Great information. Thank you. Question : I read that we should only make tea from WHITE PINE NEEDLES as other pine needles are ineffective or actually toxic. I see you simply listed PINE NEEDLES? Is it okay to use the needles of pines other than white pine?

Thank you.

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Sorry I missed this comment until now.

All pine needles I have eaten and researched (over a dozen species, including Ponderosa Pine needles, which some sources claim are toxic due to their irrational assumption that because the species can cause issues for cows it would do the same for humans) are edible.

There could be pine species I am not aware of that are toxic so I would do some of your own homework first, but in general, keep in mind that indigenous cultures often have a lot more legitimate info on tree species than "Google" and "Wikipedia" which often serve as propaganda mouth pieces for big pharma or echo chambers for stagnant citified academics to congratulate each other about how impressive their books smarts are ( see: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/self-education-vs-behavior-modification? for more info ).

That being said, If you’re going to forage ingredients for pine needle tea, be sure you’ve actually harvested pine. Other conifers, like spruce and hemlock trees, are edible as well, and make delicious tea. (Note: Poison hemlock is a flowering plant, and has nothing to do with hemlock trees.)

The main thing to look out for is yew tree species, which are toxic. They have flat needles with a white color on the underside. They look a bit like hemlock trees, which also have flat needles, but are green on the underside.

Either way, yew doesn’t look much like pine other than having needles. Pine needles aren’t flat, you can roll them in your fingers, and they’re much longer than the short (around 1 cm) yew needles.

Hope this helps!

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It helps indeed. The information I got in regards to white pine only was from people harvesting and selling white pine. Individuals, not corps., so I trusted their knowledge, BUT am so happy to hear most true pines are therapeutic. I live in an area that has many pine trees but no white pine, so now I feel confident I can happily gather and experiment. Thank you.

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Excellent! Glad to hear it. Do you happen to know what types of pines grow in your area?

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I need to look them up again to be sure. I did when I was investigating pine needle tea but have forgotten now. I live in central Oklahoma, so whatever pines are typical here I'm sure grow around around here. We have so many trees.

I am searching now and found Shortleaf Pine to be the most common. I'll keep looking. There is a type that looks very much like white pine but only has three needles per grouping not five like the white pine. I can't remember the name.

This is such great news. I had to give up the tea because I couldn't afford it, but now I can start again. Thank you~~~ !

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Great tips. I’m in doubt about ivermectin as it comes from the labs (maybe I’m just ultra paranoid :), but I’m all for all the other natural solutions. I believe the biggest problem might be the microcirculation and piercing of endothelial barriers, so the idea is to detox first (autophagy, sweating, sauna, natto, enzymes. I found flush niacin works wonders, horsetail baths works great, then zeolite or activated charcoal internally to bind and get out, perhaps), support endothelial repair (this is a huge topic: different things for gut, brains, etc.) support the immune function. Definitely support microcirculation and heart. Some of the bests are cayenne pepper, hawthorn, buckwheat (=rutin), red vine leaf, horse-chestnut, anthocyanins (elderberry, blueberry, chokeberry....), to name a few. And nutritious food, the most important one. Big up!

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I have a similar attitude towards lab made synthetic substances.

Thanks for the specific detox info and suggested healing plants.

I wrote an article on anthocyanins a while back you may appreciate:


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Oh wonderful, thank you for the link, looking forward to reading this.

