This article shines light onto the widespread degenerative logging practices in Canada, focusing on the current status of the very last intact old growth temperate rainforest watershed on Earth.
We need to find a balance - in the progression towards technocracy - versus reciprocity with our natural world! Here's my question and take to Alex Krainer who I highly respect for his awareness of geopolitical and financial awareness.
I will gather pertinent evidence of the inevitable severe impacts on water quality in the region that will result from hard rock mining and send it to his community members in the hopes they can make a different choice.
Thank you for bringing awareness to this situation.
Excellent work brother! Hurts my heart. I am so fortunate to have spent some time in some old growth forests in Oregon. I hope my 1 year old son will have a chance. Your work is valuable, keep it up!
Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, England, which used to burn locally mined coal, now (with all the coal mines long-since closed down) burns woodchips imported from North America as 'biomass'. A greenwash scam if ever there was one.
(copy pasting this here for the benefit of other readers)
Thanks for that on the ground intel.
Based on what I know of how the raw materials from logging operations are allocated on our end (here in Canada), I speculate that there is a 50/50 chance that the Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, England is burning woodchips harvested from trees that were tall and proud long before Canada was even a country.
Here is an excerpt from "Bright Green Lies : How The Environmental Movement Lost It's Way and What We Can Do About It" ( 2021) by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith and Max Wilbert which I feel is pertinent here:
“30 percent of all renewable electricity in Germany comes from what bright greens call “biofuels” or “biomass”— biofuels are derived from living materials like ethanol, which is made from corn; and biomass, in this sense, is just a fancy word that means burning living materials like wood—and what you and I might call “planting monocrops to use as fuel,” or “cutting down forests to burn.”
The salient points are that
a) “biofuels” are counted as “renewables”;
b) they’re counted as “carbon-neutral”; and
c) countries are legally and financially encouraged to deforest in the name of being “green” and “environmentally responsible.”
This is the Orwellian world into which bright green environmentalism—with its prioritization of fueling the economy over saving the real world—drives us: This culture is cutting down forests to stop global warming and cutting down forests to save the planet.”
The book represents a perspective on the extreme end of the spectrum of prioritizing conservation of intact ecosystems.
The authors of the book consider themselves to be what they call “Deep Green Environmentalists” and they make some very solid points about the fallacies of the so called “sustainable” “alternative energy technologies” (such as wind and solar/battery tech) however they also express other views I do not share (related to the whole "global warming" / "carbon is a big bad guy" narrative). Despite this, I still think their book is worth a read (even if it is only for the way they expose the EV, solar, wind, Big AG and logging industries true nature).
I wonder if the power produced by this 'biomass' is purchased by Dave Vince's firm Ecotricity, which claims that all the power that it supplies is 'renewable', even on those calm overcast or foggy winter days when solar output would be zero and there is scarcely a breath of wind. This is usually when there is an anticyclone covering the British Isles.
How painfully awful to read and learn. I can't imagine how much worse it is for you to document and write it. Thank you for bringing awareness to this terrible murder of some of the Earth's last living old growth forests.
Dear Gavin. I started reading this in the morning and had to close my laptop. I just came back to it and forced myself to read everything. My heart started hurting from the very first photograph because I knew what was coming. I know this must have been beyond painful for you to write.
When I drive just a couple of miles down the road from me and see the ongoing destruction (since last summer) of 200,000+ trees that were cut down by one powerful asshole in our little town who thought maybe he'd put a compost operation in there (it's zoned residential), I feel myself go from sorrow to rage in a matter of seconds. I moved to New Hampshire BECAUSE of the trees. This is the damage that one wealthy/connected man can do. What you're writing about is a whole new level of disgusting corporate greed. I went to the website of the paper company you mentioned. What a joke.
You are our neighbors to the North. The same thing goes on down here. As you say, the taxpayers are funding this. North America is a green gem that is being chipped away at, bit by bit. It’s soul-crushing. Thank you for doing the hard work of bringing all of this ugliness to light, Gavin. I’m going for a walk in the woods now to be with the trees. 💚
I grew up spending time in those forests, learning from and being nurtured by the presence of those majestic and learned trees and so I felt (and continue to feel) compelled to do my very best to shine a light onto their beauty and what certain humans have done (and want to continue to do to the last of them).
