and weather warfare programs. I have a few solar panels my self and on the days when the planes have sprayed a heavy grid of metallic nano-particulates above I see about a 40% decrease in energy output. Greer would be experiencing the same and would be able to connect the dots.

Why do you think he avoided exposing that aspect of anthropogenic "climate change" in his film that focused so much on "global warming/climate change"?

I also look forward to hearing what you think when you have a chance to go through the material I shared in that comment on your post.

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Thanks Gavin, this is opening up a new rabbit hole for me. (Another distraction or the golden gateway?) One of the memes bouncing around in my brain at the moment - as a result of being halfway through Jeremy Narby's book The Cosmic Serpent - is that DNA was seeded on Earth by extraterrestrials, as you perhaps hinted at here "We were created (and/or evolved) to interact with living ecosystems symbiotically"

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"One of the memes bouncing around in my brain at the moment - as a result of being halfway through Jeremy Narby's book The Cosmic Serpent - is that DNA was seeded on Earth by extraterrestrials, as you perhaps hinted at here "We were created (and/or evolved) to interact with living ecosystems symbiotically"

I explore some of my own perspectives and beliefs on the origin of modern human beings in this excerpt from my book:


Based on my own experience looking inward and exploring an awareness of the spiritual realms beyond that which is physical I have come to directly perceive that there is a Creator being (though that being is not what the religious dogmas of Earth portray it to be) and that being did play (and continues to play) a central role in the creation of (and continued spiritual unfolding) of human beings (and all other beings) in this universe.

I see the core code of our DNA as being the schematics for our physical bodies (vehicles for our eternal spirit to navigate this physical universe) that was brought into being by the Creator of all things. That does not however, (IMO) rule out the potential of genetic engineers from some other solar system coming along at some stage in our development as a species and engaging in some sort of manipulation (either for selfish or perhaps what they may have perceived as benevolent reasons).

In my Childhood's End essay I stated that the most advanced and ancient of the interstellar species that are here now appear to be part of a collective of civilizations that work in concert toward their common goals (which among other things) include assisting younger species make the transition into safely moving beyond the confines of their planet and engaging with their neighbors. While this is still accurate based on the data and intel I have gathered, I have also learned that (though Dr. Steven Greer seems to avoid acknowledging this reality) there are less advanced interstellar civilizations which visit (and have visited) here as well (with the members of their species possessing varying degrees of integrity, compassion and social maturity) but these rogues make up a minority and though some of the individual members of these civilizations have engaged in somewhat nefarious activities, these are the actions of rogue criminals, and not representative of the intent nor nature of their respective species (nor the civilization/world they originated from) as a whole.

Some people have presented research, archeological/geological evidence and theories about a group of ET beings that visited (and perhaps set up bases on) Earth thousands of years ago. Some have called them “Anunnaki”.

From the geological, archeological and written documentation evidence I have seen, those rogue individuals (from a specific extraterrestrial culture) ended up engaging in a massive war (between factions of their own ‘people’) that involved weapons of mass destruction.

For example, there were discoveries made which provided physical evidence that scientists say “proves there was technology present which artificially induced nuclear fission over 8000 years ago on planet earth”. One of the findings was when a company was doing surveying for a new uranium mine in Africa and found that some of the uranium was fused at an atomic level. But the more compelling evidence is when in 1992 scientists discovered a heavy layer of radioactive ash in Rajasthan, India, covering a three-square mile area, ten miles west of Jodhpur. After investigating the site, where a housing development was being built, they unearthed an ancient city where evidence shows an atomic blast dating back thousands of years, from 8,000 to 12,000 years, destroyed most of the buildings and probably a half-million people.

Then there are the ancient tales speak of flying vimanas. Vimanas were real vehicles and the origin of the ‘Aeroplanes.’ Great wars were described in early religious texts. Source: https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/mbs/index.htm)

Weapons were described to literally level the land like a moving force field. In ancient India, we find words for certain measurements of length; one was the distance of light-years and one was the length of an atom. Only a society that possessed nuclear energy would have the need for such words. When Oppenheimer said ‘I am become the destroyer of worlds,’ he was quoting from these ancient books.

Some scientists are now theorizing that the deserts on a number of continents today are the result of (prehistoric) nuclear warfare.