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Un deciso commento da parte mia su questo articolo , sopratutto scoprire e verificare tramite la tua narrazione e le misure per ottenere una disintossicazione su cosa credi di sapere dei vaccini e dei suoi componenti,una dulusione evidente ,poichè qualche giorno fa in un commento all'articolo precedente , ti avevo elogiato per una corretta conoscenza alternativa, ora arrivo alla mia sorpresa nel constatare invece che sei profondamente ancora ancorato alla narrazione del sistema , hai ancora scorie molto evidenti di una formazione di massa su questi argomenti , vengo al dunque , non è tramite la disintossicazione con i benefici di prodotti che menzioni che certamente servono per altre sintomi , per il semplice motivo , che non esiste QUESTA narrazione di elementi sintetici nella realta', come affermi se non in forma digitale attraverso modelli al silicio del computer e dei biolaboratori sul guadagno di FINZIONE...!!! ( come io li descrivo..!! ), la proteina SPIKE , L'mRNA- RNA e altre forme sono tutte fantasticherie, create da psicopatici per sviarci dalla vera negativita' delle iniezioni , SONO "SI " ( non va...cci..ni..), MA FARMACI TOSSICI, MA DI UNA TOSSICITA' CON SCOPI DIVERSI , dove vengono prima interessi di business , poi effetti collaterali drammatici a beve e lungo termine, che seguono una agenza di STERILIZZAZIONE MONDIALE E DI SPOPOLAMENTO ,per rendere le persone che si va..cc...na.. no, dipendenti a vita dei medicinali di BIG-PHARMA ( PETROLCHIMICA), SPERO VIVAMENTE CHE NON TI FAI AMMALIARE DA QUESTE FALSE FAVOLE, IN QUESTO SISTEMA DI AIUTO NON SERVE L'UNICA COSA VERAMENTE E' UNA SOLA INFORMARE CON SPIEGAZIONI SEMPLICI E ALTERNATIVE IL PIU' POSSIBILE LE PERSONE CHE ANCORA NON SI SONO RESE CONTO DELL'INGANNO ,NO- VIRUS - NO TRASMISSIONE O CONTAGIO - NO- SARS-COV-2 - NO - COVID- 19 , COSA SERVANO I VAX....!!!!!!!!!!




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I try not to get bogged down in obsessing over the virus vs no virus debate as I feel as though a lot of time and energy is wasted in those battles which could be directed towards universally constructive, regenerative and beneficial ends instead.

You may have noticed that my post above emphasized whole food nutrition and medicinal herbs. One of the reasons I do this in all my work is that those foods and medicinal plants/fungi are going to increase your quality of life, resilience and health whether or not viruses are real.

In the spirit of building on this approach with you, I invite you to make a list of decisive actions each and every one of as can make as individuals which serve to enrich our lives, communities, society and health regardless of if there is such a thing as viruses or not.

As in, what things can one choose to do that improve our health and the state of affairs in our broader society in both a reality where viruses do not exist and a reality where they do?

As far as my own contributions to courses of action that fit that description I would offer lists like this:


As there are lots of reasons in there that enhance one's life, community and health regardless of whether or not viruses exist.

Hope this helps!

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Since I did it anyway, for anyone who has rusty Italian...

A firm comment from me on this article , especially find out and verify through your narrative and measures to achieve detoxification on what you think you know about vaccines and its components , an obvious dulusion ,as a few days ago in a comment on the previous article , I had praised you for a correct alternative knowledge , now I come to my surprise to find instead that you are deeply still anchored in the narrative of the system , you still have very obvious dross from a mass education on these topics , I come to the point , it is not through detoxification with the benefits of products you mention that certainly serve other symptoms , for the simple reason , that there is no such narrative of synthetic elements in reality as you claim except in digital form through silicon models of computer and biolaboratories on the gain of FICTION . ..!!! ( as I describe them...!! ), the SPIKE protein , The mRNA- RNA and other forms are all reveries, created by psychopaths to deflect us from the true negativity of injections , ARE "YES " ( no go..cci..ni.. ), BUT TOXIC DRUGS, BUT OF A TOXICITY WITH DIFFERENT PURPOSES , where business interests come first , then dramatic beve and long term side effects, which follow a WORLD STERILIZATION AND SPOPULATION agence ,to make people who go..cc..na.. no, lifelong addicts of BIG-PHARMA ( PETROLCHEMICAL) drugs, I VIVIDLY HOPE YOU WON'T BE AMMALIZED BY THESE FAKE FABLES, IN THIS SYSTEM OF HELP IS NOT NEEDED THE ONLY THING REALLY IS ONE TO INFORM WITH SIMPLE AND ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT YET REALIZED THE DECEPTION ,NO- VIRUS - NO TRANSMISSION OR CONTAGION - NO- SARS-COV-2 - NO - COVID- 19 , WHAT VAX SERVE. ...!!!!!!!!!!




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Fantastic list - love the emphasis on healthy food. We are what eat, after all. Amen to all that. Great service to the community - much appreaciated.

It is right down my alley - I make my own herb tinctures and eat well etc.

But may I add a few very powerful detox agents and procedures not much talked about, because feverishly fought against and successfully censored by Big Pharma for decades now?

1. Chlorine Dioxide (MMS Drops)

If I needed to chose only one - it would be this. This stuff is magic. I take it for almost 9 years now on a daily basis.

