War Is Still A Racket
on this day let us remember how all war is a means for profiteering, eugenics and further hyper-consolidation of material wealth into the hands of the few
Since a very young age we are indoctrinated into the idea that wars are the story of “good” guys vs “bad” guys, that we are (of course) on the “good guys team” and the reason that the poor people from our country were (and continue to be) sent to other countries to kill other human beings with technology designed to end sentient life is so that we can “bring them democracy”, “protect our freedoms” and “ensure regional stability”. The truth is nothing even close to that comforting fairy tale.
Like most Canadians (and people living in the “developed world”) I have friends and relatives that have fought in wars so I understand the drive to accept a fairy tale about why they went somewhere to kill (and possibly be killed) which is handed down to us by the governments (and those above them) who profit from and benefit from war.
The reality of modern warfare is that 90% of the casualties of war have been (and continue to be) civilians (a third of them being children). These murders were not "colleterial damage" they are the nature of modern warfare.
Some people who know about that War Racketeering cartels are under the impression that while most wars are for profit and/or eugenics, some are noble and worth involving one’s self in.
Someone who feels this way recently commented “…There are noble and glorious acts in wars redounding honor to their combatants...Defending your family can be a noble and glorious cause. Resistance against evil is a noble endeavor and I don’t mean just fighting with words…”
My response was as follows:
Self-defense (taking physical action to defend yourself and your family when a violent attacker seeks to do them harm, whether they are a statist goon or a lone cereal killer) is not war.
Enlisting into an army willingly (or being conscripted and choosing to capitulate to orders given to kill others) is not self-defense.
The tricky part and the slippery slope down the soul corroding pit to “pre-emptive strikes”, mass murdering children and wholesale genocide begins when we start blending the meanings of words such as “self-defense” with “resistance against evil” or “war”.
When you know there are humans out there that would kill you if they were given the chance and you seek to acquire weapons to stop them before they can act on that intent, Where does self defense end and premeditated murder begin?
In truth there is no noble and ethical way to decide (or follow orders to) pick up a weapon designed to end human life, and then go out and use that piece of technology for it’s intended purpose. The intent behind taking up arms may be well justified in one’s mind, and the heart felt intent may even be to lessen suffering by preventing murderers and psychopaths from continuing on the path they have chosen by ending them before they can hurt anyone else, but we all know in our heart of hearts that killing is wrong. It is one of the core messages of all mainstream religious belief systems “thou shall not kill”. Yet along the way parasitic and predatory institutions and psychopathic individuals manage to convince a great many to go against their own moral compass and/or religious teachings in order to “be patriotic” or some other nonsensical ego based idea.
Some people (especially Athiests) will say that it is Religion (or some even say the simple choice to believe in God) is the main cause for war but what they fail to understand, is that the institutions (that they place on the same pedestal as devout religious followers place their ideas about God) represent an even more dangerous type of dogmatic belief system.
“The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The Individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence.” - Gandhi
As many of you may know from my comments in my essay titled Spiritual Autodidacticism, I am not a big fan of dogmatic religious institutions, but I would never be so ignorant as to place the blame for war and mass murdering campaigns solely on dogmatic religious belief systems (or the human institutions that have built up around and weaponized them).
Yes, it is true that a great many psychopaths and manipulators have twisted and weaponized the words from religious texts to convince the everyday people to do their bidding and kill other humans throughout history (and they continue to do so now) but that has nothing to do with believing in and knowing the Creator. The crazies that weaponize religious texts to incite mass murder campaigns are loud, arrogant and easily discernable as psychopaths, but, in my opinion, we should be much more weary of the psychopaths that operate in stealth, arriving with a smiling face, claiming that they will keep you safe and then demanding you pay them money for that safety at gunpoint and if you refuse they will take your property by force, kidnap you and lock you in a cold dark room.
Someone I know recently commented on this topic by saying “many of the most terrible attributes are displayed by those that believe in a god”. One could easily replace the word "god" with "government" in that sentence and it would also be true. Just as believing in an anthropomorphized idea of a deity that judges, chooses sides and punishes from the clouds is delusional, believing that a big brother figure sitting atop the lofty ideals of "democracy" is going to protect us from the bad guys and improve our quality of life if we just keep submitting to their violent coercion, their mandates and giving them the money they demand from us (when those institutions have a long history of abuse, mass murder, deceit, manipulation, violent coercion and fraud) is also dangerous and delusional.
Many in current society live in that sort of Stockholm Syndrome type relationship with government, and I contend that such a toxic, abusive, parasitic and degenerative relationship and belief in Government is far more detrimental than any delusional beliefs about a confused idea of what God is. Organized religious institutions have indeed done much harm on this Earth, but what many fail to understand is that belief in "authority" (such as involuntary governance structures that depend on violent coercion such as "democracy") is also a form of organized religion (the delusional belief that someone "out there" in a "position of power" is going to fix our problems for us).
When the Italian Mafia tells you they are going to provide you with “protection services” (and then if you do not pay up they beat you down, take your stuff and maybe make you disappear) that is called “Pizzo”. When your government does that same thing, it is called “taxation”.