I am grateful you hold a place in your heart for the trees and I feel your pain and your rage.
That photo of you with the tree, Gavin. Oh boy, I'm feeling your joy/awe/and now pain. I'm writing something right now, reflecting on your post. As much as I love trees, I can't believe I've never been to see the Redwoods in CA or any other old-growth forest. I wonder what Diana Beresford-Kroeger is thinking about all of this. She must be gutted. I'm going to send her your article. 💚
The second photo viewable through that link shows me with a tree that is over 900 years old. This is a tree that was already centuries old before Canada and the United States became countries.. watching over the rich forests and mountains for countless seasons.. long before the bloodthirsty European 'explorers' even knew this land existed.
That tree is a being that had already stood for a century when Genghis khan was busy conquering half the known world. This is a being that has stood as a silent watcher and protector, still and peaceful as human empires rose and fell. Standing beside my ancient kin... feeling the deep memory of that caring being.. it was a profound experience.. I felt like I had a lot to learn from this tree.
I really appreciate your comments my friend. I can sense that you understand how much the forests mean to me.
I have not seen the Cali Redwoods either but the ancient Cedars and Douglas Fir of the west coast of BC are trees I spent much time around growing up.
You read my thoughts regarding Diana Beresford-Kroeger. I have actually been meaning to try and reach out to her (especially regarding the proposed Lithium mines that are intended to go in so close to where she lives). I have been re-reading her book "Arboretum Borealis: A Lifeline of the Planet" recently as I want to speak about the beauty and immense potential gifts that the living Boreal Forest offers to share with humanity to help people understand that those ancient slow growing forests are worth so much more than electric vehicle batteries and I have been amazed by all the powerful knowledge she puts into that book.
I would be grateful if you could let me know if you hear back from her and if she knows of any organizations or methods she would suggest for resisting and preventing the destruction that is planned for northern Ontario.
Thanks so much for your presence here, I am honored to walk this path along side of you sister. <3
That Tree, Gavin. I can't even imagine. I don't know if I ever told you this, but I was with a group a few years ago doing some shamanic ancestral work. I just couldn't connect with my direct ancestors - I felt nothing but grief and darkness. I remember getting up and going to my room and didn't come out until dinnertime. The young woman running the retreat (when I first met her, she kind of grinned at me and made a fairy reference) said to me, "Why don't you try journeying way back to your Druid ancestors?" I just lit up and felt the Truth in that. My love for trees seems so ancient and sacred, and I know yours does, too.
I sent an email to Diana this afternoon through the contact page on her website. It goes through her editor, who mentions that she isn't active online, so not to expect a speedy reply. I love that. I told her about you and linked to your article. I said you were my soul brother. :) Let's see what happens. xo
'Machines creating machines, creating machines' Absolutely horrendous! I am grateful for your in depth article but absolutely shocked, once again, that the powers that shouldn't be stoop so low or maybe that should be so deep, into destroying and monetising such pristine forests. I am saddened at the before and after pictures of the magnificent trees and the stumps left behind and reeling in disgust at the aiders and abetters, the police and military thugs, towards the defenders of the forests. I need to go out and hug my olive trees more often, I think, whilst they are still there.....
Thanks for sharing all of these resources Gavin. It seems overwhelming- but again raising awareness is always the first step. I'm in Ontario as well (niagara region). Musk must be shown to be a hypocrite - unfortunately so many of the younger generation, and many baby boomers as well, are falling for his "electricity to combat climate change." All of this clear-cutting I believe is paving the way for more computerization and the smart grid/smart cities. We must pray and meditate daily now.
It is overwhelming, I probably should have put this into two separate posts (one for BC and one for Ontario) but I honestly could not bear doing any more research on this at this point and so I just posted what I had up until now.
Musk and his billionaire friends who talk about sustainable and low carbon are profiting from mass destruction, human suffering and ecocide through the cobalt and lithium mines.
Ahh you are just a little north of us, if you garden perhaps we can do an heirloom seed swap sometime.
