Speaking of miracles, the most eclectic and exciting collection of seeds passed from hand to hand, city to city, country to country to find its way to me! Is it spring yet? Can I start sprouting and planting? I'm thrilled to have so many carefully curated and exotic new members of my yard, in pre-embryonic form, and to have partners in germination with the newly wedded couple. Thank you Gavin! This is going to be fun.

What is your relationship to Baker Creek seeds? The giant varieties look very interesting.

On another note, your underlined section (Each thought and emotion you choose is charting your course as you pioneer on this leading edge of creation in the physical universe. Choose your thoughts well, for they are more powerful than you know. ) corresponds to my meditation this morning in A Course in Miracles: "I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts."

Glad to have you in them! (sorry for the public response but my email receives but now doesn't send. And I didn't want to fully rely on the Course belief that minds are joined for you to have my appreciation ;-)

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