The military industrial (and now also the big pharma/big tech industrial) complex uses its influence over nation states to pass laws and influence policy in combination with the multigenerational racketeering operation known as ‘taxation’ in order to take your money from you (under threat of violence and kidnapping) to spend on bullets, guns, bombs, landmines, drones, “vaccines” and other chemical/biological weapons.
When the followers of the religion of government are convinced that their savior figure wants them to do something irresponsible, lacking compassion, dangerous or even malicious, they will do so "for the greater good".
"The state is not a benevolent force, despite what the most brainwashed of statists believe. It is not even a neutral tool that can be used for good or ill, as those who consider themselves pragmatists believe. It is violence. It is force. It is aggression. It is people believing that what is wrong for any individual to do is perfectly OK if an agent of the state does it.
If I steal, it is theft. If the state steals, it is taxation. If I kill, it is murder. If the state kills, it is warfare. If I force someone to work for me involuntarily, it is slavery. If the state does it, it is conscription. If I confine someone against their will, it is kidnapping. If the state does it, it is incarceration. Nothing has changed but the label.
What binds us to the state is the belief that there is a different morality for anything that has been sanctified through the political process. "Oh, 50%+1 of the population voted for forced vaccinations? Then I guess we have to comply." If you scoff at that sentence, how about if the vote were 100%-1? Would that change the morality of resistance? How about if forced vaccinations were mandated by the constitution? Then would you be compelled to submit?
Does the ballot box transform the unethical into the ethical? Of course not. But I'll tell you what it does do: It makes everyone who casts their ballot a part of the process that legitimizes the murder and violence committed by agents of the state."
- James Corbett ( from “Government Itself is Immoral”
In this modern day religion of government new words have been invented to replace words like "blasphemer" and "heretic" such as "conspiracy theorist" and "those have have unacceptable views".
Some people have been told the story that here in Canada our government is “different” than all those other nasty murderous, propaganda proliferating and oppressive governments elsewhere but that too is a fallacy. Our government has been directly involved in the genocide of it’s own citizens and is directly involved with weapons manufacturer profiteering with the CPP funds that are coerced from each of our paychecks (by involuntary governance structures such as the Federal Government of Canada).
Some wars are waged on people in far away lands because they have resources our government or their corporate overlords want or those wars are manufactured/perpetuated just for the purpose of boosting profits for the military industrial complex and then other wars are waged by governments on their own citizens.
The Canadian Military Declares War on Canadians :
- https://www.corbettreport.com/the-canadian-military-declares-war-on-canadians-propagandawatch/
The latter was the case with the Genocide of children that took place in the Residential Schools in Canada and it was the case in a more racially indiscriminate fashion when our governments and police served as the strong arm for big pharma and their bankster friends during the scamdemic (a time when institutionalized gaslighting, emotionally manipulative propaganda, coercion tactics, economic warfare and bold face lies were weaponized by our government in order to push millions into receiving experimental genetic slurry injections) that were fraudulently being marketed as “vaccines” (resulting in the death of tens of millions globally now with that death count still rising sharply).
Lest We Forget what the Canadian Government did to it’s own Citizens in Ottawa when people peacefully asked for their bodily autonomy to be respected in the face of oppressive big pharma experimental injection mandates that were taking their jobs from them.

This is what Ottawa looked like on febuary 18th, 2022 for those who were voicing what our dictator PM had declared are "unacceptable views". That was a war too, albeit a war being waged by plutocrats, philanthropaths, corporations, their puppets and street level enforcers on the general population that refused to fall in line.
Look at the photo above and below, look at the equipment those Police brought to deal with a peaceful protest and you can clearly discern that these were soldiers and thugs, not those serving us (Canadian citizens) and looking to protect us.
For more info on how the scamdemic (and the various government polocies that went along with it essentially represented a war being waged by plutocrats on the majority of humanity watch 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝘀 𝗡𝗢𝗪
Vera Sharav (one of the main speakers in the documentary series linked above) lived through the Holocaust so she knows a genocidal/attempted fascist take over when she sees one.
In the videos linked above: Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav talks about the similarities between the (globally coordinated) government policies over the past three years and the policies of the Nazis (and the corporations/financial institutions that supported them) leading up to and during the 2nd world war.
She has determined what took place (and it still taking place) from 2020 onward was (and is) government sponsored global genocide and medical experimentation on the general population (which violates the Nuremburg Code).
There are not many on Earth that came make that claim with the degree of irreproachability and clarity of mind she embodies. I highly suggest you take the time to listen to what she has to say.
If we do not learn from history we are doomed to repeat it.
Wars are not only waged with bullets and bombs, sometimes they are waged with weapons of mass distraction, menticidal shockwaves of propaganda and relentless government gaslighting in a war being waged within the battlefield of your mind.
War comes in many forms in this era of 5th Generation Warfare.
Whether it is the most recent conflict between deluded self-righteous religious fanatics in the Middle East, the Proxy war in the Ukraine or any number of other brutal ongoing mass murder campaigns where one group of humans has sought to acquire the most deadly and viscous weapons within their reach to inflict suffering and death on another group of humans, War is always a means for the banksters and corporations that exert more influence on shaping geopolitical policy than elected officials to engage in profiteering, eugenics operations and further consolidate their material influence.
