This article is extensive and thorough, thank you. I'm glad to know I'm familiar with so many of these listed here

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Aug 7Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Fantastic article. Lots of synchronicity in the timing of this.

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Aug 6Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Excellent information. I am happy that I am able to grow some of these food in my garden.

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Aug 6Liked by Gavin Mounsey

This dietary compendium for eye health is also eye candy.

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Aug 6Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Another phenomenal "health monument" that rises above the money-centered allopathic regime. Thank you Gavin, if there's a book detailing these installments, I would like to purchase it. You do more to improve people's health than the UN and WHO combined (but alas it not's fair to compare you with gangsters organizations)!

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Thank you for the generous and thoughtful comment.

I got a kick out of your description of the UN and WHO with regards to their racketeering operations :) thanks for that!

I will be formulating these articles into becoming the foundation for my next book and I am working to save up for formatting, designing, printing and distributing it myself but I have been thinking about the potential of crowd funding the physical book's first printing run (when it comes time to put it all together and make it into something people can hold in their hands in the garden and in the kitchen).

If you were to speculate about how many people you know would be interested in throwing down on a pre-order (via crowd funding) for a hard copy of a book that contains material like what is in the post above (plus regenerative agroforestry info for growing the foods and recipes for combining them), how many people would you guess?

Thanks again for the kind comment, it made my day.

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Hi Gavin, unfortunately I'm lacking in knowldge of "social media marketing." By that I mean the sites I frequent, would not be a good source to estimate the number of alike thinkers. I believe the market for this could exist in California, Arizona, Vermont, and possibly 'prepper' type sites. I might suggest using ChatGPT3 or other AI to pose the question, as to how to find out how large the market is. There is no doubt that the combination of your knowledge and writing skills, make for a "must own" treasure book of survival / nature / harmony trio.

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