Yes my friend, we must pray and meditate. Thanks for the comment.
This breaks my heart, and there are so many things going on that I'm glad you've done this post, to bring me back into a mindset that I visit, on a micro, micro-scale everyday, in the bits of tiny forests still alive in my home on Kitsap Peninsula, WA State, across the Puget Sound from Seattle.
I CAN'T STAND THIS. What can I do??
I want to do *something* -- I have very little money. I am pretty close to the Canadian border, but would they even let me in? What can I do??? I will share this post on my page, tomorrow, since it's getting late in the day now.
You might know about this, and I was SO excited to hear this from a Substacker, but I'm now wondering if I was so anxious to help the trees and plants around here (and in my house!) that maybe I am believing something absurd... Copper-- to mitigate all the EMF's that are harming trees and plants... I saw a video on a Substack page. I connected with a fellow who did forestry in CA-- he's concerned about copper "sticks" in the ground being lightening rods... There are areas that I feel ashamed of how little I know, Gavin! I'm hoping you'll be a resource, if you can... just a little bit if you're busy.
Specifically, what do you think about using copper wires, around a tree-trunk, or stuck into the ground near trees, to help them deal with all the EMF's? I am being very, very simplistic because I've only just discovered this fellow/idea, and I have yet to really delve into it... Have you heard of this?
I feel I "know" you a bit and you seem trustworthy... I only have seen one podcast with Matt, and so I thought maybe I should question this a bit... If he's right and telling the truth, it could mean a HUGE good thing for many many people, but it's a separate issue from clearcutting, and I'm interested in trying to do something about that, too... It's a holocaust. It pains my heart...
I suppose given both of us have little to no money and we live very far away from the west coast of BC the best we can do is share this information and raise awareness in the hopes those ripple effects become a tidal wave of compassionate and courageous people that can stop the corporate mercenaries, corrupt government and pillaging corporations in their tracks...
I am not familiar with the thing with copper and trees but I appreciate you bringing it to my attention and will look into it further when I can.
Thank you for speaking from the heart and caring about the trees and our Mother Earth.
I wasn't trying to assign you homework! I want to look into this more, too; it was the first I'd heard of this, also.
If there is one thing that I am very very passionate about, it's NATURE. It just takes me to a place that nothing else does, a very, very good place... I am in AWE, just looking at moss or whatever, lol. It runs deeper than my connection to people, or at least, most people.
Cheers... And I DO live very very close to the West Coast and to the Canadian Border... I'm sure they'd hate me there as much they hate me down here in WA... ;) Somehow that thought is comforting! ^_^
Copper is used to to ward off insects off apple trees...and can definitely be toxic. Assembling rocks with certain minerals like copper around those trees may be a better solution. You have me thinking now- good question!
I'm not CERTAIN that the copper thing is good... I felt good about having a fairly easy way to help the trees, all those planty beings... But I haven't had time to really dig down and find out if that is GOOD advice, or BAD advice. It SEEMED good at the time I saw it, but I am soooooo wanting to help the trees! So, he did say that, but I'm still going to research that... One of my readers said he wondered if these bits of metal could be lightening rods...
So I'm not done yet, but thanks for your gracious response... I do appreciate that. xo
Can you point us, without spending a LOT of time finding one, to a link that is good directions for using orgonite? I have a friend who just puts it in her water dispenser, which is simply a large stainless steel container with a spigot thingie...
Thanks, Kieron, and don't feel burdened by my question if you don't want to deal with it, k? xo
Hi Kieron, thanks yes I have! Although it seems like you know much more than I do. I do know that depending on the source, some stones are irradiated in order to look "nice and shiny" and technically have to go into cold storage for few months to dissipate their radiation.
Can you find orgononite locally closer to where you live?
I certainly never meant to start a "copper cult." I was passing on information I'd heard about. I'm still looking into this, I am just desperate to help the trees. I COULD WELL BE WRONG about copper and trees.
But if I am, it's because Matt Roeske is wrong about it. lol
But copper IS something that, in small doses, is good for peeps.
I am NOT an expert on this, or on copper and trees.
