The revolution will involve fermented cabbage, courageous fellowship and the pursuit of hap-piness
This post shares an interview I recently did with Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat) and a shout out to my other friend Mishelle of the Kensho Homestead
Hey everyone!
In case you missed it I recently did an interview with my friend Riley Waggaman (for his Edward Slavsquat Blog) where he asked me some questions (which are generously infused with his dry wit and wonderful sarcasm).
Here is a link to the interview:
Riley is an all around great guy and his well rounded, expertly referenced, witty, humorous and no bullshit style of journalism has been shining a light on the happenings in Russia for the past few years. His vivid, courageous and often very entertaining exposés have provided a much needed voice of sanity in the ocean of savior seeking Stockholm syndromed statists demanding that we “choose a side”.
Here is a another fun interview he did that both cracked me up and left me feeling heartened and hopeful thinking of the future of humanity:
My favorite part :
Edward: You’ve lived in cities your whole life. Why did you decide to move to a village?
Ekaterina: Because cities are fake. They gathered us all into a cage. We were born into it, and our parents told us, “You gotta get a job and make money.” What bullshit.
If you would like to know the reason I resonate with that particular part of the interview so strongly, I elaborate in this comment.
I highly recommend subscribing Edward Slavsquat's Newsletter as it is unparalleled in it's honesty, unique insight, humor and diverse sources of open source intel.
I was pleased to bump into another friend and ally in the comment section of that interview I did with Riley (linked above) and after some conversation I was honored to discover she has created her own blog post which I found both inspiring and humbling.
Mishelle is one of those genuine, warm, intelligent and no holds barred type people (who I would not want to mess with as I know she can hold her own) that also gives you hope for the future through how they are leading by example, taking actions to feed themselves (living in close connection to the Earth) and educating others so they can do the same.
I became aware of her work when I connected with her in a Corbett Report thread back in 2022 and I have been following her blog ever since. She maintains the highly educational, always entertaining, very honest and down to Earth blog called Kensho Homestead) has shared some wonderful posts in the past which linked my work. I highly suggest you check out her website and subscribe as I almost always learn something new and always have a smile on my face after reading her work.
Here is a link to her most recent blog post:
Some of the best quotes from the blog, according to me ;) include:
"Yet even facing all of this, I’m still optimistic, as I have been all my life. Even at the worst of times, even during a few prolonged worst of times, I must’ve still learned something vital from my half-assed upbringing and collapsing culture.
So, here it is, in another nutshell:
Believe in yourself, believe it can change, but don’t practice in sidestepping the hard stuff. And the hardest of the hard stuff is care, real care—for yourself, for others, for the future—that is why we are here. How you go about that is your personal journey and your only real duty to discover and live. That is all there is to do in a life well-lived."
I also really appreciated her succinct delineation between the prolific institutionalized pseudocaring propaganda (which is very evident in things like the UN’s “Sustainable Development” 2030 agenda and the WHO’s “ONE Health” treaties, or what ever name they changed it to this week) and the real thing.
In this age of virtue signaling, corporate greenwashing and Justin Trudeau talking about “inclusiveness” and “reconciliation” while he and his corporate friends greenlight massive lithium mines that will be carved into the bones of the Earth in the unceded territories of First Nation peoples in northern Ontario (in the name of “sustainable development”) being able to discern the difference between real caring and fake psyop caring PR statements is of paramount importance.
It is important to keep in mind that weaponized pseudocaring is not anything new. In the past, before the digital age statists gave small pox contaminated blankets to the Nêhiyawak (aka "Cree") people shown in the picture below (who resided along the Saskatchewan River). Women, children and men were devastated by smallpox (some eye witness reports indicating that only 1 in 50 in some villages survived). The fact that smallpox was used in one of the first applications of biological warfare by both government/military officers and Jesuits Priests (also agents of Empire) in those times was repeatedly well documented. (Nies, 1996 ). This was in essence, the mass murder and genocide of innocents by the State, using biological warfare delivered via "gifts" offered under the guise of compassion and good will.
In Germany the mass murdering of innocents also began using pseudocaring propaganda, when the medical establishment was weaponized against German Citizens and they began murdering disabled children and describing that act as “mercy killing”. The operation was quickly expanded after the professionals within that key component of their industrial society had either been brainwashed and/or capitulated to the will of the state, changing their “health care” system into a mass murder apparatus.
After the masks came off, or as Frank Zappa describes it “the brick wall at the back of the theater” became visible old fascism became louder, more arrogant, aggressive, blatantly racist and obviously nefarious. It came at you guns blazing with a blitzkrieg of armored vehicles and it was clear to almost everyone what it was about (genocide).
