Lot of extremely disturbing facts, Thank You!

just one remark: that's why wike-leaks and the resulting treatment of JA...

ANd it gets equally scary, when you try to browse these days through academic thesis works.. The new trend: wiki citations, all over. WIthout even going though all of them, can say for sure, no PhD thesis will have wiki-leaks citation these days! If you work for the gov you will loose your job when you try to browse wiki-leaks on an official computer systems watched by..., IBF. The last word read backwards.

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In 2013 I finally took being online seriously and opened a Facebook account. That same year I first attended an Anti-Fracking Camp in Balcombe, Sussex, UK. We had a meeting and decided that we did not want to be known as protestors and we chose, democratically, to use the name Protectors. I was Camp Treasurer and minute-taking of meetings. It was suggested that we should attempt an entry in Wikipedia. I duly wrote about us, when that camp closed and we were about to move to another in Salford, near Manchester. Wikipedia took my entry down immediately. I tried again. Same result.

I immediately realised that Wikipedia was an establishment operation and ceased using it as far as possible. If I could find an alternative source of information I would always prefer to use that, even if the content was identical.

Facebook, Twitter, Discord and even blockchain sites like Steemit and Hive.blog were becoming increasingly hostile to the work that the Protectors were doing. Over time, I was shadow banned, temporarily 'jailed' and finally permanently banned from Facebook, Twitter and Discord. I was hounded by trolls on Steemit and Hive.blog. 77th Brigade, working for the British Military, hounded me and were bold enough to inform me that they were removing me from all social media. I screenshot the threat.

On New Years Eve just past, I found my accounts simultaneously and permanently thrown off Discord and Facebook. I considered my options carefully. I could fold and let them win or I could find alternative social media and start rebuilding my 12,000+ following. Thankfully I had copies of all my most important research articles.

I opened a Substack account and immediately appreciated the impressive statistical analysis even though I noted the generally establishment nature of the most famous accounts.

Undeterred I have re-written, edited and improved my previous work on other sites and added them here. It took a whole year to reach only 2,000 subscribers.

It now occurs to me that we were being corralled into corners in which we would become 'harmless' because we would only be visible to 'the choir'.

I wrote about the general impact of 77th Brigade and its U.S. counterpart during the 2020 Covid lockdowns here:


It should be immediately obvious that the logos are very similar for both the U.K. and the U.S military online. They don't mind if we know about them..... They WANT us to know, so that we become intimidated from defying our governments.

Nowadays, when I check old posts of mine I find a large number of YouTube videos are no longer available. The same can be said for articles and studies.

At one time, I found myself reluctant to share ANY links to research because I felt that I was acting like a beacon for the censors to follow. One article I wrote about the humble dandelion was taken down from all sites IMMEDIATELY. Now I realise that dandelion is one of the crucial remedies for poisoning.

What a shame that we have no herbal remedies for spitefulness. If we did, I could think of a few thousand candidates for the cure!

My only suggestion to combat this cancel culture and erosion of our freedom of speech is for us to return to the old ways of combat, i.e., word of mouth, hand flyers and phone trees. Each activist is tasked with informing at least 10 people of events or actions. In this way Greenham Common women kept up the pressure against nuclear weapons on British soil for many years, finally succeeding in shaming the U.S. military and the compliant U.K. government into disposing of the offensive weapons from their British military bases.

I fully expect to lose the internet completely because it has become offensive in its persecution of those of us who want to live in a moral society. It is an evil, mind-warping, fat controller and it is like candy for babies, while the Predator class enjoys an entirely separate system, run by exorbitantly expensive private satellite companies such as Starlink, OneWeb, Inmarsat and undoubtedly there are others by now.

We are treated like criminals for wanting truth, fairness and liberty. That tells me that we live in a criminally insane world which would not think twice about murdering us all.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Gavin Mounsey

One word describes it all: marketing. And data is the most precious commodity in the internet age.

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It's a dichotomy, that's for sure. I think we all (or at least many of us) realize just how unhealthy all of this time-sucking-Internet-information-gathering is. And, yet, here we both are, on Substack, sharing information. I have really honed my intuition over the past few years as it has become increasingly more difficult to discern what's true and what's not. What I love to do most, is close my laptop, turn off my phone, and go walk in the woods. When/if it all crashes, I will be just fine. That being said, thanks for your well-researched share, Gavin. :)

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Wow, so much information. I particularly liked the Wikipedia reveal. I knew it had gone corrupt (I even used to donate to them) and that Jimmy Wales was WEF but the details were new and shocking to me--if that's even possible anymore. And I like the permaculture comparison at the end.

Speaking of which, I'm honored by your invitation to pre-read Recipes and write a blurb, but I think I'll need to wait for the hard copy. If there's anything you can use in my post on it, though, feel free!

Looking forward to it.

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