Historian Kisari Mohan Ganguli says that Indian sacred writings are full of such descriptions, which sound like an atomic blast as experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He says references mention fighting sky chariots and final weapons. An ancient battle is described in the Drona Parva, a section of the Mahabharata. “The passage tells of combat where explosions of final weapons decimate entire armies, causing crowds of warriors with steeds and elephants and weapons to be carried away as if they were dry leaves of trees,” says Ganguli. Here are a few illuminating verses from the ancient Mahabharata texts: ” …a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame As bright as the thousand suns Rose in all its splendour… a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds… …the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols… ..it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. …The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; Pottery broke without apparent cause, And the birds turned white. After a few hours All foodstuffs were infected… …to escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.” Until the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, modern mankind could not imagine any weapon as horrible and devastating as those described in the ancient Indian texts. Yet, they very accurately described the effects of an atomic explosion.

The unexplained destruction of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa are also worth examining more closely for uncovering indications that a massive war between rogue factions of the above described civilization may have indeed taken place.

The remnants of two ancient civilizations in the Indus Valley of modern day Pakistan and India have puzzled archeologists for decades. These cities were both deserted suddenly, coincidentally around the time of the construction of the great pyramids in Egypt, despite having been thriving centers of technology and culture for centuries. Mohenjo Daro, in particular, appears to have been flattened, or collapsed after 600 years of being inhabited. Could this have been the location of what may have been an ancient nuclear war?


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(continued from comment above..)

Mohenjo Daro and Harappa are anomalous not just because of their desertion by the people who lived there, but also because of their incredibly advanced technology and decentralized, secular society. Archeologists have determined that the layout of these two massive cities shows evidence of an egalitarian civilization with no distinct hierarchy or elite ruling class and was likely governed by elected officials. The ruins of Mohenjo Daro show careful urban planning, advanced irrigation and drainage systems, and a 900 sq. foot, watertight, communal bath that was filled by the Indus river. This civilization spanned over 500 acres and supported a population of somewhere between 20,000 – 40,000 citizens.

Harappa, which came into ruin around the same time as Mohenjo Daro, was equally as advanced, with granaries, superstructures, and calculated trading practices. These civilizations had board games like chess, traded precious gems and jewelry, and valued cleanliness and hygiene. Both were civilizations with thriving cultures that disappeared suddenly and without explanation.

Excavations at Mohenjo Daro unearthed the skeletons of a family holding hands, appearing to have been flattened with rubble and ash covering them as if they had died in an abrupt and unforeseen event. Some accounts (described in a comment above) say that a layer of radioactive ash was found in the soil before the site was dug up, adding to the theory of a nuclear event that could have been the cause of destruction of this ancient city.

I found it illuminating to do a direct comparison between the brahmastra (the weapon described as a “single projectile charged with all the power in the universe” which is described in the ancient Vedic texts quoted in a comment above) and destruction is the aftermath of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After Trinity, the U.S. didn’t waste any time deploying the new atomic technology — less than three weeks later, on Aug. 6, 1945, the U.S. Air Force dropped an atomic weapon, nicknamed “Little Boy,” on Hiroshima, Japan. Immediately, a reported 70,000 people were killed, with another 140,000 dying of radiation poisoning by 1946.

The core destruction radius was about a mile around ground zero. Fires were reported across an additional 4.4 sq. miles. Humans and animals in the blast zone turned to carbon, echoing the words of the Mahabharata; “corpses so burned as to be unrecognizable.”

When the Trinity team discovered the green glass in the bomb craters, they named the material “Trinitite.” The glass also called “nuclear,” “atomic,” and “desert” glass, was formed when silica sand was heated to temperatures above 1,700 degrees centigrade by the blast.

After the Trinity test, engineer Albion Hart noticed that the Trinitite was identical to the material he had seen in the African desert decades earlier. He calculated that the size of the African glass deposit indicated a blast ten thousand times more powerful than the Trinity bomb. The similarities were dismissed, as no one believed an ancient or modern blast of those proportions as possible.

Earlier, In 1932, an Egyptian Geological Survey team member Patrick Clayton was driving across the desert near the Saad Plateau. He said he heard a “crunching” under the wheels of his car; unusual, in that he was driving on sand surfaces. He stopped and discovered large pieces of glass in the sand.

The glass has also been found under Neolithic, Sumerian, and Babylonian layers at archaeological sites in Iraq. Is it possible that an ancient civilization prior to the Neolithic period blew itself back to the stone age with nuclear devices?

