My province of New Brunswick feels free to poison its inhabitants (humans, moose, deer, etc.) every year. Wild game and blueberries are not safe to eat here. And all the waterways have glyphosate in them.

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Oct 10Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Thanks for this Gavin. Can’t help but relate it to the ‘logic’ I recently heard about forest fires—the problem is we’re not cutting down enough trees, apparently. 😖

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Oct 10Liked by Gavin Mounsey

great data for the uniformed, passing it on to others in hopes it'll edumacate them a bit

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Thank You for the plants/foods remedies sections, which are great, but the substantial info about glyphoste is NOT right. Even wiki will tell you that, quote:

Glyphosate was first synthesized in 1950 by Swiss chemist Henry Martin, who worked for the Swiss PHARMACEUTICAL company Cilag. The work was never published... Why pharmaceutical? Because glyphosate as N-phosphonomethylGLYCINE chemically mimicks the No1 HUMAN INHIBITING neurotransmitter GLYCINE... So for 20 years nobody discussed glyphosate, somehow, and suddenly it becase just a weedkiller.... The binding partner of glycine is NMDA receptor, which has to bind it in order to function properly.. There is SO much to the story that I should write one post on it, I guess.. The GMO plants are genetically MODIFIED in a lab cloning experiments where Agrotumefaciens gene T-DNA (stands for tumor DNA in plants, btw. eukaryotes, like we humans...) is fused with a VIRAL genetic promoter from for example CMV in order to express MANY copies of that MODIFIED EPSP enzyme, which binds GLYPHOSATE instead of natural ligand necessary for the production of AROMATIC AMINO ACIDS, which ONLY PLANTS CAN PRODUCE!!!!! Normal plants have juyst one copy of the EPSP, which once inhibited by the glyphosate, causes its death. The GMOs with multilp[e copies survive... So the plants of corn, soy, sugar beets, etc., etc. are no longer plants, but rather bacterial-viral-PLANT-HYBRIDS, which produce NEW EPSP enzyme in every of its cells,, which can and will have bound GLYPHOSATE... That also means, all precursors for the neurotranmsitters (Tyr,Trp,Phe in 3-letter code) produced by those enzymes, made of tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine are being affected by that RANDOM GENETIC modification of the EPSP enzyme. One again HUMAN BODIES do not have EPSP and thus rely 100% on plants in that respect... Please note the UV absorption by those aromatic rings aminoa cids is equally important in human bodies.... Now, things changed. Production of EXACTY THOSE AMINO ACIDS WHICH ABSORB UV light, is affected!!! Consequences are: the entire world is chronically sick.

Stefanie Seneff and ANthony Samsel published LOT on this topic starting around 2015, BUT they never touched the GENETIC MODIOFICATIONS enough, in order to WARN humanity! One of the most essential books on the topic GLYPHOSATE is the 2015 book by Steven Drucker "Altered Genes Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public " In that book you can read how BILL CLINTON CRIMINALLY prohibited a research in UK showing that genetically modified potatoes are causing cancers in rats, not after 3 months, but 'just' few months later... French Prof Serallini repeated all the studies later on again and showed the cancers in multiple studies, which gave that decision about carcinogenic properties of glyphosate.... MONSANTO paid so far LOT of money to those injured... BUT ever since ~1996, thanks Bill Clinton, the agricultural world in US and worldwide started to deteriorate.

EXACTLY the same situation happened in 2020, where fraudulent 'science' pretends to rescue humans from 'covid' with injections 'they' call vaccines, but which in fact are GENE MODIFICTION TREATMENTS....The crime and murder committed by the scientists is just mindblowing.

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I added your additional info on the history of this biocidal substance to the article for additional context.

While I am suspicious of Wikipedia (given what I uncovered in this article: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/self-education-vs-behavior-modification ) I know you are meticulous in your research and cross-reference independent sources so I appreciate the input.

With regards to the other info you shared would you say that other aspects of the article above are factually inaccurate, or rather that they just require additional context and specific info on the deleterious effects of glyphosate on human biology? In other words, is the info I found and added to the article above pertaining to the stated past and present uses, as well as damaging impacts on ecology and human biology just incomplete (as far as you see it) or are there flat out inaccuracies?

Thanks again for your time and thoughtful comment.

It may be a few days before I can respond again, been working on a community food forest installation and planning.

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Thanks for the in depth comment I’ll look into the early history big pharma connection you mentioned and edit article when I have time.

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Wow this is an impressive article

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Oct 10Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Visited Smokey Mountains National Park in June 2024. Park personnel was using the product for invasive plants along walking paths. I asked what product they were using, Glyphosate. Park personnel took no precautions to protect themselves or visitors.

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My opposition to herbicides is what got me into investigating the "invasive plant" narrative. Yeah, we just gotta stop spraying them. The narrative is really just some cultural tropes masquerading as science. No need to be poisoning the environment.

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