Thank you thank you so much Gavin..your posts regenerate the human heart.

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When it comes to covid I've been consistently amazed at the level of emotional stupidity on display among the masses. The same social hierarchies that start wars on false pretenses and price gouge people over medical costs are trusted so much that people ostracized people they loved over the words of professional profiteers and con artists.

To this day a multitude of non-reading incurious suckers mock others over their opinions on covid primarily because an authority set it in their mind.

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Another important book that caused a lot of consternation was by expert statistician Edward Dowd, ‘Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022’, which made the insurance industry blanch.

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I feel this wholeheartedly, thank you for sharing, Gavin. The truth is so evil, that it is impossible for some people to accept. I hope they will eventually see the deceit and stop complying.

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Excellent article thanks, that made me feel less alone. My heart is fuller thinking that others have been feeling the same desolation.

During the scam years, I read some books about Ww2 refugees from Europe. It wasn’t just Germany – – “small” measures were taken all over the former Astro Hungarian Empire in the 1920s and 30s, such as forbidding Jews from swimming at the lake beach or in local pools. It was not loud and brutal for starters. Vera was absolutely right in identifying the incrementalism that people have forgotten.

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Instead of harping on about the similarities to Germany, this is another angle that may be explored.

"The Inklings have generated so much academic study ... Because of their shared WW1 experiences, the Inklings scoured ancient Legends and Myths to their very core to ease the bone deep conviction they had come into contact with something irrevocably evil."


What has happened in the past 4 years - and continues, is as old as time itself. Good vs Evil

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Gavin, Dr. Mike Yeadon (and others) believes there was no virus. I follow many great doctors like Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Meryl Nass, etc, etc and they all firmly believe there was and is a Covid virus. They also agree with most if not all of what Dr. Yeadon says about how the "pandemic" was handled. However, I feel that the tension between the two groups makes it easy for the puppetmasters to discredit both sides. How do we address this conflict between two great groups of courageous people?

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Thanks for the comment, question and for sharing your concerns.

Do be honest, I do not really care if Dr. Yeadon says there was no virus or not (nor if he is a "limited hangout" or not, as some allege) as the intel he did expose about Big Pharma's corruption and the dangers of the mRNA injections was helpful and accurate based on what I know.

I do see the polarized virus vs no virus "camps" forming and people getting all excited about proving the other internet commenter wrong so I see what you mean with that conflict being a problem and a huge waste of time.

Here is my approach to addressing that kind of situation.

I like to invite the virus vs no virus people to engage in the following exercise / thought experiment:

Lets make a list of decisive actions each and every one of as can make as individuals which serve to enrich our lives, communities, society and health regardless of if there is such a thing as viruses or not.

As in, what things can one choose to do that improve our health and the state of affairs in our broader society in both a reality where viruses do not exist and a reality where they do?

As far as my own contributions to courses of action that fit that description I would offer lists like this:


As eating those foods not only optimizes the function of the innate immune system, but also increases the resilience and detox of other parts of the body and just generally increases one's quality of life (so eating those things is a good idea either way).

Another post I would offer to people stuck in a show down of "virus vs no virus" is this:


As there are lots of reasons in there that enhance one's life, community and health regardless of whether or not viruses exist.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you Gavin for the engagement here. I agree with all your strategies and my wife and I practice most of them, especially healthy eating. I fear though, that "most" folks who still believe in the conventional Covid narrative and need (IMHO) to see the real story are going to dismiss it bc of this infighting. This is one of the main strategies the powerful use to discredit us. Divide and conquer.....or divide and dismiss. Dr. Bret Weinstein speaks eloquently about this. We should not throw stones at each other, at least not in public. Thanks, as always.

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Based on my reading, the existence of a novel (i.e, no human immunity) coronavirus is at odds with immunological reality. Even a leaked viral clone would quickly disseminate into the ever-present swarm. It could be newly identified, by all means in which case 'novel' means something else.

The bigger framework is the issue is that RNA viruses do not replicate well and are incapable of an actual viral pandemic. Now, by all means, there could be more tainted strains (from a lab leak) to which some folks will respond more negatively. But officials behaved as if there was no effective treatment, when in fact, standard treatments already exist for potentially worsening and unidentified respiratory infections (of which they are thousands) such as steroids, antibiotics , repurposed drugs etc.