Libyan desert glass deposits, estimated to be 28.5 million years old, stretch over 6,500 square kilometers into neighboring Egypt. The light green Libyan glass, called “the rock of god,” was so gem-like and crystal clear it was used in royal Egyptian jewelry. Ten thousand-year-old paleolithic tools made from desert glass have been found in Egypt and throughout North Africa.

Mainstream science asserts that desert glass (other than White Sands) is the product of ancient meteor and lightning strikes, but others have debunked these theories.

Meteor strikes leave impact craters and meteoric iron fragments as well as tektite stones, generally opaque gray or brown because of the presence of iron and other minerals. While a meteor may burn at temperatures hot enough to melt sand into the tektite glass, the remnants generally take the form of tiny glass “beads” rather than widespread layers and slabs.

Lightning can be hot enough to fuse silica, but the resulting glass takes the form of the strike tunneling into the ground and looks like many-branched coral with a sandy coating.

While the Trinity bomb left a crater, post-test bombs were detonated well above ground, as Oppenheimer’s team discovered mid-air detonation maximized damage. The Hiroshima bomb detonated at 600 meters (2,000 ft.) above ground, and the Nagasaki bomb exploded 500 meters (1,620 ft.) above ground. Aerial detonation minimizes ground craters, consistent with an absence of craters at desert glass deposits.

In recent history there have been several instances where nuclear missiles have been disabled and shut down by luminous spherical or disc shaped craft that arrived at high speed, hovered, shot beams of light which disabled the nukes, and then left at high speed strait up into the upper atmosphere.

In our current times perhaps we are being watched over to prevent this kind of crazy behavior from happening again (regardless of what beings are the ones looking to ‘pull the trigger’ this time around)?


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(continued from the comment above..)

The ancient Vedic texts, Egyptian mythology and Sumarian tablets are not unique in their describing ‘gods’ that came from the sky (or rather, beings that came from the stars).

Some cultures have a very different story to tell about extraterrestrial visitors they interacted with.

Many indigenous peoples all over the world claim cosmic origins, and they give great honor and homage to these “Star Nations.” The Dogon tribe of Africa traces its origins back to the star Sirius.

The Stones of Ica, discovered in a cave near Nazca, Peru, are said to be a library of a way of life of ancient peoples who cataloged their astrology, astronomy, geography, and agriculture 60 million years ago. The anthropologist who discovered the Stones of Ica, Dr. Javier Caberra, believed that the makers of the Ica Stones were from the same cultures as the First peoples of the Andes who built Tiahuanaco, a pre-Inkan civilization, and whose influence was felt throughout the Inkan empire.

The Pleiades star system is called the Seven Sisters because seven of its stars are visible to the naked eye. In reality, this star cluster actually contains more than 400 stars. Andean languages refer to the Pleiades as “seeds,” or the “Great Granary,” referring to the structures built into the sides of the mountains that stored food enough to feed the people for seven years, before the conquistadors destroyed them and brought an end to the golden age of the Inkan Empire.

The Lakota, Kiowa, Cheyenne and Hopi all have oral traditions related to their origination from the Star Cluster Pleiades. Hopi prophesy speaks of the return of the Blue Kachina Star Person at the end of this cycle of time, who will herald in the 5th age of man. The Hopi consider themselves descendants of Pleiadians, and hold green corn dances every year dedicated with seven ears of corn, from seven fields, representing seven clans.

To the peoples of the Andes, the Pleiades were particularly important in determining the seasons, and planning the planting and harvest of their crops. They were considered so important that the people continue to celebrate the Festival of the Return of the Stars, or Festival of Q’ollorit’i. This special ceremony is held every June, on the full moon, at 16,000 feet at the foot of a huge glacier on a sacred mountain or Apu, in Peru. It is attended annually by up to 80,000 pilgrims who travel from long distances to the Sacred Apu.

The ancient Mayan people taught that long ago their ancestors came from the stars. They spoke of how this is where their culture`s architecture, spiritual truth and mathematics came from. And they didn`t just point up at the sky, they specified a certain starsystem, a constellation that some now know as “the little dipper” and others know as “the seven sisters”, but the astronomers know it as the Pleiades.

The Mayans talk of a “road to the sky leading to the umbilicus of the Universe,” which is similar to Andean cultures that speak of a “luminous chord that connects the solar plexus to the sky.”