2. Coffee enemas.

Amazing detox with the added bonus of mental clarity and peace. It is no coinicdence that coffee was first cultivated by Sufi meditators. But taking it as an enema (long and short), adds several dimensions to it over drinking.

3. Fasting in a form that attracts you (long, short, intermettant etc.)

I hardly every eat anything before 2 pm.

Being a fat burner rather than a carb burner is crucial for health

4. Sweating

5. Sun bath

6. Daily mouth hygene with 3% Hydrogene Proxide (many toxins come from teeth feelings and enter through nasal passages)

7. Milk Thistle Tincture for total liver regeration. This stuff is magic too.

I make my own herb tinctures and use a lot of different stuff to keep healty, but for detox the above works really well.

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Thank you for the great information. Question :

I thought CDS and MMS are different in that CDS uses Citric Acid as the catalase and MMS uses Muriatic Acid as the catalase?

I read that though Citric Acid and Muriatic Acid show the same level of Ph acidity, Muriatic acid is a much, much stronger acid than Citric?

I have used Muriatic Acid for industrial purposes and know it corrodes metals immediately and irreparably whereas Citric Acid doesn't.

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Thanks for the detailed comment. I am glad the emphasis on using whole foods as medicine appeals to you. The post above is unusual in the context of my blog as it lists synthetic substances and I typically focus on encouraging food and medicinal sovereignty in this blog (which necessitates being able to create and/or cultivate a given food or medicine using one's own skills, knowledge, tools and locally available resources). I made an exception in the post above in listing things like Ivermectin etc as I know a range of local nurses and doctors who provided me with anecdotal evidence as to how helpful those substances were in helping their patients and I trust those people, so I shared the info.

With all that being said, I am not really one for leaning into synthetic chemicals/substances for maintaining optimal health and hygiene myself. I prefer the pre-industrial methods but I respect everyone has to choose their own path.

I like your suggestions for fasting, sunbath, sweating and I am interested in learning more about Milk Thistle.

Do you happen to know what the active compounds are in the plant that facilitate/stimulate the regeneration of liver cells? I am always looking to source out multiple plant/fungi based sources of compounds with cellular regenerative properties so increase the resilience of my medicine garden designs.

Thanks again for the comment.

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Regarding Milk Thistle and other substances I found this website a fantastic source: https://herbpathy.com/ It uses all major traditional health system e.g. Chinese, Hindu, Homopathic and Western Medicine as reference. If you type in Milk Thistle under the Herb tab, you find a wealth of useful astouding information about it, especially it's total restorative properties. I read somewhere that it can completly restore livers serverly damaged by alcohol abuse.

Regarding chemical substances, I go with Parcelcus. Every poison is medicine, and every medicine is poison - it depends on the dose. It's all about risk/benefit and proper use.

Ulitmately, it all comes down to molecules.

There is no doubt, however, that chemical substances are sharper and more potent and therfore can do more damage if used unwisely, while natural substances are often safer to use and more forgiving. Much less side effects with natural substances as they often include agents that counter the side-effects. But if we totally disregard chemicals, we also miss out on some very potent healing agents like DMOS, Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine Dioxide, LSD and MDMA. But they are not for the faint-hearted or foolish or over-confident and can do sever damage.

Definetly the best way to start all natural and often to stay all natural. No argument there.

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How do you use ClO2? I have teeth problems and I am concerned about dentists and the big pharma pain meds they use.

I use a mouth wash of maybe 2cc's full strength once a day to kill the infection, then I clean my mouth out with water. I find if I ingest it it upsets my stomach. Were I to skip a few days I wouldn't be able to eat.

I'll comment on the rest, thanks for the post.

I wouldn't know how to give myself an enema, I suppose I could look it up.

I try to fast. I eat once a day but I drink about three bullet coffees (butter+heavy cream) so I'm not sure if I'm fasting. I used to fast every new years. Record is ten days, the clarity of thought I experience must be ketones. That starts for me around four or five days.

I got some seas scallops from the butcher yesterday. Had to make fresh pasta and a garlic cream sauce. Oh man, sea scallops! It was soo good. I am also a bread guru. I make baguettes once a month. Cause they are so frikkin good! But I limit it.

I wish I had a sauna but I do get as much sun as I can.

I could try a hydrogen peroxide rinse. Have lots in my stash.