Of all the folks who got early treatment, I doubt many succumbed to either death or long term illness. But if you deny people those things because it's "covid" you can a do a heck of a lot of damage. Then if you transfect them (mRNA shots)on top of that, even more so.

To me, it was how it was handled, for sure.

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Nice article and very relatable.

You could consider to take what you have learned from the propaganda of the last years and apply that to what you think you know about Germany in the 30-40's. But be careful, it's in many countries illegal to study it, and it's illegal for a reason.

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Excellent article and incredible poem by the gifted #margaretannalice, thank you. I had similar experience’s with my family and am also aware of the excess deaths and cancers that are happening in my community. I never got any apologies or regrets , so I am pondering how they would receive your article 🤔 . In my experience raising this subject , only gets blank looks and desperate attempts to change the subject. Would you want to know you have been duped and poisoned ?

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Yep, I sympathise. My immediate family was wary and resisted, our extended family complied obediently and ghosted us. Blessedly not many bad reactions, one elder death that may have been hastened only slightly and one unexpected arythmia so we have been very lucky, however I have not been privy to personal health of many and I fear there have been incidents that are simply not being shared. Finland is still officially in denial so no apologies yet and not really expecting any, very sad as you say that people refuse to accept they were conned.

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What shocked me most of all was that the Vegan Society (in the UK) was and still is vehemently pro-vaxx, thus influencing most of the broader vegan movement to toe the similar line. A few years ago, I was even told by e-mail from the Vegan Society's then dietitian - using a phrase made infamous by Margaret Thatcher - that 'there is no alternative' to taking the vaccine. This is after I had contacted the Vegan Society suggesting that it take the pro-active stance of recommending to members to boost their immunity by taking supplements of Vitamins C & D3, with Quercetin and Zinc, all of vegan origin, thereby negating any 'need' for a vaccine.

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Interesting, thanks for the on the ground reporting.

To me, this serves to re-iterate and highlight the inherent flaws of centralized infrastructures that people come to rely on as being "authoritative" to tell them what is true and what is not. This applies for dietary concerns, spiritual concerns, horticultural/agricultural concerns and anything else.

When I hear about how people's "gurus" and community leaders of sorts got all mRNA injection happy and started telling everyone to drink the Kool-Aid (or else!) I always think of this wonderful lady:


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Hochal ! The second most frightening female in the world, (after NZ Prime Minister, Jacinda Adhern) in my opinion.

Running a close third would be the Bat Lady ! whatever her name is.

What happened to women ? .... aren't they supposed to be inherent protectors of humanity.

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One of the more absurd scenarios which played out in my precinct of academic Wokeville was seeing so many individuals who would be appalled at consuming and promoting GMO foods clamor for the GMO injections.

As well as the unquestioning attitude and virtue signalling around the COVID narrative by local farmers, "agriculturists", "cultural creatives" and other "alternative" types who proved to be, when all was said and done, a bunch of silly childish petit bourgeois hypocrites incapable of critical thought.

Rather than "herd immunity" the bigger concern turns out to be "herd conformity".

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Well said and I can relate.

I was bewildered and disappointed when the owner of a great heirloom seed company (which has done great work in preserving rare varieties and exposed Monsanto's GMO seed scams multiple times on their website) started engaging in synthetic mRNA injection virtue signaling on his social media page.

I mean I still think the staff of his company are doing (culturally and ecologically) important works so I am personally not gonna throw the living seeds and all his staff under the bus (not gonna boycott Baker Creek) because of his strange, hypocritical and irrational behavior, but it was surprising to me.

"herd conformity" indeed.

Thanks for the comment.

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Oh vey, Baker Creek has been my prime source for legacy seeds since Bountiful Gardens closed up shop. Free shipping too! Small business owners are prime candidates for quackzzine promotion for reasons more complex than appropriate for a Substack stream, lest I be accused of intellectual virtue signaling! ✌️

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Thank you for sharing your stories, which surely happened in many families, including mine...