This is not a new phenomenon, WW1 and WW2 were also conflicts that were encouraged, engineered, perpetuated and profited from by the banksters and corporate barons (many of which called North America their home).
In truth the allies did not triumph over evil and end the Nazi regime as the most significant supporters and financiers of the military operations of both sides of that conflict escaped prosecution and remain intact today. Boeing, IBM and the BIS are just a few that should stand out for anyone that knows their WW2 history.
(for more info: https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/tower-institutional-corruption )
In closing I will share an excerpt from a substack article titled “Israel is Shutting Down its Human Laboratory in Gaza”
“The Palestinians are human laboratory rats to the Israeli military, intelligence services and arms and technology industries. Israel’s drones, surveillance technology — including spyware, facial recognition software and biometric gathering infrastructure — along with smart fences, experimental bombs and AI-controlled machine guns, are tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results. These weapons and technologies are then certified as “battle tested” and sold around the world.
Israel is the 10th biggest arms dealer on the planet and sells its technology and weapons to an estimated 130 nations, including military dictatorships in Asia and Latin America. Israeli weapons sales totalled $12.5 billion last year. Its close relationship with these military, internal security, surveillance, intelligence-gathering and law enforcement agencies, explains the fulsome support Israel’s allies give to its genocidal campaign in Gaza. When Colombian President Gustavo Petro refused to condemn the Oct. 7 attack by Palestinian resistance groups as a “terrorist attack” and said “terrorism is killing innocent children in Palestine,” Israel immediately halted all sales of defense and security equipment to Colombia.
The genocidal assault on Gaza is another chapter in the century-long ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by the Israeli settler colonial project. It is accompanied, as is true for all settler colonial projects, by the theft of natural resources, land, water and the natural gas in the Gaza Marine fields, 20 nautical miles off the coast of Gaza, which could contain up to 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.”
For info on current war racketeering events in the the middle east read It's Impossible To Bomb A Population Into Submission And Obedience.
Also check out Israel Bombs Areas of Southern Gaza Where It Told Palestinians to Flee
and definitely read: Right Before Hamas Attacked Someone Shorted Israeli Stocks And Funds
Currently those who are invested in fossil fuel corporations and those who have money invested in Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon are making a killing (literally) as weapons sales are up with huge amounts of tax payer money being funneled into Israel.
Thus, today I invite you to remember that this is business as usual. There is nothing noble or glorious about war, not ‘back then’ and not now either…
Many who are fully aware of the challenges we face and seek a path to a better world and bringing about a new paradigm for mankind wait for others to do the groundwork so that they can find sturdy footing. In truth, we are all the co-authors of this story, we cannot just point our finger accusingly at the ‘bad guys’ and then hope some ‘savior good guy’ will arrive and solve our problems for us. The actions each of us choose are the stepping stones and the beliefs we give our energy to are the mortar that holds them in place. We are all (each and everyone of us) the architects and sculptors of the path we find laid before our feet. Whether consciously or unconsciously we are weaving the fabric of the reality we will experience. We ‘vote’ for what this consensus reality we all share will become tomorrow with our dollars (through what types of corporations and institutions we feed into perpetuating or withdrawing our support from), we ‘vote’ with our decision to speak truth (even when it is socially awkward or professionally risky) or outwardly conform (which in essence equates to ‘voting’ for the tyrants to stay in power and continue to garner more influence).
For this reason I included a section in Chapter 13 of my book (which is titled the Regenerating Communities and Nurturing The Gift Economy) that focuses on Voluntaryism.
Here is a link to some supplementary reading on that same subject which provides more in depth ideas (than I was able to fit into my book) relating to the immorality of involuntary governance (what we live under now) and the practicality of alternative ways of organizing our communities and broader society: https://ia802504.us.archive.org/10/items/the-voluntaryist-handbook-a-collection-of-essays-excerpts-and-quotes/The%20Voluntaryist%20Handbook.pdf
Each of us can do our part to become the antidote for a world full of humans that have been indoctrinated into a belief system that embraces endless war. We can chose to become beacons of peace, confidence and hope (embracing food and medicine sovereignty) and withdrawing as much of our support from institutions (that are responsible for perpetuating manufactured wars) as possible and instead choosing to focus our energy in the direction of healing communities, finding common ground and becoming the ones we have been waiting for.
For pertinent and illuminating memes on this subject:
Brilliant piece and so appropriate for today. It breaks my heart to think about the broken bodies, death and destruction caused by those little soulless men who are always planning the next conflict to further fill their coffers and increase their power. It is so distressing when most people believe in the illusions sold by government and media, waving their flags in support of an ideal that never existed.
Stellar piece, Gavin. Thank you for being a voice of sanity countering the vociferous propagandists who are working to drag us to the bidding of the leaders.
“Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a parliament or a communist dictatorship.… Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
—Herman Göring in conversation with Gustave Gilbert, “Nuremberg Diary”