"Do not allow their badges and reassuring uniforms to confuse you, make no mistake, these are the foot soldiers and enforcement arm in a corporate war on nature. "... Can we just call them what they are?... That being "Jack-Booted Thugs"
Beautiful post, Gavin, horrifying topic. It makes me so sad but also hopeful that everything's falling apart so fast in other realms. It reminds me that nothing we've done has succeeded. Maybe there are forces working in our favor with the pandemic, Reset, etc that's going to stop this , so that stalling it is enough.
I do not have social media but already shared it with those who have. I know what I would like to do to these bastards, but rather don't say it out loud.
Just in from APTN Gavin - First Nation to sign 20 MIL ring of fire deal:
The agreement:
Ontario’s Critical Minerals Strategy 2022–2027
We need to find a balance - in the progression towards technocracy - versus reciprocity with our natural world! Here's my question and take to Alex Krainer who I highly respect for his awareness of geopolitical and financial awareness.
Thank you for this sobering update on the situation in the Boreal Forest.
This news evokes the following quote to my mind:
"When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money."
Seeing people like this Chief Sonny Gagnon sell out and turn their back on our Mother Earth in the name of money is very sad indeed. (
I will gather pertinent evidence of the inevitable severe impacts on water quality in the region that will result from hard rock mining and send it to his community members in the hopes they can make a different choice.
Thank you for bringing awareness to this situation.
(For more info on the situation in the Boreal Forest for those reading that that want to learn more: )
Thank you for this excellent article! I have forwarded it.
Thanks for reading and for caring enough to share this information. I really do appreciate it.
The same is happening south of the border:
Excellent work brother! Hurts my heart. I am so fortunate to have spent some time in some old growth forests in Oregon. I hope my 1 year old son will have a chance. Your work is valuable, keep it up!
Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, England, which used to burn locally mined coal, now (with all the coal mines long-since closed down) burns woodchips imported from North America as 'biomass'. A greenwash scam if ever there was one.
(copy pasting this here for the benefit of other readers)
Thanks for that on the ground intel.
Based on what I know of how the raw materials from logging operations are allocated on our end (here in Canada), I speculate that there is a 50/50 chance that the Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, England is burning woodchips harvested from trees that were tall and proud long before Canada was even a country.
Here is an excerpt from "Bright Green Lies : How The Environmental Movement Lost It's Way and What We Can Do About It" ( 2021) by Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith and Max Wilbert which I feel is pertinent here:
“30 percent of all renewable electricity in Germany comes from what bright greens call “biofuels” or “biomass”— biofuels are derived from living materials like ethanol, which is made from corn; and biomass, in this sense, is just a fancy word that means burning living materials like wood—and what you and I might call “planting monocrops to use as fuel,” or “cutting down forests to burn.”
The salient points are that
a) “biofuels” are counted as “renewables”;
b) they’re counted as “carbon-neutral”; and
c) countries are legally and financially encouraged to deforest in the name of being “green” and “environmentally responsible.”
This is the Orwellian world into which bright green environmentalism—with its prioritization of fueling the economy over saving the real world—drives us: This culture is cutting down forests to stop global warming and cutting down forests to save the planet.”
The book represents a perspective on the extreme end of the spectrum of prioritizing conservation of intact ecosystems.
The authors of the book consider themselves to be what they call “Deep Green Environmentalists” and they make some very solid points about the fallacies of the so called “sustainable” “alternative energy technologies” (such as wind and solar/battery tech) however they also express other views I do not share (related to the whole "global warming" / "carbon is a big bad guy" narrative). Despite this, I still think their book is worth a read (even if it is only for the way they expose the EV, solar, wind, Big AG and logging industries true nature).
Here is a link to where you can read a digital copy of the book for free
Thanks for sharing my article and thank you for caring about our Mother Earth enough to engage in discussion on this important issue.
Here it is on the BBC. A classic 'greenwash' scam.
I wonder if the power produced by this 'biomass' is purchased by Dave Vince's firm Ecotricity, which claims that all the power that it supplies is 'renewable', even on those calm overcast or foggy winter days when solar output would be zero and there is scarcely a breath of wind. This is usually when there is an anticyclone covering the British Isles.