Stories of other worldly beings are also present in several African legends of creation, like the Zulu people, which means “sky” people.

It is also said that the Emperor Huang Ti, considered by many scholars to be behind cultural, social and economic development of China, attributed his vast knowledge to visits from beings from the Pleiades in 2537 BC.

Could these widespread mythical and culturally diverse historical references to beings from the sky (or from the “heavens”) be referring to actual physical intelligent beings that came to this world from elsewhere in the universe? Could the many descriptions of magic throughout history (often associated with a talisman or other physical object which was in the possession of a mythical being) in fact be the result of primitive peoples misinterpreting the various manifestations of advanced technology (being wielded by members of advanced interstellar civilizations) through their limited scope of understanding at the time?

Perhaps, given the evidence we have available, it certainly seems plausible to me.

This brings me to the current task at hand for our human family (leaving adolescence and coming into Cosmic Adulthood). Okay perhaps, it would be more realistic to say ‘leaving cosmic infancy and learning to crawl’ 🙂 but in essence what I am talking about is taking steps to face our potential abandonment issues, take an honest look at who and what we are as conscious beings, acknowledge the existence of the broader community we are a part of and then take responsibility for the mess we have allowed to fester on the Earth, clean it up and then one day, when we are ready, take steps towards engaging in overt, organized diplomatic efforts to amicably and symbiotically engage with our elder neighbors.

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Your welcome.

Thanks for reading and for the comment.

Re: "this is opening up a new rabbit hole for me. (Another distraction or the golden gateway?) "

I feel that considering (as I stated above) we live in a time where the only organized response we (humanity) has given to the visitors has been of a military nature (often involving pilots being ordered to shoot at the visitors and in some cases those pilots following those incredibly stupid and short sighted orders) this topic has moved beyond a distraction or curious citizen scientist's research hobby and into the realm of demanding our immediate collective participation and action.

The situation is similar to if we were residents living among some pre-industrial tribes living on an isolated jungle island way off the grid and when some relatively technologically adept visitors arrived in speed boats and helicopters to study/greet us some of our fellow tribes men/women decided to start shooting at them with bows and arrows, throwing rocks and thinking up sneaky ways to take down/dismantle their craft, kill the occupants and attempt to steal their technology (which in some rare instances, they did in fact manage to do). If we were to just sit back in that situation and not even attempt to stop or call out our idiotic fellow tribes men/woman for initiating unprovoked violence and piracy against the peaceful visitors to our communities we would be choosing an irresponsible path and it would be completely reasonable to expect the visitors to eventually respond in kind (or, at the very least, defend themselves) despite their apparently huge amounts of patience and compassion as the visitors have not done so yet.

We are essentially in that exact situation, except for the analogy of the pre-industrial tribe technology compared to the industrialized society with conventional internal combustion engines, flying machines and projectile/explosive weapons is actually far from being a realistic comparison since when it comes to the interstellar visitors that are here now visiting Earth, some of those cultures are thousands to millions of years ahead of us technology wise.

Given that the military industrial complex (and its political puppets) pushing for the militarization of space with initiatives like a "space force" the need for a citizen driven diplomatic effort is more dire than ever. I feel that aside from just bringing this discussion to the table and demanding that our governments stop using our tax dollars in orders to put weapons in space, shoot at peaceful visitors and attempt to pillage their technology we can take proactive steps as individuals to do the responsible thing and reach out amicably to begin some sort of dialogue with our cosmic neighbors directly. Many have taken on that task and are having great success (see the CE-5 protocols for more info).

We have a lot of work to do here on planet Earth with healing and regeneration of ecosystems.. but that does not decrease the importance of using the tools of social permaculture to engage with our neighbors as to ensure an amiable and stable dynamic as we move forward (especially considering that certain elements within our society have already effectively spoken for all of humanity through their unprovoked violence that was and continues to be directed at the visitors.).

Thus, more than just being a fascinating topic to contemplate as we seek to expand our understanding of our place in the universe I feel that this aspect of our reality demands direct participation and action at this point in time from more of a practical imperative standpoint of making our collective intentions known and choosing to define our selves as a good neighbor (rather than a world full of violent, selfish, unstable, murderous band of thieves and pirates) which is how some of the visitors would be fully justified in perceiving us as given the actions of our military assets to date.

