I can't even COOK right now... canned meat, jerky, bananas...

I ate ice cream for breakfast today, and I NEVER do that.

This is what happens when you're living in your CAR... Sigh.

It's an adventure, for sure, but I refuse to feel SHAME about it. There was a twinge with the ice cream, tho... ;)

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My fav Farmer's Market gal here in Cumberland said I just missed her bringing them. But she and her little boys (5 and 2) might go on another paw paw hunt while I'm here. That would be fun! I think I've told you that Paw Paw Alley runs behind my house. I'm looking at it while listening to the rain on the tin roof of my patio. But I've never seen a paw paw there.

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I almost bought a large pawpaw yesterday, but it was quite green and buying pawpaws in Scotland is like pawpaw roulette - they don't always survive the journey very well. If I could grow pawpaws here I'd probably be a fruitarian! Along with blackberries they are my favourite fruit.

I'm really surprised that you say pawpaws can be grown in cold hardiness zones 4 to 9. The area where I live is a 9... maybe I should give paw paw growing a try!

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