BUT at least, like you and hopefully many others, I managed to warn enough the few, who are still OK today, in comparison to those who left unfortunately. All the most vulnerable, ~80ies..., 3 of them, are gone Those who didn't get the genetically modifying injections are still there and thriving, while almost every single young person who got it has health issues. It is terrifying!

I like 3 books from your display, 1984 of course, read it as soon after it came out, and the real good one Money Mafia opened my eyes first many years back! Solari Report is great too!

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Thanks for the heartfelt comment.

Yes, I think I managed to effectively warn a few (that actually listened). Though, the cognitive dissonance is really heavy duty, sometimes when I try to warn people they come at me and call me names (some especially ridiculous guys have called my manhood into question because I did not receive the injections). When that happens I just think its sad how brainwashed they are, trying to do mental gymnastics all the time to keep convincing themselves why the flimsy government / big pharma propaganda makes sense and lashing out at anyone who points out all the irrational aspects of the mainstream narrative. I have had a few people (maybe 1 out of a hundred that at first were all up in arms calling me an "anti-vaxxer Q-anon tin foil hat person" or something) that actually chose to ask themselves the hard questions, educated themselves on the corporations and science involved and then came back and thanked me for the time and effort I put into sharing the info. However, they are far and few between. Though 1 in a 100 is better than none, so I keep trying.

Money Mafia was great for sure. I did not (and do not) share Paul Hellyer's more conventional religious views, but I admire his courage in speaking the truth about the central banking cartel and the extraterrestrial presence/cover up (even knowing it would result in harassment and his former government colleagues 'disowning' him as a friend etc).

Did you know that one of the last things he did publicly before his passing was write a letter to the US congress warning them of the existence of what became known as the “shadow government” (due to the following testimony of the late Senator from Hawaii, Daniel K.

Inouye who said): “There exists a shadowy government with its own air force, its own navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own idea of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” ?

He also warned that this "shadow government" comprised of corporate, central banking and covert military intelligence elements (that he calls "The Cabal") was going to attempt to use this pandemic (and the rollout of the mRNA/DNA based injections) as a means to achieve one of their central goals related to eugenics (the involuntary de-population of the Earth via mass genocide). He went on to describe how they intended to use this "pandemic" as a means to achieve what they ("The Cabal") describe as "Full Spectrum Dominance" (a totalitarian one world government run by a self elected plutocracy).

Thankfully all that he warned about in that regard has not fully manifested (yet) though I do not think he was very far off with regards to the actual intent behind much of the scamdemic policies and fraudulent big pharma products.

Yes Solari Report is great, super expensive to be a member though. I can only afford to be a member maybe one or two months a year and buy the physical intelligence reports while I am (they are only available for purchase through paid membership).

Thanks for the comment.

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What a breathtakingly poignant, honest, and invigorating article, Gavin. Thank you for being an exemplar of moral courage and helping me spread the message that Mistakes Were NOT Made, my friend.

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Gavin's a gem !

Like you miss MAA .

Talented, gifted writers on the side of humanity and truth.

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Aww, thank you, sweet wendy 🤗

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I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks for helping light the way for others through your pioneering works my friend.

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Also, a friend's mother just died. She died from complications from leukemia she has been fighting for 15 years. But in her last days, the hospital announced she had covid. None of her family ever wore a mask, no one ever got sick. Death certificate has covid stamped all over it. So clearly they are still incentivized to kill and lie.

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Thank you for sharing that William.

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Too bad Naomi Klein turned into a shock doctrine fascist.

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Interesting, can you elaborate on that?

I do remember her vaguely commenting on one of my posts with Crow Qu'appelle in a negative way and not responding to Crow's query as to what she meant by what she said but I included her book in the stack due to the fact that she does illuminate some of the psychological warfare mechanisms which are weaponized against the masses by the plutocracy in her book.

I searched for the comment I was describing above but could not find it, though I did find this:


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Naomi Wolf has written a fair amount about how Naomi Klein haunted her, embracing the Covid Policy narrative, stunned that Naomi Wolf didn't, condemning her.

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oh i`ll have to check into that and get back to you.

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