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This is a great essay. It's tapped into something that's been on my mind for a while concerning "experts" and "generalists". While many of your essays involve your specialism, worthy and important though it is, that is an inherently niche topic which will mostly attract those who share that specific interest and I'm afraid I have neither the patience or attention-span to engage as much as I'd like. Whereas this one is big-picture, very well written.

I'm sure your mind feels this in-out tension as well. Only so many hours in the day!

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Thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to share your thoughts.

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Gavin, The timing of my reading this article has me shaking. I'm reading a book called 180 (degrees- I don't have that symbol on my keyboard.) Unlearn the lies you've been taught to believe. Last night I was reading about a higher state of consciousness, failing to understand much of the concepts and wondering why it was in the book. I went to bed and was reading my email and saw this article, but because I had turned off the wi-fi, I decided to put it on hold. This morning I revisited and have watched two of the videos that were embedded in your article. I'm bursting to tell others, but am also reluctant because I know a number of people will dismiss me. I don't care that they dismiss me, but the idea that we could change the world if no would would dismiss these ideas is earth shattering to me. Plus, I want to warn people of the almost certainty that a false flag is on the horizon, and it will make the Covid paradigm look like a dream rather than the nightmare it was. I can't help draw parallels between what I saw today and other things I have read in 180, specifically about the pyramids. My mind is exploding with possibilities. Thanks for writing this article and bringing me to a new level of consciousness.

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Thanks for the candid and heartfelt comment Nancy.

Do you mind sharing which two videos you have watched so far?

I completely understand your reluctance to talk to your peers about this, I also felt that way for a long time. I suppose at some time during the last 2 years I felt so ostracized, segregated, vilified and shunned by relatives, peers, and some of my previous "friends" (due to the fact I would not inject myself with the synthetic mRNA concoctions) that I reached a point where I decided I was done trying to appease people, or fit in, or be accepted and refused to put on a mask any longer (literally and metaphorically). That decision was liberating on an emotional and spiritual level, but it is not without its consequences (being ghosted by permaculture colleges/classmates, being called names by family members and not invited to family gatherings etc).

Thus, I totally understand your conundrum of being in a place where you have decided to expand your understanding beyond that place where most are willing to venture, wanting to discuss and share that information, but knowing that the inevitable result with many will be far from pleasant.

Sometimes I think just taking to time to truly sit with, acknowledge, process and contemplate a new understanding one has just gained is the most important thing one can do (before attempting to share it with others). Perhaps this is the stage you find yourself at now.

Thanks for reading what I shared and thank you for your open minded approach and candid comment.

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Gavin, I watched Unacknowledged, Close Encounters of the 5th Kind, and part of The Lost Century. The second one really knocked me for a loop.

I've been fortunate that everyone in my small family, with the exception of one grandson, is on the same page with me...no jabs, no masks, and are well aware that all our major institutions are liars and not to be trusted. I do have a few friends in the same camp, but most of my peers have drank the Kool-Aid. I find their attitude of accepting all the lies without question to be frustrating and irritating. Most people know where I stand and avoid conversation about anything they deem to be controversial or thought provoking. I consider these people to be the real problem. I don't understand their lack of curiosity and willingness to give up their freedoms without a fault. Plus many of them absolutely know nothing about everything that is important. Everything they believe comes from what they have been told by some so-called authority. Everything I believe comes from research and delving into motives and who benefits. I try to remember that once I had illusions and it was painful to discover that I was misinformed or ignorant about so many things. Gary Sharpe wrote a Substack article that really resonated with me; he says people are either hiders or seekers depending on their own experiences. Gavin, we are seekers; it's just our nature. I try to extend compassion for the hiders as they are usually hiding because of fear or some other trauma, or they were never encouraged to think for themselves as children. Parents and teachers can destroy the love of learning as I'm sure you know.

Right now I am contemplating what I am learning and trying to figure out how I can share with others. I think questions are helpful and validating others by kind remarks. Arguing or cajoling others never works. I am grateful that my husband and especially my daughter are in my camp, plus a few friends are awake to some degree.

I am grateful to you for posting this article that is chock full of information, some of which I am still exploring.

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Hey Nancy, thanks for the detailed reply.

I can totally understand why Close Encounters of the 5th Kind could be a bit intense and overwhelming. The part about meditation and directed thought based communication can seem somewhat 'far out' and 'new agey' at first glance, but when one takes a look at the science of the heart-mind (a topic I covered in my recent post on meditation) and its ability to direct modulated energetic fields outside the confines of the body, it actually makes sense.