I've experimented with making tinctures. Just rosemary. I'll have another go at it when I have herbs. Winter here.

I know what milk thistle looks like.

Buddy and I are trying to get a hunting camp surrounded by 62,000 acres of crown land. He suggested we should learn about forest edibles. He should know already, he's an Indian. Calls himself Forest Walker, collects antlers and makes a lot of cool stuff with them. His uncle I call He Who Gets Lost in the Woods. An Indian with no sense of direction and a great sense of humour.

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You may be using MMS rather than CDS. As I understand it, MMS uses a much stronger acid, Muriatic Acid, and CDS uses a much weaker (than Muriatic Acid), Citric Acid.

Muriatic Acid corrodes metal like crazy and is very hard on the stomach. This may be why Karl C. says it's bad for teeth.

My stomach was upset when I first began taking CDS (not MMS), so I started with only one drop of each part in four ounces of water and slowly built up to three drops of each part in four ounces of water. My stomach is fine with it. I tried to increase to four drops each part, but no go, my stomach wouldn't handle it and so I went back to three drops.

Apparently starting slowly and building up is recommended. Some people hit two drops and that's all they can tolerate. Others three or four drops.

I am following the recommendation of drinking it for eight hours a day in eight doses on the hour for eight weeks which is supposed to rid you of any infestations. Then after eight weeks, you go down to one to four doses a day. Depending on your health issues.

I will reinforce what others are saying. The results of drinking CS are amazing. I was sceptical at first, but now I'm a believer.

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Heh, Muriatic acid is used to clean metal before soldering.

I have both MMS and CDS, they both list Hydrochloric (Muriatic) acid (HCl). I have Citric acid I could get some Phosphoric acid. I have been using MMS. I don't know how everyone uses it, I should research more but there shouldn't be any acid in the solution I use, I dissolve the gas in water, I don't add it directly to the water. I could also make sure that the HCl gets used up by adding a drop or two more Sodium Chlorite.


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I used to do scenic painting in movie world and we used Muriatic acid to rust out metal things in seconds flat. It produced the most beautiful rust colors. Handling it and using it required some heavy gear - respirators and industrial gloves and if you spilled it on yourself it burned like hell. So, I'm not drinking it even if it's neutralized. Though others have and seem successful with it.

I am seeing CDS is made with both Muriatic and Citric Acids. It seems MMS is always Muriatic Acid. Anyway, I'm taking CDS made with Citric Acid. Citric Acid was hard enough to get my stomach to accept though it has. Maybe it's because I just mix the drops and add water instead of the method you're using which is helpful I've heard. It doesn't matter now since my stomach is fine with it.

I have Morgellons/CDB and CDS is helping with it which is great in my book. If it's killing Morgellons that means it's killing the more current tech since it's now known both spring from the same evil recipes.

I am buying CDS from https://waterpureworld.com/product/glass-wps-kit-4-5oz

Best wishes on your journey. God Bless.

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I have MMS and CDS and both came with 5% HCl solution.

But I don't have to use that..

I have Citric acid and am currently generating a solution using that. I won't know until tomorrow how successful I was. It's generally an overnight process. It seems to be progressing well.

I've used it to repair a car radiator that had a fin knocked off. I didn't use any special equipment.

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Citric acid seems okay. Before I started CDS, I read Citric Acid and Muriatic Acid register the same PH but Muriatic is a much stronger acid than Citric, so I went with Citric. That coupled with the bizarreness that is Morgellons and how it doesn't react to things I've used like normal biological pests would react. And my experiences with Muriatic.

Interesting how two things can have the same Ph yet be miles apart. Hmmm....

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Thanks for sharing that. You gave me a flashback to my Stone Masonry apprentice days when I was living in Whistler BC.

One time we were working on a custom 2 million dollar mansion on a gulf course (some hundred million dollar corporate exec's "vacation cabin") which was mostly made of rock, steel and glass and he got us to install huge 500 lb slabs of Vulcanic basalt to make a two story stair case inside his house. The mason I was apprenticing under at the time did not like the rough surface of the hand chiseled stair slabs (I worked at both the quarry they were extracted from and the job sites installing them, it was kind of a "boot camp" for new apprentices in that company) so he ordered me to use Muriatic acid on the surface to level them out a bit.

One time it got through a hole in my glove and really messed up my thumb (lesson learned). I was out of work for weeks (couldn't hold anything in that hand for a while).