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
The new pseudocaring fascism however, is quiet, subtle and covert... it comes at you with a blitzkrieg of fear propaganda and psychological warfare operations disseminated through infiltrated institutions you have been raised to trust and respect.
It arrives wearing a smiling face, speaking of equality, “inclusiveness”, "keeping the citizens safe from danger" and makes promises of a high tech 'utopia' offering a long list of quick fix 'solutions' that are 'easier' than those 'old natural methods' to seduce the weak minded while it slips a dagger between the ribs (democide via bio-weapon injections fraudulently marketed as medicine).

In modern times what took place in Canada (and all over the world) was (and is) a new type of biological warfare and mass murder. It is a lot more methodical, insidious, covert (and targets a much broader spectrum of the general population than was the case with the biological warfare uses of smallpox infected items/individuals and residential "schools") but it is nevertheless the government sponsored and funded mass murder of innocents. In our present day case the genocide/mass murder (or perhaps more specifically "Democide") takes the form of a kind of slow motion 'euthanasia' via injection (marketed under the guise of compassion and benevolent “free” medical treatments).
When pushed into a corner however, the pseudocaring fascists in the Canadian government did begin to show their true colors in Ottawa.
When the people of Canada (tens of thousands of truckers, farmers, doctors, retired police, retired military men and women and everyday people) showed up in Ottawa to express their support for the Freedom Convoy (and its peaceful protest against the totalitarian mandates) the corrupt government, judicial and political figures quickly attempted to change the narrative from "fringe minorities with unacceptable views" to declaring a state of emergency (illegally and without grounds). They described the peaceful people (from all ages and walks of life) as "insurrectionists" and instructed militarized police units to engage in the illegal seizure of property, physical assault of and unlawful arrest of peaceful protestors.

Corrupt Police assaulted women and harassed children in our Capitol. Heavily armed militarized police followed orders to smash and abuse peaceful protestors. They had batons, tasers, gas grenade launchers, snipers on rooftops, LRADs, APC-s, machine guns and zapstraps.

This is what Ottawa looked like on febuary 18th, 2022 for those who were voicing what our dictator PM has declared are "unacceptable views".

The RCMP even unleashed their mounted horse unit to trample peaceful protestors (including a disabled indigenous woman with a walker) in an act of despicable medieval thuggery.
Well, I suppose we can’t say they didn’t warn us, the government did say they wanted to promote “inclusiveness”.

When militarized police (who are supposed to “serve and protect” us) follow orders to jack boot stomp and mounted horseback trample peacefully protesting citizens who are paying their paychecks, that is a very illuminating example of pseudocaring indeed.
This revealed the true face behind the pseudocaring mask showing us what CJ Hopkins described as..
Taking a step back to look at the broader global stage, we can see that the plutocrats and their puppets in the UN and World Health Organization are also weaponizing pseudocaring propagana. They speak about obviously factual truths (as well as more philosophical/existential truths) such as “how interdependent humans are with ecosystems” and how “anthropocentrism is detrimental” (throwing around terms like “indigenous worldviews” and how their hyper-centralized “One Health” model is “anti-colonial”) when their megalomaniacal totalitarian lab grown food systems, GMO/CRISPR toxic “foods”, their creepy transhumanist delusions, social credit scores and carbon footprint control grids really have nothing to do with the above mentioned terms.
James Evan Pilato (of Media Monarchy) sussinctly encapsulates this trend of governments, corporations and plutocrats hijacking important terms and then weaponizing them in pseudocaring propaganda campaigns by saying:
“They steal the real and sell us back the fake.”
So true!
I`ll share a few excerpts from my Interview with Riley where I was attempting to provide some delineation between pseudocaring and actually caring (through the lens of the Permaculture Ethics) below:
Unlike the WHO’s “One Health” treaties and UN’s “sustainable” development goals (and other similar greenwashed globalist propaganda), the permaculture design ethic of “Earth Care” calls for increasing the impact we have on the ecosystems we are a part of, not minimizing the impact we have on them. Unlike the anti-human greenwashed globalist propaganda, Earth Care does not involve programing people to become misanthropic and see themselves (and their fellow humans) as some kind of disease or imposition with regards to our impact on the biosphere (telling them to lessen their impact and ‘leave no trace’ avoiding interacting with wilderness areas and forests). Rather, Earth Care invites us to see from the more ancient perspective of our ancestors who lived in close relationship with the land to unlock our potential to intentionally have a huge impact on the land (which is positive). Earth care invites us to see that we were given many gifts as humans which can serve to increase biodiversity, beauty, resilience and abundance within the ecosystems we live.