This is especially true in the context of communication systems that operate on an interstellar scale, as the speed of light (which is the speed that our radio wave based tech currently operates) is way too slow, but the "speed of thought" (directed coherent thought forms) is instant (facilitated via the laws of quantum entanglement). Thus, using meditative states to initiate contact via directed thought forms allows for real time communication throughout the vastness of space between star systems (that form of communication is augmented via technology interface in the context of the interstellar visitors).

Thanks for sharing your experiences regarding your family and the days of 'the covidian cult'. I also found the proclivity of many in my immediate circles to mindlessly accept (and then authoritatively regurgitate) government propaganda very flabbergasting, disheartening and also eye opening. Some in my life were always resistant to accept one size fits all solutions and were skeptical of authoritarian institutions for most of their adult lives, but as soon as the prolific covid propaganda and mRNA gene therapy injection coercion campaigns were in full force, they folded and became parrots of nonsensical government and big pharma propaganda and treated me like some kind of leper for refusing to be injected with the gene "therapy" clot shots. That was an educational experience for it showed me what the people around me are truly made of and how many people can be fooled and/or bullied into capitulating to totalitarian edicts (if the right propaganda and pressure is exerted upon them).

I too strive to think back to the time when I bought into much of the propaganda the above described so I can put myself in their shoes and empathize but even when I was at a time in my life when I was the most complacent, interested in "fitting in", susceptible to corporate propaganda (and willing to roll over if I was threatened and or offered bribes of some kind) I would have never allowed some experimental toxic chemical laden/gene based "medical" product to be injected into my body (one that was and is being manufactured by repeat felony fraud offenders).. that part is just ludacris and hard for me to understand. I suppose I always asked more questions than others when authoritative figures commanded me to do something or tried to tell me what is true and what is not, but still choosing to put oneself at the mercy of hardened corporate criminals (which have been prosecuted multiple times for falsifying medical test data and fraudulently marketing products) seems insane and hard to understand for me (even if one is more prone to trust government edicts I just found their lack of interest in educating themselves about the corporations manufacturing these products and the contents of said products to be just plain irresponsible).

I will continue to strive to build on the compassion I have for the "hiders" (and even the professional liars, bullies, psychological warfare experts and aspiring mass murdering eugenicists) as you suggest, for how can we heal our fractured human family and co-create a world worth giving to future generations if we are holding onto resentment towards our fellow humans.

I am grateful for your thoughtful comments and hope you have an enjoyable, inspiring and restful remainder of your weekend.

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Here you go.

Deeper than you think. Wait until you find out about the esoteric mystery schools, steiner, the eighth sphere, Musk, DNA, Mars, and the occult left hand path, their lie of progenitor gods and our DNA to make them our 'gods', the tech they have is worse than you think. But we win. In the end. We always win. It's what we're here for now.

The last threat card/ they need to trigger Continuity of Government which suspends the US constitution and their shadow government steps in/





Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt tonight as he goes deep on the Intel Community creating a false UFO Disclosure in Congress while providing zero data. DJ unmasks the Opsters and CIA Players!

And then this

(Better sit down):

DARPA Wireless DNA Targeted Quantum Mind Control. The Infinity Machine Digital Slavery and Sentient World Simulation. The Real Neuralink is DNA-link via Starlink


- Allison McDowell : https://youtu.be/Jf4QC1tFPCQ "Smart Cities", every parent needs to see this; the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning"/ DARPA / the corporate /government 'partnership' is not a future anyone wants for our kids / parent rights / AI 'learning' our kids

- And then this:


Government of Canada Policy Horizons BioConvergence


" Changing what it means to be human".

They really want to play Gods, but it's because WE have something they never can. We are powerful and are the creators . This really is that turning of the Great Wheel of Time. The splitting of the two paths. Hopi Prophecy Rock. The natural way , or the simulation wannabees who can never survive.

The womb is the portal of souls. Hyper Scientism is all they have. And they will lose. Know who you are. We don't need them.

Sent from my iPad

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Thank you for the intriguing comment Donna.

I will have to take some time to unpack, study, contemplate and meditate on the material you have provided before responding in full.

For now I will say this: the part where you said "The splitting of the two paths. Hopi Prophecy Rock. The natural way , or the simulation wannabees who can never survive." resonates as 100% true for me.

