Wicked resource! Thanks! Can I pdf this? Definitely saved the post. Need to dig into navdanya link you shared too. Loved the book “Philanthrocapitalism and the Erosion of Democracy: A Global Citizens Report on the Corporate Control of Technology, Health, and Agriculture” Crazy how in this day and age, your yard does not count as an area to rewild, grow food, or regenerate into a biodiverse place in some cities. Like Wolf Rucks current fight with Mississauga. He has. Gofundme page to raise money for the fight.
Sure feel free to re-format and share as you see fit :) I put it together to help both gardeners and smaller family seed companies and nurseries, so you getting the word out accomplishes all of those goals!
Could you share more on "Wolf Rucks current fight with Mississauga" ?
Will do my best to share all those links you curated. You can search Wolf Ruck up on youtube for the story and here is a link to his case from Canadian Constitution Federation. More re-wilding than food production on his yard. But the Neighbours complained. https://theccf.ca/cities-must-not-set-standards-for-beauty/
Wow, great resource Gavin, thanks! I’m shopping now for a couple of dwarf citrus to grow in containers, inspired I believe by one of your previous articles. I failed a couple of times in the past, but I’m much more confident now and won’t make the same mistakes. Like, trusting the weather. I know a lady who was able to keep her Myers lemon alive for 10 years, planted in the ground very close to a wall which she would cover during the frosts. Then we got a week of 2 inches of snow on the ground, in East TX! Obviously, the precious lemon tree died, nothing to do at that point. Lesson learned, never trust ‘the climate’. 😏
Thanks! I am glad you find the list useful my friend.
Ahh yes our Persian Lime Trees (which we grow in our living room in the winter and have to defend against nibbles and digging from our four legged friends). I got our first seedling wayyyy back (in this era: https://youtu.be/eLb5_WaTaF4?si=0fyp-aC_CWYhQ4hm ) before I knew anything about permaculture, so I bought the seedling from a tropical plant nursery locally but I doubt they were growing it organically.
Yes the manipulated weather events were pretty hard on a few of our crops here over the past few years as well. I am tryna focus on progenitor and wild species for every crop I can (along with growing my favorite heirloom varieties of a given species) so that I have perennial crops with maximum resilience and adaptability.
Thanks for the comment and please let me know how your citrus growing adventure goes!
Wicked resource! Thanks! Can I pdf this? Definitely saved the post. Need to dig into navdanya link you shared too. Loved the book “Philanthrocapitalism and the Erosion of Democracy: A Global Citizens Report on the Corporate Control of Technology, Health, and Agriculture” Crazy how in this day and age, your yard does not count as an area to rewild, grow food, or regenerate into a biodiverse place in some cities. Like Wolf Rucks current fight with Mississauga. He has. Gofundme page to raise money for the fight.
Thanks Tom!
Sure feel free to re-format and share as you see fit :) I put it together to help both gardeners and smaller family seed companies and nurseries, so you getting the word out accomplishes all of those goals!
Could you share more on "Wolf Rucks current fight with Mississauga" ?
Will do my best to share all those links you curated. You can search Wolf Ruck up on youtube for the story and here is a link to his case from Canadian Constitution Federation. More re-wilding than food production on his yard. But the Neighbours complained. https://theccf.ca/cities-must-not-set-standards-for-beauty/
St. Clare Heirloom Seeds
I've had good luck with the seeds I bought from them sprouting and thriving.
Thank you! Added to the list :)
molto utile e inreressantissimo conoscere tutte queste possibili forniture , come sai anche il mio orto digitale ha bisogno di semi in continuazione
ciao Ermanno
Fantastic list. Thank you very much
wow :))
wow Great heirloom seed resource and good example for other growing regions to emulate.
Wow, great resource Gavin, thanks! I’m shopping now for a couple of dwarf citrus to grow in containers, inspired I believe by one of your previous articles. I failed a couple of times in the past, but I’m much more confident now and won’t make the same mistakes. Like, trusting the weather. I know a lady who was able to keep her Myers lemon alive for 10 years, planted in the ground very close to a wall which she would cover during the frosts. Then we got a week of 2 inches of snow on the ground, in East TX! Obviously, the precious lemon tree died, nothing to do at that point. Lesson learned, never trust ‘the climate’. 😏
Thanks! I am glad you find the list useful my friend.
Ahh yes our Persian Lime Trees (which we grow in our living room in the winter and have to defend against nibbles and digging from our four legged friends). I got our first seedling wayyyy back (in this era: https://youtu.be/eLb5_WaTaF4?si=0fyp-aC_CWYhQ4hm ) before I knew anything about permaculture, so I bought the seedling from a tropical plant nursery locally but I doubt they were growing it organically.
Have you tried any of these sources?
- https://www.fourwindsgrowers.com/collections/citrus-trees
- https://uscitrusnursery.com/collections/citrus-trees
- https://brazoscitrus.com
(I have not vetted them)
Yes the manipulated weather events were pretty hard on a few of our crops here over the past few years as well. I am tryna focus on progenitor and wild species for every crop I can (along with growing my favorite heirloom varieties of a given species) so that I have perennial crops with maximum resilience and adaptability.
Thanks for the comment and please let me know how your citrus growing adventure goes!