As we remember that innately kind and loving part of ourselves that we were all born with and begin to allow the natural human characteristics of compassion, tolerance and kindness to guide our actions we increase the resilience of our communities and family of humanity as a whole. Helping those in need, offering our patience and kindness to seemingly ‘difficult’ people (who need love the most), taking time to teach the children to connect with nature, these are just some of the expressions of people care that can help heal households, strengthen communities and serve to regenerate and reconnect our family of humanity as a whole so we can all share a bright and abundant future together. The Permaculture ethic of People care is not an excuse to embrace hubristic, degenerative and ego based anthropocentric perspectives and priorities, rather it reminds us that humans are conscious beings, worthy of being cherished, nurtured onto their highest potential and respected for all their infinite diversity, just as the other non-human beings on this planet are.
In stark contrast to perspectives/belief systems such as transhumanism, the WHO’s “ONE Health” treaties and the “sustainable development goals” of the UN that are focused on giving energy towards a future that involves futile attempts at the total domination and quantification of nature and the human mind (involving an obsessive focus on reductionism, materialism and an irrational fear of death), Permaculture’s Future Care design ethic instead invites us to embrace the innate gifts of the human body and mind, using those gifts to remember the more ancient perspective that sees humans as humble stewards of nature, capable of learning much from our elder species and that we each came here with gifts that can have a huge positive impact on this world to leave it a little bit more beautiful than it was when we got here for those that will call this place home after we are gone.
Next I will share some select clips from a great interview Riley did with Alfredo Bolduc in which he helps to further illuminate the true nature of the ubiquitous “sustainable development” policies and the importance of appreciating all the good and beautiful things in life, like nature, art and connecting with our fellow humans (real caring).
Here is the Whitney Webb series Riley mentioned called “Sustainable Debt Slavery”:
Another aspect of what Riley mentioned in the video above is the interesting history of how modern passports came to be and how before the first world war, requiring paperwork to be able to move freely around on the Earth was unheard of and seen as blasphemous.
Here is an article Riley published on that subject which I found to be very illuminating and educational:
I attempted to speak to what I would describe as my own intuitive knowing of how ridiculous it is that we have to pay money for documents and carry them around so that we can move freely on the planet we were born on in my recent Birch article by saying:
This ancient tree is part of the circumpolar boreal forest (native range shown in map above) meaning that the birch tree is one of those tethers to the ancient indigenous histories of all people who have ancestors that called the northern hemisphere home. many of our ancestors had a close relationship with this tree, and if they lived in the northern hemisphere there is a very good chance that birch trees played an integral part in their daily life, their traditions and their means for surviving.
Thus, the birch tree is a sacred reminder of a time before arbitrary lines were drawn in the sand by statists for greed and ego back to an era when many of our ancient ancestors knew the birch tree and had a reciprocal relationship with her. Long before people were swearing allegiance to kings, queens and flags they were swearing allegiance to the living Earth and recognizing our ancient kin (such as the lady of the woods) and the many gifts she shares with us.
When I work with trees like the Birch, that connect so many of our ancient ancestors to place and to the living Earth, it illuminates what it really means to be human and what is important in life. Working with these wise teachers and ancient allies of humanity, helps me realize how we are all part of one family and that through consciously nurturing courageous fellowship, walking with humility and recognizing the sacredness of all life we can embark on a path towards a more hopeful future.
I am honored that I was guided to connect with allies and friends such as Riley Waggaman, Mishelle Shepard, JEP (and Cassie) of Media Monarchy, James Corbett, Margaret Anna Alice, Barbara Sinclair, John Galt, Tereza Coraggio, Steve Connally, Derrick Jensen and many more courageous, caring, humble and fierce individuals who are striving to live with integrity and choose the path less travelled. The last three years have been challenging yes, but they also offered a blessing in disguise which came in the form of the extreme circumstances illuminating people’s true nature when their preferred way of life was under fire and it showed us who we can truly rely on.
In closing I will share some words of wisdom from a post by James Corbett that speak to the heart of much of what I was discussing with Riley in my interview linked above and what I was attempting to express in my talk at the R-Future Conference. Orwell's Newspeak nightmare, in which we won't be able to understand the Declaration of Independence, isn't a warning of what might come. No, it's a testament to what has already happened. (Or should that be "hap"-pened.)
You see, "happiness" is one of those words that has strayed so far from its original meaning that we can no longer recognize its roots.
In the Declaration, then, Jefferson (or is it Thomas Paine?) does not intend to enshrine anything as base as a mere passing physical sensation or emotion as one of the "inalienable rights" endowed on us by our Creator. The founding document of the War of Independence was not predicated on your right to stuff your face with beer and nachos while watching a sportsball game on a widescreen TV.