Did you see this post I added on here: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/some-select-excerpts-from-recipes? ?

Thanks again for the thought provoking comment and interesting material.

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Jul 29, 2023
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Yes. Lots more to tell. Just too many people don't want to know. Too much yet for most people at this stage, but we're getting there; realizing some of it at least. It's what we're here for. I'll write more out later if you like. There are the mystery schools still here. I will come back later my friend. Let me know how much you want me to tell you. Including links to the teachings? It's amazing actually.

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Jeebus xmas the USA hasn't got shit, self evident in UKRAINE

Russia has hyper-sonic missiles and the USA has shit

Talk about black-ops???

The only thing they have done +70 is a global-homo pedophile child sex slavery operation.

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Do you really think that the compartmented operations within the US military, intelligence and corporate contractor infrastructure would pull out the ace up their sleeves in the open in some proxy war? Common man.

The stuff you see plastered all over your mainstream media outlets being portrayed as 'bleeding edge weapons tech is child's play compared the mass cancellation based tech I referenced above (and yes, that includes hypersonic missiles).

If you think that the oligarchs that pull the strings in the US gov (and all over the world) are gonna show their cards in some typical geopolitical squabble you are sadly mistaken.

If you want to learn more about the technology I am referencing see the links and info below (and btw, the USA is not the only country utilizing said technologies now):

Electromagnetic Lifter Technology (Electrogravitics) is technology that was developed by a brilliant mathematician and physicist who has elucidated the fundamental relationship between electromagnetism, magnetic fields and mass and gravity. Essentially, this technology (having been developed to the level of a proof of principle system as early as 8 decades ago) allows for a reduction in mass, allowing for lift. The principles allow for creating extremely efficient energy generation systems as well as advanced aerospace applications. Examples and scientific background of this technology have been described by Valone (1994, 2004), Cameron (2001), LaViolette (2008), and Loder (2002).

– Valone, T. (2004). Electrogravitics II: Validating reports on a new propulsion methodology. Beltsville,

MD, Integrity Research Institute. 159pp. https://ia601404.us.archive.org/35/items/ijg-2015042015204020/IJG_2015042015204020.pdf

– Cameron, J. (2001). “An Asymmetric Gravitational Wave Propulsion System,” AIAA Paper No. 2001-

3913, Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 8-11, 2001. : https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.2001-3913

– LaViolette, P. (2008). Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace

Technology. Bear & Company. 512 pp. : https://archive.org/details/secrets-of-antigravity-propulsion_202211

-- Thomas E. Bearden “Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts & Principles” (PDF download, the book is 952 pages long, though pages 609 onwards are index, footnotes, and glossary. The book has the heaviness and thickness of a phone book.) : https://archive.org/details/energy-vacuum-bearden and for select pages from the book that are viewable directly on archive.org : https://archive.org/details/t.-e.-bearden-energy-from-the-vacuum-concepts-and-principles-additional

– Loder, T.C. III (2002). “Outside-the-box” space and terrestrial transportation and energy technologies for the 21st century. Presented at the 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV Jan. 2002. https://ia601504.us.archive.org/5/items/outside-the-box-ted-loder-paper-1/OutsideTheBox-TedLoderPaper%20%281%29.pdf

In the highly classified aerospace industry, such flying devices were dubbed ‘Flux Liners’ because they used the Quantum Vacuum Flux field to provide energy and propulsion. The early Aerospace prototypes used only a 24-volt marine battery as a power-up system, after which the device went ‘over unity’, drawing its power from the Quantum Vacuum of space. Later (once the military got their hands on downed exotic space craft) they used back engineering in combination with what they had learned from the human inventors above to create more efficient and powerful prototypes. One such iteration was called the “A.R.V.”. My research and sources indicate that effective gravity control technology was mastered in covert military R&D programs as of October of 1954. Significant improvements, augmentations and refinement has occurred since then, resulting in a wide array of craft being manufactured in compartmented military contracts (USAPs). To the layman, when observed in flight, these craft would appear ‘extraterrestrial’, this is not by accident.

Historical Background:

It began with Townsend Brown and Kowsky-Frost.

In 1927 an article was published in German journal, describing research experiments by Prof. Kowsky and his engineer Mr. Frost. They discovered that if they placed a quartz crystal inside a metal box and treated it with high-powered radio waves the crystal expanded and caused the whole apparatus weighing 55 pounds to rise in the air. Later that year these results were published in a US magazine.