Thank you for the link and comment. I will watch when I have time.
And now we have this.
Please pardon the language. This subject gets me so fiiiiired up 😤😠😡🤬
How painfully awful to read and learn. I can't imagine how much worse it is for you to document and write it. Thank you for bringing awareness to this terrible murder of some of the Earth's last living old growth forests.
Namaste 🙏❤️
Dear Gavin. I started reading this in the morning and had to close my laptop. I just came back to it and forced myself to read everything. My heart started hurting from the very first photograph because I knew what was coming. I know this must have been beyond painful for you to write.
When I drive just a couple of miles down the road from me and see the ongoing destruction (since last summer) of 200,000+ trees that were cut down by one powerful asshole in our little town who thought maybe he'd put a compost operation in there (it's zoned residential), I feel myself go from sorrow to rage in a matter of seconds. I moved to New Hampshire BECAUSE of the trees. This is the damage that one wealthy/connected man can do. What you're writing about is a whole new level of disgusting corporate greed. I went to the website of the paper company you mentioned. What a joke.
You are our neighbors to the North. The same thing goes on down here. As you say, the taxpayers are funding this. North America is a green gem that is being chipped away at, bit by bit. It’s soul-crushing. Thank you for doing the hard work of bringing all of this ugliness to light, Gavin. I’m going for a walk in the woods now to be with the trees. 💚
Dear Barbara
Thanks for bearing witness to our elders and their plight with an open heart.
It was very painful for me to write, I had to stop and come back several times to finish this piece (it took weeks).
I knew some of the ancient beings who had their lives cut short and know some of those who they intend to murder this summer personally.
I grew up spending time in those forests, learning from and being nurtured by the presence of those majestic and learned trees and so I felt (and continue to feel) compelled to do my very best to shine a light onto their beauty and what certain humans have done (and want to continue to do to the last of them).
I am grateful you hold a place in your heart for the trees and I feel your pain and your rage.
Thank you for the heartfelt comment my friend <3
That photo of you with the tree, Gavin. Oh boy, I'm feeling your joy/awe/and now pain. I'm writing something right now, reflecting on your post. As much as I love trees, I can't believe I've never been to see the Redwoods in CA or any other old-growth forest. I wonder what Diana Beresford-Kroeger is thinking about all of this. She must be gutted. I'm going to send her your article. 💚
The second photo viewable through that link shows me with a tree that is over 900 years old. This is a tree that was already centuries old before Canada and the United States became countries.. watching over the rich forests and mountains for countless seasons.. long before the bloodthirsty European 'explorers' even knew this land existed.
That tree is a being that had already stood for a century when Genghis khan was busy conquering half the known world. This is a being that has stood as a silent watcher and protector, still and peaceful as human empires rose and fell. Standing beside my ancient kin... feeling the deep memory of that caring being.. it was a profound experience.. I felt like I had a lot to learn from this tree.
I really appreciate your comments my friend. I can sense that you understand how much the forests mean to me.
I have not seen the Cali Redwoods either but the ancient Cedars and Douglas Fir of the west coast of BC are trees I spent much time around growing up.
You read my thoughts regarding Diana Beresford-Kroeger. I have actually been meaning to try and reach out to her (especially regarding the proposed Lithium mines that are intended to go in so close to where she lives). I have been re-reading her book "Arboretum Borealis: A Lifeline of the Planet" recently as I want to speak about the beauty and immense potential gifts that the living Boreal Forest offers to share with humanity to help people understand that those ancient slow growing forests are worth so much more than electric vehicle batteries and I have been amazed by all the powerful knowledge she puts into that book.
I would be grateful if you could let me know if you hear back from her and if she knows of any organizations or methods she would suggest for resisting and preventing the destruction that is planned for northern Ontario.
Thanks so much for your presence here, I am honored to walk this path along side of you sister. <3
That Tree, Gavin. I can't even imagine. I don't know if I ever told you this, but I was with a group a few years ago doing some shamanic ancestral work. I just couldn't connect with my direct ancestors - I felt nothing but grief and darkness. I remember getting up and going to my room and didn't come out until dinnertime. The young woman running the retreat (when I first met her, she kind of grinned at me and made a fairy reference) said to me, "Why don't you try journeying way back to your Druid ancestors?" I just lit up and felt the Truth in that. My love for trees seems so ancient and sacred, and I know yours does, too.
