Gavin, I am so happy that I found you on this platform. You are an incredible inspiration. Do you cover in a any previous posts how you care for, grow, and over-winter your lime tree or could you share some brief details here?

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Greetings Bill! Thanks for the kind words I am glad what I share resonates with you. :)

I have not covered how we cared for our lime tree but I would be happy to share some info here.

I got the original seedling from a tropical plant nursery near where we live. I kept repotting her into slightly bigger pots (added some compost, biochar, kelp meal, egg shells and glacial rock dust) each time and the tree/shrub really thrived in that soil mix. The potted tree is about 4 feet wide by 5 feet tall now (the biggest I can let her get so I can handle lifting the pot through our back door) and each year when I prune I propagate the prunings (rooting the cuttings) to start new trees for sharing with friends and saving some of the pruned leaves for making tea. Once the risk of frost approaches I bring the potted tree inside to sit near our dining room table near a large south facing window.

The tree can make through the winter in okay shape just fine if I keep spinning the pot every couple days to make sure the light gets the tree evenly but ideally you will want to hang a grow light above the less sunny side if you have to bring in for the winter and place near a window.

We often get waves of blossoms opening up in December after we bring the tree inside and I hand pollinate with a cue tip so we can have fruit growing through the winter.

I`ll share a few pics in this months photography post as well.

Hope this helps :)

Thanks for the comment.

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Amazing photographs, essay and recipes and growing tips! Thanks again for sharing the beauty and bounty of Nature. Much appreciated.

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Thanks for reading and commenting, I am glad you enjoyed the photos :)

Wishing you a peaceful and nourishing weekend.

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Beautiful and informative. Always aesthetic, nourishing body and soul. Such pleasure!

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Thank you very much for the kind words.

With so much negativity being projected to us through little glowing screens I feel that taking time to reconnect with nature and embrace the practice of mindfully creating with her bounty is a medicine that is most desperately needed (and accessible in some form or another to each one of us if we seek it out).

May your choices and moments this weekend (and beyond) serve to tap into the nourishment for the soul that is all around us and may your creativity indoors serve to nurture your mind as well as your body.

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So well stated, Gavin. Key word: "with." Everything we do is with Nature since we are part of Nature through and through. Whatever we do "to" Nature, we do to ourselves, from the air to the soil to one another. Fractals all the way down!

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