@Gavin - do you have any updates on these mining plans on the boreal forests - have they been put to rest? Do you have a coordinate for the region specific to their mining plans? I can find more support if you can provide this kind of info...

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Greetings from the East my friend.

I deeply appreciate your interest in our sacred Boreal Forests.

The assault on the Boreal is unfortunately being carried out with a similar degree of stealth and nefarious strategy as the attacks on the Osage people south of us over 100 years ago.

Media blackout is a new strategy as global media technology is new. The perpetrators use armies of psyops agents and lawyers that weaponize the Delphi technique and other manipulative strategies to confuse and gaslight the locals where they intend to extract lithium and cobalt. (for more info: https://corbettreport.com/qfc-delphi/ )

Those that are resistant to their psyops are targeted with more physical means of silencing (as the Osage people were).

I`ll do a deep dive into finding site specific data asap and get that to you.

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Yes it's obvious - thought it was an AI technique but putting a name to thee methodology - well we do know the mass psychosis is well integrated into msm, movies and especially Hollywood. (1938 Radio broadcast of War of the Worlds was the first 'official' mass psychosis experiment).

Thanks Gavin, I have family roots in Rimouski - south end of the Gaspe and well several connections with people in James Bay too!

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What a beautful place - I had not realised Canada has lithium - like other ethnic cleansing for theft of peoples' the lands resources such as Africa, South America ( lithium).. Gaza where billions of dollars of gas deposits found offshore, and also 'Greater Israel' is being created - Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen etc all bombed to rubble over last few yrs by US, UK, Israel alliance ie Rothschlds. The insatiably greedy psychopaths want everything in every country that will be if use to them, make trillions for them.

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You know I will, Gavin. This breaks the heart of every Nature-loving person. Aren't we ALL Nature-loving? It would seem not. I would have hoped by now that something would have been done to stop these corporations from raping the planet. But, their pockets are too deep. I will do what I can in my own little corner of the world. Much love to you, Earth brother. Thanks for repeatedly sounding the alarm. 💚

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So true! Alas, it is ‘we’ who feed ‘these corporations’ and the ‘hungry ghosts’ ‘masters’ that keep then churning...

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Thank you for sharing your love with our Mother Earth and for keeping an open heart (even though it hurts to do so sometimes while we live in this world with many lost, confused and sometimes self-interested human beings). Thank you for all your do and for the ripples you send out in your community and into the collective consciousness of our human family through your steadfast compassion, candid observations and open minded discussions.

You are providing a medicine that is dearly needed in this world just by being you. Much love to you as well sister.

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Thank you for saying that, Gavin. I woke up this morning feeling that heavy collective defeated kind of energy. And what am I doing that is helping humanity? I'm usually able to shake it off and pick myself up fairly quickly but it's wearing on me. So, thank you, friend. Your words were needed and appreciated today. 💚

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Seeing those pictures of the beautiful forest while learning of their plans to destroy it, was heart wrenching. Yes, yes I will join you in prayer for the earth, her forests and all the life within. Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do. We need all those who truly care and see to step up in any way they can right now. We are at a turning point. Let's infuse the turn with love and understanding of our purpose as guardians. Blessings to you Gavin, you are a gifted and beautiful soul.

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Thank you for joining me in spirit to pray for our elder family members in the Boreal. I am honored to walk this path along side you sister. Many blessings to you and may the love you share with our Mother Earth return to you ten fold manifested in ways that enrich your life, offering you abundant joy, lasting fulfillment and peace of mind.

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Yes! Thank you! In 2021-2022 my “ mantra of now” was: “All life, regardless of its form, classification or reputation, will respond to genuine interest, respect, appreciation, admiration, affection, gentleness, courtesy and good manners.” A Kinship With All Life” J. Allen Boone, 1954

For 2023 I’ve a shorter version: all that’s needed is Common Sense and Good Manners towards all and everything on our path.

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Thank you for reading and for the great comment. :)

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So when a friend asks you to get into their electric car, will you?

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If you already own an electric car, what are your thoughts on what it took to make it? and would you buy another given what you know now?

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Great question. When I decide to boycott an industry, company or product what that means to me is refraining from purchasing new items that serve to directly fund the continued existence and operation of said industries, company or product. That means I will not be buying any new phones, laptops, ebikes, rechargable camping gadgets, e-vehicles (or anything else that contains lithium and cobalt as a central component in the battery). Since my current occupation requires me to use a phone, I will likely have to acquire used phones in the future once I one I have totally breaks down (though to be honest, I really wish I could just remove phones from my life all together, something to aspire to accomplish in the future perhaps).

Though the likelihood of a friend asking me to get into an electric vehicle is relatively low (given those in my immediate circles are not really down with e-vehicles at this time) it is still a situation worth contemplating and considering with regards to the philosophical implications of working to expose the degenerative, profiteering, colonial, imperialistic, destructive, duplicitous and downright ecocidal nature of the lithium and cobalt mining, refining and battery manufacturing industries in my writing while also making the hypothetical choice to ride in an e-vehicle.

To answer your question more directly, I suppose when a friend asks me to get into their electric car, whether or not I would get in would depend on the situation. For instance, I would not join an electric vehicle car pool for daily commuting needs nor would I plan a fun road trip that involves the use of an electric vehicle, but, if I was in a tough spot and a friend with an e-car offered me a lift I think I would accept their offer.