I sent an email to Diana this afternoon through the contact page on her website. It goes through her editor, who mentions that she isn't active online, so not to expect a speedy reply. I love that. I told her about you and linked to your article. I said you were my soul brother. :) Let's see what happens. xo
You are stronger than I am. Couldn't even make it 1/4 way through.
It took me three sit-downs to make it through. What kind of world are we living in?
We are living in the world that PSYCHOPATHS have brought us.
We do have a choice.
'Machines creating machines, creating machines' Absolutely horrendous! I am grateful for your in depth article but absolutely shocked, once again, that the powers that shouldn't be stoop so low or maybe that should be so deep, into destroying and monetising such pristine forests. I am saddened at the before and after pictures of the magnificent trees and the stumps left behind and reeling in disgust at the aiders and abetters, the police and military thugs, towards the defenders of the forests. I need to go out and hug my olive trees more often, I think, whilst they are still there.....
Thanks for sharing all of these resources Gavin. It seems overwhelming- but again raising awareness is always the first step. I'm in Ontario as well (niagara region). Musk must be shown to be a hypocrite - unfortunately so many of the younger generation, and many baby boomers as well, are falling for his "electricity to combat climate change." All of this clear-cutting I believe is paving the way for more computerization and the smart grid/smart cities. We must pray and meditate daily now.
Thanks for reading Roman
It is overwhelming, I probably should have put this into two separate posts (one for BC and one for Ontario) but I honestly could not bear doing any more research on this at this point and so I just posted what I had up until now.
Musk and his billionaire friends who talk about sustainable and low carbon are profiting from mass destruction, human suffering and ecocide through the cobalt and lithium mines.
Ahh you are just a little north of us, if you garden perhaps we can do an heirloom seed swap sometime.
Yes my friend, we must pray and meditate. Thanks for the comment.
Absolutely Gavin! send me an email. I do garden and would love to swap some seeds.
This breaks my heart, and there are so many things going on that I'm glad you've done this post, to bring me back into a mindset that I visit, on a micro, micro-scale everyday, in the bits of tiny forests still alive in my home on Kitsap Peninsula, WA State, across the Puget Sound from Seattle.
I CAN'T STAND THIS. What can I do??
I want to do *something* -- I have very little money. I am pretty close to the Canadian border, but would they even let me in? What can I do??? I will share this post on my page, tomorrow, since it's getting late in the day now.
You might know about this, and I was SO excited to hear this from a Substacker, but I'm now wondering if I was so anxious to help the trees and plants around here (and in my house!) that maybe I am believing something absurd... Copper-- to mitigate all the EMF's that are harming trees and plants... I saw a video on a Substack page. I connected with a fellow who did forestry in CA-- he's concerned about copper "sticks" in the ground being lightening rods... There are areas that I feel ashamed of how little I know, Gavin! I'm hoping you'll be a resource, if you can... just a little bit if you're busy.
There's a fellow named Matt Roeske. Here's one of his podcasts...
Specifically, what do you think about using copper wires, around a tree-trunk, or stuck into the ground near trees, to help them deal with all the EMF's? I am being very, very simplistic because I've only just discovered this fellow/idea, and I have yet to really delve into it... Have you heard of this?
I feel I "know" you a bit and you seem trustworthy... I only have seen one podcast with Matt, and so I thought maybe I should question this a bit... If he's right and telling the truth, it could mean a HUGE good thing for many many people, but it's a separate issue from clearcutting, and I'm interested in trying to do something about that, too... It's a holocaust. It pains my heart...
Okay, thanks, Gavin. xo
Thank you for the passionate comment.
I suppose given both of us have little to no money and we live very far away from the west coast of BC the best we can do is share this information and raise awareness in the hopes those ripple effects become a tidal wave of compassionate and courageous people that can stop the corporate mercenaries, corrupt government and pillaging corporations in their tracks...
I am not familiar with the thing with copper and trees but I appreciate you bringing it to my attention and will look into it further when I can.
