My mother used to grow amaranth and I recall winnowing them on many occasions. She ground it up in the coffee grinder and made a porridge that was an acquired taste that I never fully acquired. Not bad but a bit strong and quite fibrous. Ingredients, water amaranth flour and a pinch of salt.

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Oh wow, this is amazing! The last time I had dosa was in India a few years ago, and now I really crave these fermented versions of yours. On my to do list with it. Thank you for sharing Gavin!

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Oh wow, this is a cool idea Gavin. We already have a regular habit of making dosas for a breakfast meal using Tapilan (a native bean to the philippine that we often use instead of mung bean - it makes fantastic miso too) but I never thought to use the batter for anything else. Will have to try.

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Brother Gavin is experimenting! Yes! I just started a fast and my Amaranth seed is in dirt. But good one! I watched part of the wild rice video. I can't get to the river that's two blocks away because the shore is all swampy there. Maybe I should throw some wild rice in. I'll ask the Indians.

I wonder if you mixed an egg into your fermented batter just as you use it if it would improve it's cling. Maybe, maybe not. A little baking soda does interesting things in batter too.

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