I was pleased to see all the article links and not just the video slideshow.
some of us old timers find it easier to extract useful data from reading things than watching things. I do grok that many young'uns who've grown up in the age of cheap, prolific, and easily accessible video are the opposite way, but I always appreciate seeing content which caters to both of those information acquisition preferences.
I am so glad to hear you appreciate the links to more in depth articles. I am more inclined to share my experiences, knowledge and perspectives in that more in depth written format than I am with making short snippets but I know that that is all some people engage with now a days so I try to do them despite my innate inclinations and preferences.
I hope you will try out some of the recipes and let me know how they turn out.
And as always, I want to eat it all.
Thanks! I appreciate your taking the time to check out the post and comment.
I was pleased to see all the article links and not just the video slideshow.
some of us old timers find it easier to extract useful data from reading things than watching things. I do grok that many young'uns who've grown up in the age of cheap, prolific, and easily accessible video are the opposite way, but I always appreciate seeing content which caters to both of those information acquisition preferences.
I am so glad to hear you appreciate the links to more in depth articles. I am more inclined to share my experiences, knowledge and perspectives in that more in depth written format than I am with making short snippets but I know that that is all some people engage with now a days so I try to do them despite my innate inclinations and preferences.
I hope you will try out some of the recipes and let me know how they turn out.
Thanks for the comment.