I would personally be okay with shedding all "smart" devices and lithium/cobalt based tech from my life and just living simply in close connection with nature but I also have to consider the needs and preferences of those closest to me (that I have made commitments to in this life) and I have to consider previous promises I have made regarding garden designs, communications, other business and publication of writing which requires certain tech to me made possible. Thus, I will not be choosing to remove all lithium/cobalt based tech from my life instantaneously nor will I be giving the cold shoulder to those in my life that are using that type of technology.

I will be taking baby steps to take responsibility for my interaction with (and to break from dependency on) technologies that are made possible through the pillaging of the Earth and those humans who stand in the way of "sustainable development", but it will be a multi-staged process and my no means any sort of purist, cold turkey, severing of all and anything lithium/cobalt related from my life instantaneously.

I hope that answers your question.

I suppose I should have been more explicit with my statement regarding like boycotting the lithium and cobalt industries so thanks for offering me the opportunity to clarify what that means to me.

How about you? Given what you know about the lithium and cobalt industries, what are your feelings and thoughts on e-vehicles? Would you purchase one? Would you take a ride in a friend's e-car? Why or why not?

Thanks again for the thought provoking, illuminating and evocative comment/question.

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Great discussion. Tough discussion. As I look around me, there isn’t one thing I can see or think of, that hasn’t had some sort of huge impact on the environment; oil, lumber, minerals, textiles, food, water, air, us…since we first began to clear land and settle down. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try or bury our heads, rather, it’s each of us making a conscious effort to do what we can as caretakers of our earth, day to day, every day. Lessen the demand, lessen the need.

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Also, pursuant to "each of us making a conscious effort to do what we can as caretakers of our earth" I published this article: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/germinating-the-ancient-seeds-within

I would value hearing your thoughts on the concepts and ideas I presented in the post.

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I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

Regarding the "food, water, air, us" aspect of our impact on the Earth, I have written about flipping the script on the current misanthropic mainstream "environmentalist" (actually a sort of oligarch funded green washing) narrative that portraits humans as inherently exploitative, damaging or greedy in the past. In this post: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/are-there-limits-to-growth I proposed what may sound like a radical proposition to some nature lovers and environmentalist activists out there that may have been conditioned to subconsciously embrace a quasi-misanthropic view of humanity and our place on this world.

I do not advocate lessening our impact on the natural world. I think we should increase our impact on the more than human world ten fold.

As Lyla June says in this video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HumlU31zKAE&t=2744s we can use these human hands to proliferate amazing abundance, becoming an asset to the Earth and making her feel grateful for our presence.

I think we should use these amazing human hands and powerful brains that God gave us to have a huge impact, like the people of the Amazon did when they created the Terra Preta soils that allowed them to co-create the giant food forests of the Amazon jungle that have persisted for 4500 years. ( for more info: https://web.archive.org/web/20210615170106/https://returntonow.net/2018/08/01/the-amazon-is-a-man-made-food-forest-researchers-discover/ )

Instead of internalizing the false idea that portrays humans like a plague or a cancer on the Earth, I advocate we instead use our free will (and the sentience that so many humans covetously claim is unique to our species) to instead choose to define ourselves as co-creators of beauty, abundance and diversity. ( for more info: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol26/iss2/art6/ )

Our ancient ancestors have shown us by example that it is possible to become a positive force for impacting nature in a way that honors and nurtures life, rather than defining our selves as takers, users and consumers.

Destruction and degeneration are not inevitable. Humans are not inherently parasitic and extractive as the anti-human globalist propaganda implies.

Humans have the capability of either being takers/consumers (extracting from the Earth but giving nothing back) or givers (living within a web of reciprocal gift exchanges).

Both choices can be observed in individuals in our lives and cultures throughout history.

Here are some examples of when cultures decided to use their genius, technology, horticultural/botanical knowledge and ecological literacy to define themselves as givers living within a web of reciprocal gift exchanges (having a huge positive impact on the ecosystems around them):

“Architects of Abundance: Indigenous Food Systems and the Excavation of Hidden History” https://www.proquest.com/openview/17597a179528716e1a9e8515ca76ec77/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y

Here is a video presentation that touches on some of the content in her dissertation:

Some other examples of technology serving as a regenerative tool that fostered increased biodiversity, increased human habitation and permanent food production systems that do not require fertilizer:







Unlike the WHO’s “One Health” treaties and UN’s “sustainable” development goals (and other similar greenwashed globalist propaganda) I advocate for increasing the impact we have on the ecosystems we are a part of, not minimizing the impact we have on them. Unlike the anti-human greenwashed globalist propaganda or misguided brand of environmentalism that portrays humans as an imposition on nature, I do not think it is beneficial programing people to become misanthropic and see themselves (and their fellow humans) as some kind of disease or imposition with regards to our impact on the biosphere (telling them to lessen their impact and ‘leave no trace’ avoiding interacting with wilderness areas and forests). Rather, I humbly invite you to see from the more ancient perspective of our ancestors who lived in close relationship with the land to unlock our potential to intentionally have a huge impact on the land (which is positive). I invite you to see that we were given many gifts as humans which can serve to increase biodiversity, beauty, resilience and abundance within the ecosystems we live.

Through unlocking our own unique gifts and then imagining a way we can align them to be in service of life, we begin changing our viewpoint of humanity from an imposition on the Earth to an asset to the living Earth, we lead by example to redefine what it means to be a human being. We can re-define our impact as a regenerative and positive impact on the planet Earth.

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That sounds like a very useful possible "teachable moment" - thank you!

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