Townsend Brown’s development of Electrogravitics tech began in the mid 1920’s. Townsend Brown discovered that electric charge and gravitational mass are coupled. He found that when a capacitor is charged to a high voltage, it has a tendency to move toward its positive pole. His findings, which became known as the BiefeldBrown effect, were opposed by conventional minded physicists of his time. Brown conducted a demonstration for military top brass. He flew a pair of 3-foot diameter discs around a 50-foot course tethered to a central pole. Energized with 150,000 volts and emitting ions from their leading edge, they attained speeds of several hundred miles per hour. The subject was thereafter classified. Project Winterhaven involved Brown submitting a proposal to the Pentagon for the development of a Mach 3 disc shaped electrogravitic fighter craft. Drawings of its basic design are shown in one of his patents. They are essentially large-scale versions of his tethered test discs.

The rest is as they say, history…

Additional references and pertinent info on the physics and technology involved with the above described interstellar craft (and covert human electrogravitic craft):

- "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron" (Dr. Paul Laviollette wrote this article for inclusion in Tom Valone's breakthrough book "Electrogravitics Systems". The article below is a partial-length reprint of Laviolette's work suggesting a connection between the B2-Bomber and the 1960's electrogravitics research of TT-Brown) : https://archive.org/details/ventura-03

- “Everything for nothing” - new physics based on the fluctuations of empty space (by Harold E. Puthoff) https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg12717275-500/

- An article exploring how Defense contractors raced to create ZPE tech (technology that extracts usable energy from the quantum vacuum (including BAE systems) then all the research went dark: https://archive.org/details/zero-point-energy

-Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force (Harold E. Puthoff): https://archive.org/details/gravity.-pra.paper-1

-Source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy ( Harold E. Puthoff ): https://archive.org/details/source-of-vacuum-electromagnetic-zero-po

-Physics of the zero-point field: implications for inertia, gravitation and mass ( Harold E. Puthoff ) : https://archive.org/details/sst97

-An electromagnetic basis for inertia and gravitation: What are the implications for 21st century physics and technology? (B. Haisch, A. Rueda) Published 15 January 1998 Physics: https://archive.org/details/zpf_staif98

-Space Drives ( Electromagnetic ) ~ US Patents for anti-G, force-field propulsion, electro-kinetics, &c. : https://web.archive.org/web/20180703042632/http://rexresearch.com/antigrav/antigrav.htm




Fran De AQUINO - Gravitational Spacecraft: https://web.archive.org/web/20190412112606/http://www.rexresearch.com/aquino/aquino.htm

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That's the MORON secret sauce right? If the enemy ain't got nothing, he don't show you nothing?

In the real world MOFU he with the mostest who fire the firstest, win every fucking time.

The USA ain't firing shit, cuz they aint' got shit, this is why BIDEN is giving ZEL cuck cluster-bombs, cuz its all FJB and has, and nobody else on earth but ZOG gimps will allow them to be deployed

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U R full of shit, I'm a physics person, you might feed your shit to a non-science person.

But if any of this crap worked, it wold be commercially available, the Russians for decades worked on these technologys with no success, and they're miles ahead of the USA.

Where are the fucking hyper-sonic missiles in USA arsenal? Why is it that game-mil theorists have said a war with china would result that the entire US navy be sunk in the first hour.

All that USA has is "SUBS", very expensive subs;


It don't fucking matter what great math guy created, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work in real world; Math predicts a lot of shit, but its a geometric model, and nothing more;


All the USA GOV & US MIL has today is dildo's, an KY jelly.

UKRAINE now for +10 years has been a show-case of east vs west, and Russia is the one who holds back, not to use anything more than required.

Note also for all the talk about space based satellite weapons, why have none been deployed? Obviously because they don't exist, other than satellites to blind other satellites


The USA gov only excels in running the worlds sex-slavery child drug blood, organ-harvesting racket via the CIA, the USA also excels in SODOMITE prisons leads the world.

The USA excels in having a population of morons that believe in non-scientific fairy-tales

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Well now that I know that you are "a physics person" that changes everything! Thank you for your kind and gallant efforts to educate us 'non-physics people' with your polite and generous sharing of your plethora of technical knowledge! We mere laymen are so blessed to have you among us.

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