Your posts are so beautiful, Gavin! I so wish I had more time to pursue some of your recipes. Started a new position as exec assist to Tim Ray of UIMediaNetwork.com. Going on my 2nd month. Very exciting and time and energy consuming. We're doing some great things. One of these days I'll own your recipe book. Please keep pouring on the hot Eye-Candy! Smiles!

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Thanks Laura! I look forward to hearing what you think of my book once you get a copy. If you let me know when you are ordering a copy I will throw in some extra pepper seeds with the book so you can grow some of your own ingredients for the recipe(s) in the post above :)

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Thanks for the recipes! It'll be ages 'till I have chiles ready, but looking forward to trying the basic fermented hot sauce.

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Thanks Nina!, please let me know how it turns out.

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Jun 11Liked by Gavin Mounsey

These look like jewels!

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I agree, and they are worth more than Jewels to me! :) After all, you cannot eat a jewel, nor can you split a jewel open, and use the contents to produce hundreds more jewels the following season by combining them with soil, sunshine and water ;)

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Jun 10Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Can’t wait to try this, thanks! Just put up the shade cloth over our peppers, so hot here already. Hoping for good peppers though, also want to try sriracha. I’ve also tried to over-winter them indoors, but only once was successful. Do you put them under grow lights for the winter?

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I would love to hear how it goes when you try out one (or both) of the recipes :)

It has been wildly fluctuating here, other night was cold enough to make me shiver and today I was chugging liters of water at work and near heat exhaustion while lifting heavy trees and even now (almost 8pm) it is so hot out I am sweating with (even with only shorts on). My sweet potatoes, ginger, turmeric, Paw Paw trees and peppers are enjoying the warm soil so I will happily sweat it out a bit and be grateful for bigger harvests of those crops.

Yes you have to try fermented homemade sriracha, it is so good. Just pulse blend up your peppers with garlic and add 1 tsp of sea salt per 250ml of blended pepper/garlic mix. let it ferment at room temp, stir daily, and prepare to have your kitchen filled with a heavenly potent garlicy aroma :) Roasting the peppers and some garlic over a fire prior to making the sauce adds a lovely smokey accent to the sauce as well.

I have done grow light for over wintering peppers but now I typically just use our south facing windows (and defend the plants against our feline friends with citrus peels on the soil).

Thanks for the comment my friend. Wishing you bountiful pepper harvests.

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