Congrats, Gavin!! I'm so excited for you - and for me to have a hard copy in my hands soon! xo

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Thank you my friend, I am excited to get you your copy. I really appreciate your presence in my life and wish you bountiful harvests foraging in your mystery garden :)

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I did the Ruth Stout method with potatoes. I had organic potatoes from the farmer's market all winter stored in a cardboard box, and let what was leftover to sprout. Some of the sprouts were a foot long! I just placed them on the ground (no digging) and covered with a thick hay/straw mixture. I haven't watered or weeded the garden once, but we've had A LOT of rain. The plants look super-healthy (fingers crossed!) Two tomato plants, parsley, cilantro, and some greens. All hanging in there. The rest of the garden I just let go. Lots of surprises coming up! Of course, Queen Yarrow is inside her stone circle in the middle. That's my report from the Mystery Garden. :) xo

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Thats great Gavin, congratulations🥳

We started to make one for each child's B-day,doing the binding is the coolest🤓

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Cheers! That is a wonderful idea for a B-day gift, I would love to learn how to do that myself someday :)

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Gavin Mounsey

How exciting. Finishing a project is always rewarding. Many blessings to you and your family. The book looks beautiful.

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Thanks Ann. Yes, Even though I have not delivered the books to those who had pre-ordered a copy yet, the fact that the physical books have been printed and are on their way to me feels like a great weight off my shoulders.

Thank you for the blessings and kind words.

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Gavin Mounsey

They're beautiful! Congratulations on your achievement!

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Thank you!

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Congratulations, Gavin!!

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Jun 15, 2023·edited Jun 15, 2023Author

Thanks Tessa! :)

It meant a lot to me that you took the time to read it and share your thoughts on my book.

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Well,how Beautiful is that! Many Congratulations Gavin...

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Thanks brother, it certainly feels beautiful to bring something like this into the world :)

I look forward to hearing what you think of the content in it's pages

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Wow! That's so impressive, Gavin! What an achievement!

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Thank you Tereza :) Your kind words and encouragement through the past few months have meant a lot.

I am determined to build on the momentum and lessons learned from this book for future books so stay tuned! ;)

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Waiting patiently for further information wrt ordering.

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Thanks my friend :)

I`ll let you know once the books arrive and are ready to ship to people who order a copy directly.

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Please count me as one of those. :)

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deletedJun 14, 2023Liked by Gavin Mounsey
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Thanks Cari! :)

It is (and was) indeed a Huge process! I had no idea how much was involved getting into this (and drastically underestimated how long it would take) but now I know for strategizing for my next book so this was a very beneficial learning process ;)

Thank you for recognizing how much I care about the quality, durability, practicality and layout of my book. At times there was pressure to just rush and get it out but I wanted to get it right so I did not fold despite some setbacks, so your comment means a lot.

Where can I learn more about your writing?

Thanks for the thoughtful comment.

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