Anyways that was a pretty interesting job from a creative standpoint, it had a geothermally heated driveway for melting snow and really nice archways we built in the house with basalt pieces. I remember one of the more rowdy laborers we had working on the site knew he was gonna get fired soon by our boss for messing up equipment a few times so he decided to go out with a bang. He stole one of those gulf carts that drives around selling sandwiches and beers and stuff and went ripping around chugging tall cans and crashed it into a sandtrap haha..

thanks for the enjoyable flashback :)

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What a great story! Working on movies had its' creative satisfactions as well, but was so insane on so many levels I had to move on.

Some crazy stories as well.

We had a saying that was like a recruitment ad - "If you're a High School dropout or an ex-con the film business is for YOU!"

And it's true which makes it funnier. Mighty interesting characters like many of the trades.

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Personally, i found 3% Hydrogen Peroxide foodgrade better for mouthwash than MMS drops

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I have had ionic silver and hydrous chloride recommended, neither of those do the job. Now I have another to try.

Karl.C says ClO2 is bad for your teeth.

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I heard good things about ionic silver but never tried myself. I always cleared up any infections with my teeth with 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, daily mouthwash. It takes a few weeks, if not months. At one point my dentist couldn't believe the improvement and complemented me on brushing and flossing well. When I told him it is Hydrogen Peroxide that did it, he laughed and dismissed it. That was the last time I saw him. Haven't seen one of these tools for six years now. No tooth ache or problem whatsoever.

However, I pay for my past sins. Old fillings break lose and I need to restore a few now. But I will do it in Thailand. Much cheaper.

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LOL @ "tools".

OK, I'll give it a shot, see how it goes. I've had a lot of problems from old fillings as well.

Does it pay for your trip to Thailand?

I've been through the airport in Bangkok. I bought a size 2 little purple silk dress for my daughter. She's a purple girl. I phoned my Mom and asked her what size to get. "Size 2!" Duh.

Well size 2 in Bangkok is smaller than a size 2 here. She loved it but it was a damned tight fit.

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For parasites that move in to a deficient terrain, I suggest looking into intermittent use of chlorine dioxide (the form and dose here are critical!) and possibly methylene blue (again dose is critical!)

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This is full of interesting stuff

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Do you know of any naturally occurring compounds that would serve the same purpose?

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Yes; for sure. Artemisinin and black walnut hull tincture are solid choices; and honestly, I have had some success with shifting the inner terrain by adding a pinch of Celtic sea salt and a dash of trace minerals to water. Someone I respect suggests this works by shifting the electrical charge which allows cells to begin detoxing; and I understand that it may shift the pH of the lower intestines... oftentimes, simply modifying pH balance using healthy balanced mineral salts is sufficient to help parasites taper down. One of the more interesting things I learned was from Dietrich Klinghardt who tested parasites extracted from people living with developmental challenges like autism. He found that the parasites had 1000x the levels of toxic heavy metals than the body, suggesting that the parasites may be evolving into more aggressive forms because of a toxic terrain. So, you are spot on to focus on whole food and natural solutions that restore the body’s nutritional balance.

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Can you comment on your use of ClO2? As I said in my other reply I use it to keep tooth infection at bay.

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I have used it for knocking down colon infections, likely due to parasites. Very effective. Just one to two drops in water before bed; with activated charcoal intermittently to help with die off reactions.

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Karl.C (substack) is experimenting with Sodium Citrate as a chelator for bio-weapon baddies.

Yesterday I was at the horsey farm store and bought Ivermectin for Cattle. 1 litre. Mooo!

I have some human intended Ivermectin but not much and it cost me more.

He asked me if I wanted injectable. "Gawd no!" I don't want to get hooked on it.

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I always prefer to lean into naturally occurring (preferably locally sourced or grow-able) sources for medicinal compounds when at all possible, though I am not against keeping synthetic compounds as medicinal backups when appropriate.

Here is a link to where someone shares into on making your own Sodium Citrate at home: https://www.chefsteps.com/forum/posts/sodium-citrate

Thanks for the comment my friend.

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Yes Gavin, I have the components to make my own sodium citrate should I want to do that. Citric acid and baking soda are useful for many things. Someone told me that Arm and Hammer contains aluminum powder, I don't see it on the ingredients but that doesn't mean it's not there. I should learn how to test for that. So much to learn.

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