Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

To equate it to a religion has got to be among the most effective parallels. I think we need some funny memes along those lines, spread them around. Thanks for putting into such patient words what should and would normally be so obvious.

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Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Years ago Kirkpatrick Sale suggested loyalty be directed towards the watershed where one resides. The nation state is an envelope which serves the purpose of enforcing ruling class dominance over the great majority of toilers who are educated from childhood to loyally serve their own oppression including lending their bodies to fight the rich men’s wars.

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The worship of nation states is nothing more than the worship of psychopathy, and ones own enslavement to evil.

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Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

If all believed and behaved as you do, the war machine / greedy bloodthirsty war lords, would be extinct - not the First Peoples & their way of life.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I also read Kevin Annett's stuff on the Kamloops genocides... horrible stuff much like what happened here in Aus from 1788-present.


Documentary (108 mins)


Who can possibly pledge loyalty to those who commit such horrors on our fellow man?

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You may want to look at this piece April 1995 Executive Intelligence Review:


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Jul 4Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Ya lost me when one of those authors wrote that Aborigines are denied the opportunity to take their place in "western Judeo-Christian culture, the most superior culture to have arisen on the planet," although turning aboriginal land settlements into permanent slums did certainly come to pass.

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yes, I skipped over that part myself... however, what it truly eludes to is the concept of the British Colonialism to constantly divide and conquer with such manipulative style.... The Green New Deal was invented and so was the 'environmentalism' out of Prince Philip's and now King Charles' World Wildlife Federation.


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So the purpose behind these moves was intentional 'divide & conquer' just like they did many times before with the Bolsheviks, the Uyghurs, the Chinese and the opium crisis... and much much more episodes of control manipulations.

But this is not a dive you may want to take... I'm personally loving the focus of Gavin's writings, they inspire a sense of purposeful living and ecology of humanity with our connection to nature.... this settles my heart a lot!

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When people tell me it is good to be proud of your country, I ask them if they are equally ashamed for all the bad things their country has done. It makes no sense, you are just a tax slave, made to cheer on command but when you dig deeper, you'll hit apathy or denial. I always felt it was so hypocritical, especially when talking to Americans. All these isms create blindspots in thinking; the best thing to do is to remove them and be a critical individual.

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It's cause there isn't any thinking going on. People simply absorb their entire worldview from indoctrination and propaganda. Anyone that actually does exert an iota of independent, critical thought inevitably realizes it's all a big scam, a tyranny, an extortion racket.

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Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey


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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Pretty close to my own thoughts about Australia. I have no loyalty to this paedo nation. Even some majority indigenous populations, such as Ireland and South Korea, are crushed by their soulless state powers.

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Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

Wow - printed and saved as pdf - seems as though substack is giving me 'strange' too many requests messages and I do not wish to see this post lost...

Thank you for this message!

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Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

I love this. I used to 'be proud' to be a Canadian. Now all I see is corruption, deceit and manipulation. I don't 'identify' as Canadian (or anything else lol). I've removed myself from the voting registrys (they don't 'represent' me) and look forward to the day I can figure out how to stop paying taxes.

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Jul 2Liked by Gavin Mounsey

No western governments represent their people, all western governments are illegitimate.

You can hate your government, they don't serve you anyway, and still love your country.

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts my friend.

How do you define the thing you are describing as a "country"? and how do you delineate that entity from the government ?

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Jul 3Liked by Gavin Mounsey

It was my thought to say in that comment that the government is not the country. I like to keep them short. The country is the people the places and the culture. The government is a corrupt corporatocracy that does not represent its constituents and is therefore illegitimate. There are other reasons to label it illegitimate but that is number one. It can be applied to most western governments. I can only think of one exception, Hungary and Viktor Orban. There may be others.

Trudeau himself has committed millions of egregious violations of human rights. Again amoung other things but coercing the country into taking the death jab, killing and maiming countless people makes me think we could make him a special exception and impose the death penalty. He is a treasonous globalist.

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