Rather, the pursuit of happiness is the God-given right for each one of us to pursue our fate, to take our spin on the great wheel of fortune—the Rota Fortunae, that is, not the Pat Sajack version—and to embark on the great adventure of life, whatever hap-penstance may occur.
This is the nature of a "happy life" in Solon's (and Aristotle's) sense, and this is the "pursuit of happiness" that Jefferson (or was it Paine?) was referencing. Not some crass quest for moments of bodily pleasure, but the right to engage in the (not always pleasurable) lifelong struggle to achieve virtue and honour.
Stephen Anderson elaborates in his recent thoughtful article on "Hap & Happiness":
Living by virtue produces a life that is complete and worthy of praise. Living such a life is possible in circumstances, provided that the experiencer responds to them with courage and integrity. The circumstances themselves say nothing of the possibility of blessedness; on their own, they cannot inhibit it in any way, for it depends not on hap (which mayhap in any form), but on the principled commitment of the person to considerations such as duty, decency, and destiny. Anyone may be a hero: their response, not the circumstances themselves, determines it.
In such a sense, then, anybody may be ‘happy’ if he or she so chooses—provided their character ultimately proves adequate to the specific challenge of his or her life. The gods may then look with retrospective approval at one's course, strewn though it be with bitterness and pain. And even in life, one may find it a consolation that one has 'done well', so long as one has lived by virtuous principles with noble patience. All of that continuously remains within the control of the individual. We make our own choices, not of our circumstances, but of our responses to them.
…"happiness" has nothing to do with whatever machinations the Davos/Bilderberger/Trilateral Great Reset cabal are planning to inflict on us.
In fact, our happiness is not for anyone to give to us. Nor is it for anyone to take away from us.
Our happiness is not contingent on comfortable circumstances or pleasurable sensations or material comforts or any other hap-penstance of our fortune.
Instead, true happiness only comes when we walk through the fiery crucible of experience and emerge on the other side with our morals and our dignity intact. Yes, bad things will no doubt befall us this year, but we are not defined by the things that happen to us. No. We are defined by the way we respond to those things.
Each of us can lead by example in our communities, forging courageous fellowships with other trail blazers, engaging in the pursuit of Hap-piness (living with integrity, dignity, honor, appreciation and compassion) and choosing to show people the difference between pseudocaring and really caring.
Thank you to all of you out there who genuinely care about your fellow beings (human and non-human), the Living Earth and the future we will be leaving to those who call this place home after we are gone. Thank you for choosing make your actions reflect how much you care and in doing so, leading the way and illuminating the path forward.
I am honored to walk this path along side of you brothers and sisters.

Thank you so much for this article Gavin. I am so very humbled to be mentioned with the amazing leaders of insight, truth, and honesty listed in the same paragraph. My contribution to the greater world certainly has smaller ripples than those you listed. I am just one person, trying desperately to find my way and be a good man for my family and everything effected by me. I'm a child in this movement of truth and knowledge and so many of those listed are such grand thought leaders. I don't think I deserve to be mentioned in the company of the others but am encouraged that you recognize something positive I'm projecting out into the ethos. Most of the time I feel very lost. Perhaps you see I am not lost at all. Thank you.
Beautiful and inspiring Gavin! I’m so touched to be included in your growing list of caring friends on the regenerative path. I really look forward to learning more about permaculture from you and to improve the homestead gradually based on these designs. I had no idea what I was doing when we bought the property and it’s all been by self-teaching and instinct so far, which did have its purpose, but was harder than it needed to be.
Things have changed SO much since then, in about 15 years, which is not that much time when you think of it. We have transformed our property into something really cute and functional, which is such a great feeling. But, what’s extraordinary is how the community is transforming. There was NO ONE around us talking homesteading (except ‘What’s that?’), very few young folk living rural, I’d never heard the term ‘food forest’, folks out here didn’t even understand the word ‘organic’. And now, WOW! There are homesteading groups, homeschooling all over the place, so many learning to garden, lots of young families getting involved, so much energy and willingness--it is truly astonishing and wonderful to witness and be a small part of.
Fermenting is gaining interest too, I’ve taught a couple of small classes and there is interest in more. Exciting times to be part of the solution, my friend!
And so delightful to have courageous fellowship along the way. I also thought that essay on Happiness by JC was spot on. I’ve also criticized that word, and pursuit, and he made me see the true value of it. So many opportunities to learn every day--it’s a wonderful life!
Thanks again and more power to y’all! 🤗