Jun 5Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I have been off the internet for a week and have felt a lot more human and present. The CSA season for the farm I work at has begun, so that train is moving. I also drive another local organic farmer's produce to a nearby city market on weekends. I roast coffee and bake for our own local farmers market on the weekend, which my partner hosts the table for. My own garden is rocking, with the lawn-to-garden project continuing to expand - although the squashes are threatening to take over!

Thank you for the prompt to read. I am certainly aligned with your many thoughts on indigenizing ourselves. I also think verbal conversations are key - the living energy of voices matter, and in such talk, people will tend to want to weave together a common understanding as a norm, rather than the insane argumentative norms of e-media. I think this too is important as far as reindigenizing ourselves. Blessings!

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This is quite a substack tome. Thank you for thinking of me. I agree in the main. I think you would very much appreciate this, from The Emerald podcast, Joshua Schrei, For the Intuitives.


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Jun 4Liked by Gavin Mounsey

You should check out some of Alison McDowells research. Some of her research is a bit much for me to understand all the details of it, but I am good at gleaning what I need and want to know. And one thing I got from it is that the parasitic class is aware of the direction things will take. They will encourage food forests (eventually), so they can get data from it. They want to recreate life synthetically. They are attempting to create synthetic microorganisms to inject into the soils, to replace the living, life giving microorganisms that all life on earth depends on. They will fail, but be aware. They want control, and they go about achieving that through infiltrating the groups working for change, and subtly steering it in the direction they want it to go. The change you speak of must happen without technology as a companion on the journey.

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Hi Ann! Thanks for the comment.

I am sure that various transhumanist technocrats are scheming to find a way to harness, or "data mine" or pervert food forests in some way but to be honest I pretty much ignore the shenanigans of the oligarchs and their sad desperate attempts to dominate and quantify everything. The only technology I would advocate using in most regenerative agroforestry settings is a technology that has been used for thousands of years by indigenous peoples (that would be regenerative fire) and it is not compatible with the cloud or the IOT etc. For more on that : https://odysee.com/@recipes4reciprocity:e/mm7:8

I will never let any supposed threat being made by humans with diseased minds dissuade me from taking action to align with the regenerative capacity of nature to co-create decentralized and self-perpetuating food productions systems (and water cycle stabilization systems) for future generations. They can use their Elon Musk satellites to data mine the configuration of my food forest with their skynet all they want, I will not let it discourage me from giving my time to enrich the lives of the seventh generation that comes after me.

There are many that use the deluded plans of the oligarchs to dominate, mass murder, co-opt, subvert and oppress as an excuse to not even try to make this world a better place (because "why bother even trying when they are gonna wreck it all anyways or AI data mine my food forest to make an army of bio-cyborgs" etc). I try not to give them even more excuses to remain complacent and I think this data mining of food forests aspect is one I would also steer clear of myself as well (considering I do not advocate using high tech with regards to food forest design anyways).

For more on how I strive to avoid feeding into the excuse making tendencies of defeatists (aka people that are "black pilled") here is a conversation I had with Margaret Anna Alice about this: https://substack.com/@gavinmounsey/note/c-61260011

Thanks again for the comment my friend, I always appreciate your thought provoking contributions.

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Jun 4Liked by Gavin Mounsey

But great article. Wishing you love and many blessings.

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Good response. I'm ignoring them too. I think I had just watched Alison's video when your post came out, so I couldn't help but say something. I don't even watch Alison's videos anymore. Mostly because I don't want to focus my energies outside of what I want to help create and see manifest in this world. I'm glad you're doing what you're doing. It's needed. 💚

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