Thank you for speaking from the heart and caring about the trees and our Mother Earth.
Thanks, Gavin.
I wasn't trying to assign you homework! I want to look into this more, too; it was the first I'd heard of this, also.
If there is one thing that I am very very passionate about, it's NATURE. It just takes me to a place that nothing else does, a very, very good place... I am in AWE, just looking at moss or whatever, lol. It runs deeper than my connection to people, or at least, most people.
Cheers... And I DO live very very close to the West Coast and to the Canadian Border... I'm sure they'd hate me there as much they hate me down here in WA... ;) Somehow that thought is comforting! ^_^
Copper can be toxic to trees, would be my thought.
Copper is used to to ward off insects off apple trees...and can definitely be toxic. Assembling rocks with certain minerals like copper around those trees may be a better solution. You have me thinking now- good question!
Hi Roman, This is what Jaan (The Word Herder) is referring to.
I'm sorry, but I watched, too, and he said, at one point, something very close to
"You can even wrap a wire around the tree."
I wish you'd stop saying that I got it wrong. I know what I heard. 😩 😩
Sorry, Jaan. I'm sure you heard it. I'll delete my comments.
It's okay. I was in a hurry to get off to work...
I'm not CERTAIN that the copper thing is good... I felt good about having a fairly easy way to help the trees, all those planty beings... But I haven't had time to really dig down and find out if that is GOOD advice, or BAD advice. It SEEMED good at the time I saw it, but I am soooooo wanting to help the trees! So, he did say that, but I'm still going to research that... One of my readers said he wondered if these bits of metal could be lightening rods...
So I'm not done yet, but thanks for your gracious response... I do appreciate that. xo
Okay thank you so much Barbara...this is fascinating. I've bookmarked another one of your pages (:
You're welcome! Reinette did three separate interviews with Matt. You can find the links at the bottom of the post I shared.
Have a good night!
Can you point us, without spending a LOT of time finding one, to a link that is good directions for using orgonite? I have a friend who just puts it in her water dispenser, which is simply a large stainless steel container with a spigot thingie...
Thanks, Kieron, and don't feel burdened by my question if you don't want to deal with it, k? xo
Hi Kieron, thanks yes I have! Although it seems like you know much more than I do. I do know that depending on the source, some stones are irradiated in order to look "nice and shiny" and technically have to go into cold storage for few months to dissipate their radiation.
Can you find orgononite locally closer to where you live?
If not from where do you like to source it?
I certainly never meant to start a "copper cult." I was passing on information I'd heard about. I'm still looking into this, I am just desperate to help the trees. I COULD WELL BE WRONG about copper and trees.
But if I am, it's because Matt Roeske is wrong about it. lol
But copper IS something that, in small doses, is good for peeps.
I am NOT an expert on this, or on copper and trees.
Actually he DID say one could wrap a WIRE (presumably quite thin) around the tree. Not like a sheath, as maybe you are thinking?
Yes, yes.
I tried to temper my anxiety by explaining that I'm full of anxiety!
But that said, I also feel like I don't want to MITIGATE, I want to END THE ATTACKS.
The EMF's and the Chem Trails... I want to STOP THIS INSANITY.
If everybody HAD to read "The Invisible Rainbow," maybe we'd make faster progress with stopping it...
"Do not allow their badges and reassuring uniforms to confuse you, make no mistake, these are the foot soldiers and enforcement arm in a corporate war on nature. "... Can we just call them what they are?... That being "Jack-Booted Thugs"
Beautiful post, Gavin, horrifying topic. It makes me so sad but also hopeful that everything's falling apart so fast in other realms. It reminds me that nothing we've done has succeeded. Maybe there are forces working in our favor with the pandemic, Reset, etc that's going to stop this , so that stalling it is enough.
Thank you and I appreciate you sharing that hopeful outlook. <3
Let's spread the word, eh? I'll share this tomorrow.
I do not have social media but already shared it with those who have. I know what I would like to do to these bastards, but rather don't say it out loud.
You don't have to say it out loud, I feel the same way.
Hopefully we're the blue bloods and not the aholes